GRE 指南/杂项文章
< GRE 指南
GRE 偶尔也会包含一些更不寻常的话题。
By the late 1800s, the concept of a “corporation” - a legal entity separate and distinct from its stockholders - was firmly entrenched in Anglo-American law. 5 However, its use and creation had a remarkably different context. The first corporations had been royal “charters” of the British Crown, such as the British East India Company or the Hudson's Bay 10 Company, and were used to exploit exclusive territorial and trading rights secured through English global imperialism. This model, while highly effective for managing global trade, was far less 15 applicable in the United States, which for the brunt of the 1800s was focused on pushing westward within its own borders. Accordingly, the “charter” - which typically would require a 20 government enactment - was of little help. Instead, various states, beginning with New Jersey, began a new trend of the “enabling” corporate statute, under which any citizen could create a corporation to 25 manage private business affairs. By the 20th century, most states of the United States as well as nations worldwide had created some type of “enabling” statute, allowing private individuals to form 30 corporations to manage their mutual assets.
1. 公司是如何起源的?
2. 美国法律允许的公司(最初在 新泽西州成立)与英国人使用的原始公司有何不同?
3. 英国和美国之间的哪些差异导致了公司性质的这种差异和变化?
1. 根据文章,公司最初是由英国皇室颁发的特许状,用于管理世界各地的经济事务。这在第 6-12 行有解释,并给出了哈德逊湾公司和英国东印度公司的例子。
2. 新泽西州的法律允许个人自愿成立公司,而不是由政府法令成立。因此,在这方面与传统的英国法律有所不同。
3. 正如第 13-20 行所解释的那样,美国经济的扩张主要是国内的,因此英国模式对美国人来说几乎没有用,他们希望有商业实体来管理国内事务。因此,在美国法律下发展起来的公司是私人个人可以在州的许可和保护下组建的企业,用来管理他们的事务。