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1) 学习者可以参与各种真实的写作任务,面对真实的受众。


 WORLDSMASTER> Welcome to Worlds! 
 ylim5> hi, there!  
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 True Doctor Stories     Tex_Bugman         by Tex_Bugman      8       52 

2) 学习者从他们的伙伴那里获得目标语言写作的直接或间接反馈。


 A: right click on my body and you will see some options (Native speaker) 
 B: opetions? (EFL/ESL literacy researcher) 
 A: options (Native speaker) 
 I made an exam paper. (from a EFL leanrer's e-mail) 
 -> Did you set an exam, or prepare an exam paper.(from the response of a native speaker)

3) 学习者可以学习目标语言的社会和文化,以及语言本身。


 Member   Join Date: Jun 2004   Location: Whitehorse, Frozen North   Age: 41   Posts: 396   
 4 minutes of silence 
 Four RCMP officers were shot and killed after conducting a raid on a marijuana grow operation northwest of     
 Edmonton on Thursday.
 It's the single deadliest incident for Canada's national police force in 120 years. 
 At a news conference in Mayerthorpe, RCMP Assistant Commissioner Bill Sweeney said: "As you can well imagine,  
 the loss of four police officers is unprecedented in recent history in Canada. . . . It's devastating." 
 He added that not since the Northwest Rebellion of 1885 have so many police officers been killed in the line 
 of duty. (From a native speaker) 

4) 学习者体验到一种地方感,一种类似于与母语人士面对面交谈的环境,因为学习者展示了他们的外表并表达了他们的感受。此外,互动更类似于人们聚集在任何地方进行社交的谈话和行为。

 B: can I keep in touch with you? (EFL/ESL literacy researcher) 
 A: we have a meeting on this Sunday evening (Native speaker) 
 A: really??? (EFL/ESL literacy researcher) 
 B: nice to meet you (EFL/ESL literacy researcher)  
 A: nice dance (Native speaker)
 B: thanks (EFL/ESL literacy researcher)
 KaiteB: do your students connect internet? (Native speaker)
 WangZ: Yes, but their computer skills are not good. (EFL/ESL literacy researcher) 
 KaiteB: if so, it will be not easy because you have to teach everything in detail (Native speaker) 
 WangZ: Do you have any good ideas? (EFL/ESL literacy researcher) 

5) 当学习者创建空间时,他们对物体的所有权的感觉和环境的持久性激励学习者返回继续对话和社区建设。正是这种合作鼓励学习者继续发展他们的写作能力。

  Virtual environments look like real life places. For example, when I go back to a virtual environment, nothing has really changed. 
  My own rooms and objects represent me, so I need to always take care of them. 
  (From interview with an EFL/ESL literacy researcher)