这里展示了整数的模幂运算算法 - 一种高效计算 ae (mod n) 的方法。该通用算法也可用于具有乘法和幂运算的其他代数结构,并且在值的范围有上限 - 模数时效率很高。可以使用此基本算法的其他结构包括具有浮点系数的矩阵幂运算以及有限域上的椭圆曲线计算(虽然在这种情况下操作称为乘法,而不是幂运算)。
这是最直观的算法。该算法逐位扫描指数,如果第 n 位的值为 1,则将累加器乘以 a2^n,该累加器是通过在遍历指数时进行连续平方而计算得到的。
function powmod(a, e, n) accum := 1 x = e // Scan the bits of the exponents apow := a // Successive powers, a^(2^n) while (x ≠ 0) if (x is odd) accum := accum × apow (mod n) Divide x by 2 apow : = apow^2 (mod n) return accum
该算法使用的内存略少 - 不需要单独存储 a 的幂,并且如果底数 a 具有特殊结构(例如,很小),使其易于乘法,则该算法效率更高。该算法从紧随最高位的位到低阶位逐位扫描指数。
function powmod(a, e, n) accum := a if (e = 0) return 1 // A special case for (bitptr := highbit(e) - 1; bitptr >= 0; bitptr--) accum := accum^2 (mod n) if (e[bitptr] = 1) accum := accum × a (mod n) return accum
long powmod(long a, long e, long n) {
long accum = 1, apow, x;
apow = a; x = e;
while (x != 0) {
if (x & 0x01)
accum = (accum*apow) % n;
x >>= 1;
apow = (apow * apow) % n;
return accum;
GMP 允许使用任意精度进行计算。GMP 库有一个 mpz_powm(result,a,e,n)
// High to Low powmod algorithm
void powmod(mpz_t result, mpz_t a, mpz_t e, mpz_t n) {
// Use result as accum (temp variable)
if (mpz_cmp_si(e, 0) == 0) { // If exponent is zero
mpz_set_ui(result, 1); // Set result to 1
mpz_set(result, a); // Set value of accum to a
int bitptr = mpz_sizeinbase(e,2) - 1; // Find top bit in exponent
for (bitptr--; bitptr >= 0; bitptr--) {
mpz_mul(result, result, result); // result <-- result^2
mpz_fdiv_r(result, result, n); // result <-- result (mod n)
if (mpz_tstbit(e,bitptr)) { // Is bit e[bitptr] == 1?
mpz_mul(result, result, a); // result <-- result*a
mpz_fdiv_r(result, result, n); // result <-- result (mod n)
public static long powmod(long a, long e, long n){
long accum = 1;
long x = e;
long apow = a;
while (x != 0){
if ((x & 0x01) == 0x01){
accum = (accum * apow) % n;
x >>= 1;
apow = (apow * apow) % n;
return accum;
Java BigInteger 类有一个 modPow(e, n)
// High to low powmod algorithm
public static BigInteger POWMOD(BigInteger a, BigInteger e, BigInteger n) {
BigInteger accum = a;
if (e.equals(BigInteger.ZERO))
return BigInteger.ONE;
int bitptr = e.bitLength()-1;
for (bitptr--; bitptr >= 0; bitptr--) {
accum = accum.multiply(accum).mod(n);
if (e.testBit(bitptr)) {
accum = accum.multiply(a).mod(n);
return accum;
Python 有一个 pow(a, e, n)
def powmod(a: int, e: int, n: int) -> int:
accum: int = 1
apow2: int = a
while e > 0:
if e & 1:
accum = (accum * apow2) % n
apow2 = (apow2 * apow2) % n
e = e >> 1
return accum