束搜索是 广度优先搜索 或 最佳优先搜索 的一个限制性或修改版本。它之所以受限,是因为可用于存储一组备选搜索节点的可用内存量有限,以及因为在搜索的任何步骤中都可以修剪掉无希望的节点(Zhang,1999)。对无希望节点的修剪由特定于问题的启发式方法确定(Zhang,1999)。最有可能或最佳备选搜索节点的集合被称为“束”(Xu and Fern,2007)。本质上,束搜索是一种前向修剪的启发式搜索。
以下作为修改后的最佳优先搜索的束搜索算法改编自 Zhang 的 1999 年研究
beamSearch(problemSet, ruleSet, memorySize) openMemory = new memory of size memorySize nodeList = problemSet.listOfNodes node = root or initial search node Add node to openMemory; while (node is not a goal node) Delete node from openMemory; Expand node and obtain its children, evaluate those children; If a child node is pruned according to a rule in ruleSet, delete it; Place remaining, non-pruned children into openMemory; If memory is full and has no room for new nodes, remove the worst node, determined by ruleSet, in openMemory; node = the least costly node in openMemory;
束搜索具有可能减少搜索的计算量,从而减少搜索时间的优势(Xu and Fern,2007)。此外,搜索的内存消耗远小于其底层搜索方法(Furcy and Koenig)。这种潜在优势取决于用于修剪的启发式规则的准确性和有效性,并且由于需要对问题域的专业知识,因此获取此类规则可能有点困难(Zhang,1999)。束搜索的主要缺点是搜索可能不会产生最佳目标,甚至可能根本无法到达目标。事实上,束搜索算法在两种情况下终止:达到所需的目標节点,或者没有达到目标节点并且没有其他节点可供探索(Zhang,1999)。束搜索有可能是不完整的。尽管存在这些缺点,束搜索在语音识别、视觉、规划和机器学习等实际领域取得了成功(Zhang,1999)。
- Zhang, W. (1999). State-space search: Algorithms, complexity, extensions, and applications. Springer: New York.
- Xu, Y., Fern, A. (2007). On learning linear ranking functions for beam search. Retrieved on March 8, 2009, from http://www.machinelearning.org/proceedings/icml2007/papers/168.pdf
- Furcy, D., Koenig, S. Limited discrepancy beam search. Retrieved on March 8, 2009, from http://www.ijcai.org/papers/0596.pdf