- Mozilla/Firefox/Safari:按住Shift并点击重新加载,或按Ctrl-Shift-R(Apple Mac 上为 Cmd-Shift-R);
- Internet Explorer:按住Ctrl并点击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5;
- Konqueror:只需点击重新加载按钮,或按F5;
- Opera用户可能需要在工具→首选项中完全清除他们的缓存。
var cg = {
version: 2.06,
require: 2.64,
textspan: "WKCGSpan",
editspan: "WKCGFormSpanEdit",
statspan: "WKCGStatSpan",
formspan: "WKCGFormSpan"
cg.tags = "";
cg.notes = "";
cg.subjects = new Array(
["opt", "Computing"],
["Software (general)", "Computer software"],
["Programming Language", "Programming language"],
["Business Software", "Computer software"],
["Computer Science", "Computer science"],
["Operating Systems", "Computer software"],
["Computer Graphics", "Computer science"],
["Information Technology", "Information technology"],
["Meta Languages", "Domain-specific languages"],
["opt", "Engineering"],
["Engineering (general)", "Engineering"],
["Electrical Engineering", "Electrical Engineering"],
["Computer Engineering", "Computer Engineering"],
["Elec / Comp Engineering", "Electrical Engineering|Computer Engineering"],
["Mechanical Engineering", "Mechanical Engineering"],
["Civil Engineering", "Civil Engineering"],
["Chemical Engineering", "Chemical Engineering"],
["opt", "Science and Technology"],
["Science (general)", "Science"],
["Physics", "Physics"],
["Medicine", "Health science"],
["Technology", "Technology"],
["Biology", "Biology"],
["Life Science", "Life Science"],
["Mathematics", "Mathematics"],
["Chemistry", "Chemistry"],
["Earth Sciences", "Earth Sciences"],
["Environmental Science", "Environmental Science"],
["opt", "Arts and Humanities"],
["Art", "Arts"],
["Music", "Music"],
["Architecture", "Architecture"],
["Education", "Education"],
["Languages", "Languages"],
["English and Literature", "Language and literature"],
["Philosophy", "Philosophy"],
["Psychology", "Social Sciences"],
["Religion", "Religion"],
["Geography", "Humanities"],
["opt", "Social sciences"],
["History (general)", "History"],
["History (usa)", "History"],
["Business and Economics", "Business and economics"],
["Law", "Law"],
["Social Science", "Social sciences"],
["Agriculture", "Social sciences"],
["Political Science", "Political Science"],
["Military Science", "Military science"],
["Naval Science", "Naval science"],
["opt", "Miscellaneous"],
["Games and Athletics", "Games and athletics"],
["How To", "How-tos"],
["Study Guides", "Study guides"],
["Help", "Help"],
["Misc", "Miscellaneous"]
cg._form = null;
cg.getForm = function() {
if(cg._form == null) cg.createForm();
return cg._form;
cg.bookName = "";
cg.getBookName = function() {
cg.bookName = cg._booknameB.value;
return cg.bookName;
cg.makeOptgroup = function (parent, i) {
for( ; i < cg.subjects.length; i++) {
if(cg.subjects[i][0] == "opt") return i - 1;
else {
parent.appendChild(wk.makeElement("option", {value:i}, cg.subjects[i][0]));
return i;
cg.makeSubjectSelect = function(num, multi) {
var s = (num == null)?(1):(num);
cg._subjectB = wk.makeElement("select", {id:"WKCGSubjectB", size:s, name:"WKCGSubjectB"});
if(multi) {
cg._subjectB.multiple = true;
for(i = 0; i < cg.subjects.length; i++) {
if(cg.subjects[i][0] == "opt") {
var node = wk.makeElement("optgroup", {label:cg.subjects[i][1]});
i = cg.makeOptgroup(node, i + 1);
} else {
var node = wk.makeElement("option", {value:i}, subjects[i][0]);
return cg._subjectB;
cg.writeCats = function (subject, bookname) {
var temp = "{" + "{Subject|" + subject[1] + "}}\n";
if(bookname == "") temp += "{" + "{Alphabetical}}\n";
else temp += "{" + "{Alphabetical|" + bookname.substr(0, 1) + "}}";
return temp;
cg.createForm = function() {
var div = wk.spanText(cg.formspan, "");
if(div == null) return;
cg._displayB = wk.makeButton("WKCGDisplayB", "Display", cg.display);
cg._editB = wk.makeButton("WKCGEditB", "Edit", cg.edit);
cg._booknameB = wk.makeInput("WKCGBookNameB", "")
cg._form = wk.makeElement("form", {name:"WKCGFormB", method:"GET"}, [
" ",
wk.makeButton("WKCGCategorizeB", "Categorize", cg.categorize),
" ",
wk.makeButton("WKCGClearB", "Clear", cg.clear)
wk.toggleDisable(cg._displayB, true);
wk.toggleDisable(cg._editB, true);
if(typeof wk == 'object' && wk.testVersion(cg.require)) {
cg.clear = function() {
wk.toggleDisable(cg._displayB, true);
wk.toggleDisable(cg._editB, true);
wk.spanText(cg.textspan, "");
wk.spanText(cg.statspan, "");
cg.categorize = function () {
var form = cg.getForm();
var select = cg._subjectB;
var index = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
var subject = cg.subjects[index];
cg.tags = cg.writeCats(subject, cg.bookName);
cg.notes = "<b>Notes:</b><br><ul>" +
"<li>These are the templates necessary to categorize your book as being \"" +
"<b>" + subject[0] + "</b>\"";
cg.notes = cg.notes + "</ul>";
wk.toggleDisable(cg._displayB, false);
wk.toggleDisable(cg._editB, false);
wk.spanText(cg.statspan, "Created categories for [[" +
((cg.bookName == "")?("Unknown Book"):(wk.wikiLinkText(cg.bookName))) +
"]]. Click <b>Display</b> to see the created category templates. " +
"Click <b>Edit</b> to display an edit window and save changes.");
cg.display = function() {
"<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\">" +
"<b>Categorization Templates:</b><br>" +
"<pre>" + cg.tags + "</pre>" +
"</td><td valign=\"top\">" +
cg.notes + "</td></tr></table>");
if(cg.getBookName() == "") {
"These are the categorization templates for your book. " +
"Copy and Paste these templates into your book.");
} else {
"These are the categorization templates for [[" +
wk.wikiLinkText(cg.bookName) +
"]]. Copy and Paste these templates into your book, or click " +
"<b>Edit</b> to display an edit window and save these changes.");
cg.edit = function() {
if(cg.getBookName() == "") {
setSpanText(cg.statspan, "You must enter a valid book name to <b>Edit</b>");
wk.spanText(cg.statspan, "Loading edit window...");
wk.loadEditPage(cg.bookName, function(xml) {
var editform = wk.showEditWindow(xml, cg.textspan);
var temp = editform.text.value;
if(temp.length < 20) {
wk.spanText(cg.statspan, "The page [[" +
wk.wikiLinkText(cg.bookName) +
"]] does not exist or is not a proper book table of contents (TOC). " +
"You should only categorize proper book pages or " +
"TOCs. Double-check the spelling of the title, if the page is supposed " +
"to exist. If the book does not yet exist, create it first with Whiteknight's " +
wk.wikiLinkText("User:Whiteknight/Book Designer Gadget", "Book Designer Gadget") +
wk.spanText(cg.textspan, "");
editform.summary.value = cg.bookName +
": Autocategorizing using Whiteknight's Categorization Gadget";
temp = temp.replace(/\{\{cleanup-link\}\}\n*/gi, "");
temp = temp.replace(/\{\{(alphabetical|DDC|LOC|Shelf)([^\}])*\}\}/gi, "");
temp = temp.replace(/\{\{(software|programming language|business software|computer science|operating systems|computer graphics)\}\}/gi, "");
temp = temp.replace(/\n\n\n+/g, "\n\n");
editform.text.value = temp + "\n" + cg.tags;
"You are editing the text for [[" +
wk.wikiLinkText(cg.bookName) +
"]]. The categorization templates have been appended to the end of the page. " +
"Make sure that the text is correct, and then click <b>Save Page</b>."
cg.createForm2 = function() {
var div = document.getElementById(cg.editspan);
if(div == null) return;
wk.toggleDisplay(div, "block");
cg.bookName = div.innerHTML;
cg._booknameB = wk.makeElement("input", {type:"hidden", id:"WKCGBookNameB", value:cg.bookName})
cg._form = wk.makeElement("form", {name:"WKCGFormB", method:"GET"}, [
wk.makeButton("WKCGCategorizeB", "Categorize", cg.categorize2)
if(typeof wk == "object" && wk.testVersion(cg.require)) {
cg.categorize2 = function() {
var select = cg._subjectB;
var index = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
tags = cg.writeCats(cg.subjects[index], cg.bookName);
var editwin = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1");
if(editwin) {
var temp = editwin.value;
temp = temp.replace(/\{\{(Alphabetical|DDC|LOC|UDC|Shelf|Subject)([^\}])*\}\}/gi, "");
temp = temp.replace(/\{\{(software|programming language|business software|computer science|operating systems|computer graphics|engineering)\}\}/gi, "");
temp = temp.replace(/\n\n\n+/g, "\n\n");
editwin.value = temp + "\n" + tags;
cg.returnAllSelected = function () {
var subjects = cg._subjectB;
var opts = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < subjects.options.length; i++) {
if(subjects.options[i].selected) {
var index = subjects.options[i].value;
return opts;
cg.getItemIndex = function (item) {
for(var i = 0; i < cg.subjects.length; i++) {
if(cg.subjects[i][0] == 'opt') continue;
if(cg.subjects[i][0] == item) return i;
if(cg.subjects[i][1] == item) return i;
return 0;
cg.setItemSelected = function(value) {
for(var i = 0; i < cg._subjectB.options.length; i++) {
if(cg._subjectB.options[i].value == value) {
cg._subjectB.options[i].selected = true;
return i;
return 0;
cg.setSelected = function(opts) {
var subjects = cg._subjectB;
var index = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
if(typeof opts[i] == 'string') {
index = cg.getItemIndex(opts[i]);
} else {
index = opts[i];