圣经研究/新约注释/马太福音/第 23 章
马太福音第 23 章是一个臭名昭著的章节,通常被称为七个祸患,其中耶稣批评了律法教师和法利赛人(基本上是犹太教的领导人)。在本节中,我们看到耶稣的态度与他通常表现出来的态度大不相同。在本节中,耶稣公开批评法利赛人,似乎表现出某种愤怒的情绪。
{马太福音 23 章的概述和背景}
This chapter in Matthew is the beginning of what is known as the "Judgment Discourse" in which Jesus gives a speech that stretches through Matthew 25:46. During this chapter, Jesus is believed to be in the Temple, where he has been since Matthew 21:23, and will stay until Matthew 24:1. Throughout this chapter, Jesus is talking to the crowds and his disciples, not actually to the Pharisees and teachers of the law themselves. Here in the Temple, in chapter 23, we find Jesus challenging the actions Pharisees and the religious leaders. In verse one, we find Jesus speaking “to the crowds and to his disciples.” Jesus is issuing a warning to the people about the “teachers of the law and the Pharisees.” In verses two and three He tells the people to obey these leaders in what they say, because they “sit upon the seat of Moses.” Here it seems that Jesus is actually accrediting their ability to teach and interpret the Law, and says that the people are to listen to them in this regard. Immediately after this though, Jesus starts in his criticism of the teachers and Pharisees by telling the people not to do as they do, for they are hypocrites. Jesus is basically saying that what they say is good (it is the law of Moses), but they do not do as they say, instead “they tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them” (v4). That is to say they hold others extremely accountable to the Law, but they themselves to not hold to it nor help others out. Jesus accuses the Pharisees of doing things in a greedy manner in order to be seen and revered, from the way they dress to the seats they choose at banquets and in the synagogue. It seems that these men also love to be called “Rabbi”, and at this Jesus tells the people and his disciples not to call anyone “Rabbi”, “father”, or “teacher”, for they are all equal like brothers with only one Master, only one Father who is God, and only one Teacher who is Christ. Jesus, in verse 12, then says the well known line, “whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” All of this now leads to the beginning of “The Seven Woes,” in which Jesus begins to list the misdeeds of the Pharisee, and which starts in verse 13 with the first of the seven. In each of these “woes,” Jesus charges the teachers and the Pharisees with a different wrong doing. All of these begin with Jesus stating “"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!”, with the exception of the third woe which begins, “Woe to you, blind guides!” The literary form of this section of the chapter is known as apostrophe (addressing somebody who is not actually present). Following the seven woes, Jesus then laments Jerusalem in verses 37-39. These words include Jesus telling the people how their sins fit hand in hand with the destruction of the Temple. This is referred to in verse 38 when he says "Look, your house is left to you desolate". In verse 39, he says "you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’” This comes from the fact that the people of Israel were about to reject Jesus as the Messiah and sentence him to crucifixion.
第 1-4 节
在马太福音第 23 章的第一节经文中,耶稣正在对群众和门徒说话(注意他不是直接对法利赛人和领导人说话)。耶稣指出他们“坐在摩西的座位上”,这象征着拉比教授的权威。在第 3 节中,耶稣似乎希望人们认识到他们的权威,并“服从他们,做他们告诉你们的一切”,但他警告他们不要做他们所做的。在这里,耶稣承认领导人有权解释摩西律法,但领导人所树立的榜样并没有遵循他们的教导。在第 4 节中,耶稣谈论了领导人是如何“捆绑沉重的担子,放在人的肩上,而他们自己却不愿意动一根手指去搬动它们”。这是在处理领导人如何拒绝帮助那些被他们强加的规则压得喘不过气的人。重要的是要认识到,耶稣并不是说领导人自己没有遵守规则,而是说他们拒绝帮助那些被这些规则压得喘不过气的人。这种行为方式与耶稣在马太福音 11:28-30 中所表达的观点相矛盾,该经文写道:“28凡劳苦担重担的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息。29我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。30因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的。”
第 5-7 节
在第 5 节中,耶稣说法利赛人和领导人做事是为了让其他人看到他们,也就是说他们试图从其他人那里获得赞扬。经文中说“他们把他们的经文盒做得很宽,把他们衣服上的流苏做得很长”。经文盒是装有写着经文的小纸条的小箱子或盒子。使用的经文包括出埃及记 13:3-10, 11-16(作为对以色列人从埃及得救和逾越节开始的纪念)、申命记 6:4-9 和申命记 11:13-21。这些经文盒用带子系在额头和左臂上,作为提醒人们遵守神的律法。法利赛人和领导人通过加宽这些带子和衣服上的流苏,让自己脱颖而出,看起来他们非常遵守律法,是虔诚的人。在第 6 节中,耶稣说他们喜欢尊贵的位置和首座,这些都是荣誉的位置,也是所有人都能看到他们的地方。正如第 7 节所说,他们喜欢被人问候,喜欢被人称为“拉比”,在希伯来语中意思是“我的主”。法利赛人和领导人在他们去过的任何地方都要求尊重,认为自己是有声望的人。
第 8-12 节
在第 8-11 节中,我们发现耶稣说,法利赛人和律法教师试图通过将“拉比”作为头衔来获得荣誉是错误的。他禁止使用“拉比”这个词来称呼领导人,因为只有一位“师父”(或主),而“你们都是弟兄”,这意味着他们都是平等的。“父亲”这个词有时也被用来认可律法教师,也不应该使用,因为只有一位“父亲”(上帝),以及“老师”这个词,因为基督是唯一真正的老师。
第 13-32 节:七个祸患
第一个祸患(第 13 节):耶稣告诉教师和法利赛人,他们“把天国的门关在人面前。”
第二个祸患(第 15 节):“你们走遍海陆,要得一个人作门徒;既得了他,你们倒使他比你们加倍成为地狱之子。”
第 15 节指的是法利赛人如何努力赢得外邦人的皈依,并将他们变成归化犹太人。归化犹太人是来自异教的皈依者,他们对律法非常热心。法利赛人赢得的这些皈依者被称为地狱之子,因为他们对那些对律法不太关注的耶稣的追随者怀有敌意。
第三个祸患(第 16-22 节):对瞎眼的领袖说:“你们说,‘人若指着殿起誓,就算不得什么;人若指着殿里的金子起誓,他就要遵守誓言。’17你们这瞎眼的人哪!金子重要呢?还是使金子成为圣的殿重要呢?18你们又说,‘人若指着祭坛起誓,就算不得什么;人若指着坛上的供物起誓,他就要遵守誓言。’19你们这瞎眼的人哪!供物重要呢?还是使供物成为圣的祭坛重要呢?20所以,指着坛起誓的人,就是指着坛和坛上的物件起誓。21指着殿起誓的人,就是指着殿和住在殿里的那一位起誓。22指着天起誓的人,就是指着神的宝座和坐在宝座上的那位起誓。”
在马太福音第 23 章的第三个祸患中,耶稣指的是法利赛人所强制执行的关于誓言和誓约的案例法。这些规则,包括避免对圣物起誓,因为这与直接对上帝起誓一样具有约束力,是法利赛人为了确保人们正确遵守律法而做出的努力。
第四个祸患(第 23-24 节):“你们把薄荷、茴香、芹菜,都献上十分之一;但律法上更重要的公义、怜悯、信实,你们反倒忽略了。这些事你们本该行,那事也不可废掉。24你们这瞎眼的领袖!你们蠓虫就滤出来,骆驼却吞下去。”
在这个祸患中,耶稣解释了教师和法利赛人是如何试图通过缴纳香料的十分之一来让自己看起来很好,这超出了律法对他们的要求,但他们忽略了真正重要的东西,比如公正地对待他人、怜悯和忠诚。他们缴纳了超过要求的十分之一,是为了让自己看起来很好。第 24 节提到了过滤蠓虫,这是一种用来净化饮料的做法。在这里,耶稣说法利赛人担心一些小事,却忽略了重要的事情(吞下骆驼)。
第五个祸患(第 25-26 节):“你们把杯盘洗净外表,里面却装满了贪婪和放纵。26你这瞎眼的法利赛人!先洗净杯盘的里面,然后外面也就干净了。”
在本节的最后,耶稣哀叹耶路撒冷和她的子民。耶稣说,他派先知、智者和教师到他们那里,许多人认为这是指他自己和他的门徒,他们带来了耶稣的信息。毫无疑问,这些人会受到许多人的迫害,福音也会被人们拒绝,正如法利赛人拒绝福音一样。由于以色列人会拒绝耶稣及其教导,他们的“房子”(被认为是圣殿)将会成为荒场。为了结束本章,耶稣说:“你们不会再见到我,直到你们说:‘奉主名而来的是应当称颂的。’" 这很有可能指的是耶稣的第二次降临,届时那些拒绝耶稣的人会说出这句话,不是出于喜悦,而是出于恐惧,因为他们知道他们将要面对审判。
The Pharisees were people from a religious group called Chasidim, which was brought about after the resettling of Jewish people in Judea after Babylonian captivity. The Chasidim followed the Law of Moses, as well as added traditions and observerances to be followed. The Pharisees were the main religious sect in the time of Jesus, and Pharisees thought of themselves as holier than the common people.
Phylacteries were boxes that contained parchment on which parts of the Law were written. These boxes were attached to the forehead and left arm (because it is near the heart) and served as reminders to Jews to keep the Law.
It is easy to read Matthew 23 and think that it cannot apply in our lives today. Jesus’ speech took place in a culture much different than ours, and today we do not have the Law, or religious leaders such as the Pharisees. It is important to realize the implications this chapter in Matthew can have for our lives though. For Christian people, it is important that they do not view themselves as better than and deserving of praise from other people. Christians should be careful not to boast and they should not believe that they are better humans than the non-believers. Oftentimes people in the church and leaders in the church act like they are on pedestals and act very selfishly. Remember, “whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." So in all actuality, this verse is a very good reminder that we should be humble and follow the example of Jesus Christ.