- Mozilla/Firefox/Safari:按住Shift键的同时点击“Reload”,或按下Ctrl-Shift-R(苹果 Mac 上为Cmd-Shift-R);
- Internet Explorer:按住Ctrl键的同时点击“Refresh”,或按下Ctrl-F5;
- Konqueror:直接点击“Reload”按钮,或按下F5;
- Opera用户可能需要在工具 → 首选项中彻底清除缓存。
* Replacement for the old [[MediaWiki:Gadget-autodel.js]] that is now on [[User:Mike.lifeguard/Gadget-autodel.js]]
* Eases deletion of pages
* Documentation at [[Help:Gadget-autodel.js]]
* @rev 1 (2012-07-02)
* @author Rillke, 2012
// List the global variables for jsHint-Validation. Please make sure that it passes
// Scheme: globalVariable:allowOverwriting[, globalVariable:allowOverwriting][, globalVariable:allowOverwriting]
/*global jQuery:false, mediaWiki:false*/
// Set jsHint-options. You should not set forin or undef to false if your script does not validate.
/*jshint forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true, bitwise:true, strict:true, undef:true, curly:false, browser:true*/
( function ( $, mw ) {
"use strict";
var autoDel = null,
server = mw.config.get('wgServer'),
articlePath = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath');
if ( (-1 === $.inArray(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName'), ['Contributions', 'Whatlinkshere', 'Log', 'Prefixindex', 'Newpages'])) &&
(!mw.config.get('wgArticleId') || -1 === $.inArray(mw.config.get('wgAction'), ['submit', 'view', 'edit', 'delete'])) ) return;
mw.util.addCSS('.autodel-dellink { background-color:#CEEDB4; font-size:.8em; position:relative; top:-0.5em; }');
autoDel = {
aDelInstall: function() {
var p = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', 'Add DeleteLinks', 'ca-dellink', 'generate deletion links');
if (p) {
p = $(p);
} else {
} {
autoDel.tasks = ['aDelQueryDefaultReason', 'aDelAddDelLinks'];
if ('delete' === mw.config.get('wgAction') && mw.util.getParamValue('submitdelete')) {
"Either you are using an old version of autoDel or you opened a link in a new tab. " +
"Deletion via URL is evil and therefore not done. " +
"If you are using the latest version of autoDel, simply click the delete link. " +
"An in-page-dialog will be opened. You can submit deletion immediately pressing the enter-key. " +
"While it makes your account vulnerable, you can skip this dialog adding "
), $('<code>', { text: 'window.skipAutodelConfirm = true;' }),
$('<a>', { text: " to your common.js", href: 'Special:MyPage/common.js' }),
"If you decided to add it to your js, be careful where you are clicking and double-check the tool tips."
// Providing functionality for {{Instant-nuke}}
// Additional safeguard: only run on the delinker-command-page or those the user wants it
window.autodelPages = $.extend({'User:CommonsDelinker/commands': true}, window.autodelPages);
if (!window.autodelPages[mw.config.get('wgPageName')]) return;
var $ins = $('.instant-nuke').css('display', 'inline-block').attr('title', 'Invoke immediate deletion');
$ins.each(function(i, el) {
try {
var $el = $(el),
h = $el.find('a:first').attr('href'),
pg_ = mw.util.getParamValue('title', h),
pg = pg_.replace(/_/g, ' '),
r = mw.util.getParamValue('wpReason', h),
bt = $el.find('.selToBlock').text(),
$b = $el.parents(bt),
// WikiUrlencode does too much, same for encodeURIComponent
$ol = $b.find('a[href$="' + encodeURI(pg_).replace(/\'/g, '%27').replace(/\"/g, '%22') + '"]');
$'autoDel', { page: pg, $parent: $b, $oLink: $ol, reason: r });
if (!autoDel.aDelPages[pg]) autoDel.aDelPages[pg] = [];
$(el).find('a').attr('title', 'Delete ' + pg);
} catch (ex) {}
aDelQueryDefaultReason: function() {
var c = mw.cookie.get('com-autodel-reason');
this.reason = c || 'per [[COM:SPEEDY]]';
message: 'default reason',
prefill: this.reason,
returnvalue: 'reason',
cleanUp: true,
noEmpty: true,
byteLimit: 250,
parseReason: true
}], "Adding links: Set the default reason.");
aDelAddDelLinks: function() {
if (this.delLinksAdded) return;
var tryDecode = function(title) {
try {
// MediaWiki also encodes "=" even if not required (not a query string)
if (title) title = decodeURIComponent(title);
return title;
} catch(ex2) {
try {
if (title) title = decodeURI(title);
} catch (ex) {}
return title;
var tryDecodeComponent = function(title) {
try {
if (title) title = decodeURIComponent(title);
} catch (ex) {}
return title;
var addLink = function(pg, $el) {
if (!pg) return;
if (0 === pg.indexOf(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[-1])) return;
pg = pg.replace(/_/g, ' ');
var $dLink = $('<a>', { 'class': 'autodel-dellink', href: '#', text: 'Delete!', title: 'Delete ' + pg });
$'autoDel', { page: pg, $parent: $el.parent(), $oLink: $el });
if (!autoDel.aDelPages[pg]) autoDel.aDelPages[pg] = [];
return true;
$('#mw-content-text').find('a').each(function(i, el) {
var $el = $(el),
h = $el.attr('href'),
pg, REArticle, m;
if ($el.hasClass('new')) return;
pg = mw.util.getParamValue('title', h);
if (addLink(tryDecodeComponent(pg), $el)) return;
REArticle = new RegExp('^' + mw.RegExp.escape(articlePath.replace('$1', '')) + '(.+?)(?:#.*)?$');
m = h.match(REArticle);
if (m) if (addLink(tryDecode(m[1]), $el)) return;
REArticle = new RegExp(mw.RegExp.escape(server + articlePath.replace('$1', '')) + '(.+?)(?:#.*)?$');
m = h.match(REArticle);
if (m) if (addLink(tryDecode(m[1]), $el)) return;
this.delLinksAdded = true;
// Finally save the reason into a cookie
mw.cookie.set('com-autodel-reason', this.reason, {
expires: 14, // expires in 14 days
path: '/' // domain-wide, entire wiki
__aDelConfirmDelete: function(e) {
var $dLink = $(this),
d = $'autoDel'),
$toRemove = $dLink,
$toBlock = d.$parent,
$toSetNew = d.$oLink;
// Add all links with the same target page
$.each(autoDel.aDelPages[], function(i, el) {
var $el = $(el),
di = $'autoDel');
if (!di) return;
$toRemove = $toRemove.add($el);
$toBlock = $toBlock.add(di.$parent);
$toSetNew = $toSetNew.add(di.$oLink);
var wasValidLink = !!$dLink.inView().length && (/[Dd]elete/.test($dLink.text()) || /\/16px-Gr%C3%BCnerm%C3%BClleimer\.svg\.png$/.test($dLink.find('img').attr('src')) && $dLink.find('img').inView().length );
// The last param is the check whether the delete-link was probably faked
autoDel.secureCall('aDelConfirmDelete',, $toRemove, $toBlock, $toSetNew, d.reason, wasValidLink);
aDelFillInfoNode: function(page, $node) {
var query, isFile = (0 === page.indexOf(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[6]));
if (isFile) {
query = {
action: 'query',
prop: 'imageinfo|info',
intoken: 'delete',
iiprop: 'user|timestamp|url',
iiurlwidth: 250,
iiurlheight: 250,
iilimit: 1,
titles: page
} else {
query = {
action: 'query',
prop: 'info|revisions',
rvprop: 'user|timestamp',
rvlimit: 1,
rvdir: 'newer',
intoken: 'delete',
titles: page
this.queryAPI(query, function(r) {
var pgs = r.query.pages,
type = "page",
$.each(pgs, function(i, pgObj) {
pg = pgObj;
autoDel.deletetoken = pg.deletetoken;
$('<span>').text("You are going to delete "),
$('<a>', { href: mw.util.getUrl(pg.title), text: pg.title }),
$('<span>').text(" (" + pg.length + " Bytes, PageID: " + pg.pageid + ", Changed: " + pg.touched + ").")
if ('undefined' !== typeof pg.missing) return $('.ui-dialog').find('.ui-button-green').button('option', 'disabled', true);
if (isFile) {
if (!pg.imageinfo) return;
rv = pg.imageinfo[0];
type = "file";
$node.append($('<img>', { src: rv.thumburl, height: rv.height, width: rv.width }));
} else {
if (!pg.revisions) return;
rv = pg.revisions[0];
$node.append($('<div>').text("This " + type + " was created by " + rv.user + " on " + rv.timestamp ));
aDelConfirmDelete: function(page, $dLink, $toBlock, $toSetNew, reason, wasValidLink) {
var $infoNode = $('<div>', { css: { 'min-height': '300px' } });
this.tasks = ['aDelExecDelete'];
this.pageToDelete = page;
this.$toRemove = $dLink;
this.$toBlock = $toBlock;
this.$toSetNew = $toSetNew;
// Always watch the tooltip to prevent accidental wrong deletions
// You are responsible if you delete the world!
if (window.skipAutodelConfirm && wasValidLink) {
if (reason) this.reason = reason;
return this.nextTask();
this.secureCall('aDelFillInfoNode', page, $infoNode);
message: 'Delete reason (used in the deletion log)',
prefill: reason || this.reason,
returnvalue: 'reason',
cleanUp: true,
appendNode: $infoNode,
noEmpty: true,
byteLimit: 250,
parseReason: true
}], "WARNING: You are going to DELETE " + page);
aDelExecDelete: function() {
var $toRemove = this.$toRemove,
$toBlock = this.$toBlock,
$toSetNew = this.$toSetNew,
pg = autoDel.pageToDelete;
$toBlock.block({ message: 'Deleting', css: { color: '#A0C828', fontWeight: 'bold', background:'none', border:'none', width: '8em' } });
if (autoDel.deletetoken) mw.user.tokens.set('deleteToken', autoDel.deletetoken);
mw.loader.using(['ext.gadget.libAPI'], function() {
cb: function() {
autoDel.secureCall('aDelExecDeleteCB', $toBlock, $toSetNew, $toRemove, pg);
// r-result, query, text
errCb: function(t, r, q) {
if (r && r.error && r.error.code === 'missingtitle') {
$toBlock.block({ message: 'Not found!', css: { color: '#C8A028', fontWeight: 'bold', background:'none', border:'none', width: '10em' } });
$toBlock.unblock( { fadeOut: 5000 } );
} else {
title: pg,
reason: autoDel.reason
//console.log(pg); autoDel.aDelExecDeleteCB()
aDelExecDeleteCB: function($toBlock, $toSetNew, $toRemove, pg) {
if ($toSetNew.hasClass('image')) $toSetNew.find('img').fadeTo(500, 0.5);
delete this.aDelPages[pg];
aDelPages: {}
], function() {
// Merge into AjaxQuickDelete
autoDel = $.extend(window.AjaxQuickDelete, autoDel);
// Fire off the rest as soon as the dom is ready
$( document ).ready( function() { autoDel.secureCall('aDelInstall'); } );
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ));