C# 编程/ .NET 框架/控制台编程
可以使用与使用相同 System.Console
类的 Read()
和 ReadLine
using System;
public class ExampleClass
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Greetings! What is your name?");
Console.Write("My name is: ");
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Nice to meet you, " + name);
上面的程序请求用户的姓名并将其显示回来。最后的 Console.ReadKey()
using System;
public class HelloWorld
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); // relies on "using System;"
Console.Write("This is...");
Console.Write(" my first program!\n");
System.Console.WriteLine("Goodbye World!"); // no "using" statement required
Hello World! This is... my first program! Goodbye World!
该文本是使用 System.Console
类输出的。顶部的 using
语句允许编译器找到 Console
类,而无需在每次使用时指定 System
中间行使用 Write()
方法,该方法不会自动创建新行。要指定新行,我们可以使用反斜杠-n (\n
) 序列。如果出于任何原因我们想真正显示 \n 字符,我们添加第二个反斜杠 (\\n
)。反斜杠在 C# 中被称为转义字符,因为它不被视为普通字符,而是允许我们对某些特殊字符(如换行符)进行编码。
输出用于将错误特定消息转移到控制台。对于新手用户来说,这可能看起来很无意义,因为它与 输出(如上所述)的效果相同。如果您决定编写运行另一个应用程序(例如调度程序)的应用程序,您可能希望监控该程序的输出 - 更具体地说,您可能只想在发生错误时收到通知。如果您将程序编码为在发生错误时写入 Console.Error
您可能希望在学习流和了解 Process 类之后重新学习此内容。
命令行参数是在执行控制台程序之前传递给它的值。例如,Windows 命令提示符包含一个 copy
命令,该命令接受两个命令行参数。第一个参数是原始文件,第二个参数是新副本的位置或名称。自定义控制台应用程序也可以拥有参数。C# 是一种面向对象的编程语言。 .NET 框架是一种 Microsoft 编程语言,用于创建 Web 应用程序、控制台应用程序和移动应用程序。
using Sys
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Last Name: " + args[1]);
如果上面的代码编译成一个名为 username.exe 的程序,则可以使用两个参数(例如,“Bill”和“Gates”)从命令行执行它
C:\>username.exe Bill Gates
注意上面的 Main()
using System;
public class Test
public static void Main(string[] args)
if(args.Length >= 1)
if(args.Length >= 2)
尝试运行程序,只输入您的名字或完全不输入名字。 args.Length
您还可以使用引号 (""
) 将单个参数组合在一起。如果您期望许多参数,但需要包含空格(例如文件位置、文件名、全名等),这特别有用。
using System;
class Test
public static void Main(string[] args)
for (int index = 0; index < args.Length; index++)
Console.WriteLine((index + 1) + ": " + args[index]);
C:\> Test.exe Separate words "grouped together" 1: Separate 2: words 3: grouped together
本节是一个存根。 您可以通过 扩展它 来帮助维基教科书。 |
和 Console.WriteLine()
int i = 10;
Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);
由大括号标识,并引用需要替换的参数索引。您还可以在大括号中找到一个格式说明符,它以冒号开头,后面是问题中的说明符(例如 {0:G}
这是一个将数字舍入为字符串的小例子。它是 C# 的 Math
类的扩展。Round 方法的结果必须舍入为字符串,因为有效数字可能包含尾随零,如果使用数字格式,这些零将消失。以下是代码及其调用。欢迎您编写一个更短的版本以获得相同的结果,或者更正错误!
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplicationCommons
class Common
/// <summary>Constant of comma or decimal point in German</summary>
public const char COMMA = ',';
/// <summary>Dash or minus constant</summary>
public const char DASH = '-';
/// <summary>
/// The exponent sign in a scientific number, or the capital letter E
/// </summary>
public const char EXPONENT = 'E';
/// <summary>The full stop or period</summary>
public const char PERIOD = '.';
/// <summary>The zero string constant used at several places</summary>
public const String ZERO = "0";
} // class Common
类是对 <math.h>
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplicationCommons
/// <summary>
/// Class for special mathematical calculations.
/// ATTENTION: Should not depend on any other class except Java libraries!
/// </summary>
public class Maths
public static CultureInfo invC = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
/// <summary>
/// Value after which the language switches from scientific to double
/// </summary>
private const double E_TO_DOUBLE = 1E-4;
/// <summary>
/// Maximal digits after which Convert.ToString(…) becomes inaccurate.
/// </summary>
private const short MAX_CHARACTERS = 16;
/// <summary>The string of zeros</summary>
private static String strZeros = "000000000000000000000000000000000";
/// <summary>
/// Determines language-independently whether or not the character
/// can be a decimal separator or not
/// </summary>
/// <param name="character">Character to be checked</param>
/// <returns>
/// true, if it can be a decimal separator in a language, and false
/// otherwise.
/// </returns>
private static bool IsDecimalSeparator(char c)
return ((c == Common.COMMA) || (c == Common.PERIOD));
/// <summary>
/// Determines how many zeros are to be appended after the decimal
/// digits.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="separator">
/// Language-specific decimal separator
/// </param>
/// <param name="d">Rounded number</param>
/// <param name="significantsAfter">
/// Significant digits after decimal
/// </param>
/// <returns>Requested value</returns>
private static short CalculateMissingSignificantZeros(char separator,
double d,
short significantsAfter)
short after = FindSignificantsAfterDecimal(separator, d);
short zeros = (short)(significantsAfter
- ((after == 0) ? 1 : after));
return (short)((zeros >= 0) ? zeros : 0);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the decimal position language-independently.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">
/// Value to be searched for the decimal separator
/// </param>
/// <returns>The position of the decimal separator</returns>
private static short FindDecimalSeparatorPosition(String value)
short separatorAt = (short)value.IndexOf(Common.COMMA);
return (separatorAt > -1)
? separatorAt : (short)value.IndexOf(Common.PERIOD);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the number of significant digits (without the sign and
/// the decimal separator).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="separator">
/// Language-specific decimal separator
/// </param>
/// <param name="d">Value where the digits are to be counted</param>
/// <param name="significantsAfter">
/// Number of decimal places after the separator
/// </param>
/// <returns>Number of significant digits</returns>
private static short FindSignificantDigits(char separator,
double d,
short significantsAfter)
if (d == 0) return 0;
String mantissa = FindMantissa(separator,
Convert.ToString(d, invC));
if (d == (long)d)
mantissa = mantissa.Substring(0, mantissa.Length - 1);
mantissa = RetrieveDigits(mantissa);
// Find the position of the first non-zero digit:
short nonZeroAt = 0;
for (; (nonZeroAt < mantissa.Length)
&& (mantissa[nonZeroAt] == '0'); nonZeroAt++) ;
return (short)mantissa.Substring(nonZeroAt).Length;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the significant digits after the decimal separator of a
/// mantissa.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="separator">Language-specific decimal separator</param>
/// <param name="d">Value to be scrutinised</param>
/// <returns>Number of insignificant zeros after decimal separator.
/// </returns>
private static short FindSignificantsAfterDecimal(char separator,
double d)
if (d == 0) return 1;
String value = ConvertToString(d);
short separatorAt = FindDecimalSeparatorPosition(value);
if (separatorAt > -1) value = value.Substring(separatorAt + 1);
short eAt = (short) value.IndexOf(Common.EXPONENT);
if ((separatorAt == -1) && (eAt == -1)) return 0;
else if (eAt > 0) value = value.Substring(0, eAt);
long longValue = Convert.ToInt64(value, invC);
if (longValue == 0) return 0;
else if (Math.Abs(d) < 1)
value = Convert.ToString(longValue, invC);
if (value.Length >= 15)
return (byte)Convert.ToString(longValue, invC).Length;
else return (byte)(value.Length);
if (value.Length >= 15) return (byte)(value.Length - 1);
else return (byte)(value.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Determines the number of significant digits after the decimal
/// separator knowing the total number of significant digits and
/// the number before the decimal separator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="significantsBefore">
/// Number of significant digits before separator
/// </param>
/// <param name="significantDigits">
/// Number of all significant digits
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Number of significant decimals after the separator
/// </returns>
private static short FindSignificantsAfterDecimal(
short significantsBefore,
short significantDigits)
short significantsAfter =
(short)(significantDigits - significantsBefore);
return (short)((significantsAfter > 0) ? significantsAfter : 0);
/// <summary>
/// Determines the number of digits before the decimal point.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="separator">
/// Language-specific decimal separator
/// </param>
/// <param name="value">Value to be scrutinised</param>
/// <returns>
/// Number of digits before the decimal separator
/// </returns>
private static short FindSignificantsBeforeDecimal(char separator,
double d)
String value = Convert.ToString(d, invC);
// Return immediately, if result is clear: Special handling at
// crossroads of floating point and exponential numbers:
if ((d == 0) || (Math.Abs(d) >= E_TO_DOUBLE) && (Math.Abs(d) < 1))
return 0;
else if ((Math.Abs(d) > 0) && (Math.Abs(d) < E_TO_DOUBLE)) return 1;
short significants = 0;
for (short s = 0; s < value.Length; s++)
if (IsDecimalSeparator(value[s])) break;
else if (value[s] != Common.DASH) significants++;
return significants;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the exponent part of the double number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">Value of which the exponent is of interest</param>
/// <returns>Exponent of the number or zero.</returns>
private static short FindExponent(double d)
return short.Parse(FindExponent(Convert.ToString(d, invC)), invC);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the exponent of a number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">
/// Value where an exponent is to be searched
/// </param>
/// <returns>Exponent, if it exists, or "0".</returns>
private static String FindExponent(String value)
short eAt = (short)(value.IndexOf(Common.EXPONENT));
if (eAt < 0) return Common.ZERO;
return Convert.ToString
(short.Parse(value.Substring(eAt + 1)), invC);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the mantissa of a number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="separator">
/// Language-specific decimal separator
/// </param>
/// <param name="value">Value where the mantissa is to be found</param>
/// <returns>Mantissa of the number</returns>
private static String FindMantissa(char separator,
String value)
short eAt = (short)(value.IndexOf(Common.EXPONENT));
if (eAt > -1) value = value.Substring(0, eAt);
if (FindDecimalSeparatorPosition(value) == -1) value += ".0";
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the digits of the value only
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">Number</param>
/// <returns>The digits only</returns>
private static String RetrieveDigits(double d)
double dValue = d;
short exponent = FindExponent(d);
StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder();
if (exponent == 0)
if (value.Length >= MAX_CHARACTERS)
if (Math.Abs(dValue) < 1) value.Append("0");
// Determine the exponent for a scientific form:
exponent = 0;
while (((long)dValue != dValue) && (dValue < 1E11))
dValue *= 10;
while ((long)dValue != dValue)
dValue -= (long)dValue;
dValue *= 10;
double multiplier = Math.Pow(10, -exponent);
for (short s = 0; (s <= 16) && (exponent != 0); s++)
dValue *= multiplier;
dValue -= (long)dValue;
multiplier = 10;
if (value.Length >= MAX_CHARACTERS + 2)
value.Length = MAX_CHARACTERS + 2;
return RetrieveDigits(value.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the digits of the value only
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">Value to be scrutinised</param>
/// <returns>The digits only</returns>
private static String RetrieveDigits(String number)
// Strip off exponent part, if it exists:
short eAt = (short)number.IndexOf(Common.EXPONENT);
if (eAt > -1) number = number.Substring(0, eAt);
return number.Replace(Convert.ToString(Common.DASH), "").Replace(
Convert.ToString(Common.COMMA), "").Replace(
Convert.ToString(Common.PERIOD), "");
/// <summary>
/// Inserts the decimal separator at the right place
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dValue">Number</param>
/// <param name="value">
/// String variable, where the separator is to be added.
/// </param>
private static void InsertSeparator(double dValue, StringBuilder value)
short separatorAt = (short)Convert.ToString((long)dValue).Length;
if (separatorAt < value.Length)
value.Insert(separatorAt, Common.PERIOD);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the power of the base to the exponent without changing
/// the least-significant digits of a number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="basis"></param>
/// <param name="exponent">basis to power of exponent</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static double Power(int basis, short exponent)
return Power((short)basis, exponent);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the power of the base to the exponent without changing
/// the least-significant digits of a number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="basis"></param>
/// <param name="exponent"></param>
/// <returns>basis to power of exponent</returns>
public static double Power(short basis, short exponent)
if (basis == 0) return (exponent != 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (exponent == 0) return 1;
// The Math method power does change the least significant
// digits after the decimal separator and is therefore
// useless.
long result = 1;
short s = 0;
if (exponent > 0)
for (; s < exponent; s++) result *= basis;
else if (exponent < 0)
for (s = exponent; s < 0; s++) result /= basis;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Rounds a number to the decimal places.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">Number to be rounded</param>
/// <param name="separator">
/// Language-specific decimal separator
/// </param>
/// <param name="significantsAfter">
/// Number of decimal places after the separator
/// </param>
/// <returns>Rounded number to the requested decimal places</returns>
public static double Round(char separator,
double d,
short significantsAfter)
if (d == 0) return 0;
double constant = Power(10, significantsAfter);
short dsExponent = FindExponent(d);
short exponent = dsExponent;
double value = d*constant*Math.Pow(10, -exponent);
String exponentSign = (exponent < 0)
? Convert.ToString(Common.DASH) : "";
if (exponent != 0)
exponent = (short)Math.Abs(exponent);
value = Round(value);
while (FindSignificantsBeforeDecimal(separator, value)
< significantsAfter)
constant *= 10;
value *= 10;
value = Round(value)/constant;
// Power method cannot be used, as the exponentiated number may
// exceed the maximal long value.
exponent -= (short)(Math.Sign(dsExponent)*
(FindSignificantDigits(separator, value, significantsAfter)
- 1));
if (dsExponent != 0)
String strValue = Convert.ToString(value, invC);
short separatorAt = FindDecimalSeparatorPosition(strValue);
if (separatorAt > -1)
strValue = strValue.Substring(0, separatorAt);
strValue += Common.EXPONENT + exponentSign
+ Convert.ToString(exponent);
value = double.Parse(strValue, invC);
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Rounds a number according to mathematical rules.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">Number to be rounded</param>
/// <returns>Rounded number</returns>
public static double Round(double d)
return (long)(d + .5);
/// <summary>
/// Converts a double value to a string such that it reflects the double
/// format (without converting it to a scientific format by itself, as
/// it is the case with Convert.ToString(double, invC)).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">Value to be converted</param>
/// <returns>Same format value as a string</returns>
public static String ConvertToString(double d)
double dValue = d;
StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder();
if (Math.Sign(dValue) == -1) value.Append(Common.DASH);
if ((dValue > 1E-5) && (dValue < 1E-4))
while ((long)dValue == 0)
dValue *= 10;
if (dValue >= 1) break;
short exponent = FindExponent(d);
if (exponent != 0)
InsertSeparator(dValue, value);
InsertSeparator(dValue, value);
if (value.Length > MAX_CHARACTERS + 3)
value.Length = MAX_CHARACTERS + 3;
return value.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Rounds to a fixed number of significant digits.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">Number to be rounded</param>
/// <param name="significantDigits">
/// Requested number of significant digits
/// </param>
/// <param name="separator">
/// Language-specific decimal separator
/// </param>
/// <returns>Rounded number</returns>
public static String RoundToString(char separator,
double d,
short significantDigits)
// Number of significants that *are* before the decimal separator:
short significantsBefore =
FindSignificantsBeforeDecimal(separator, d);
// Number of decimals that *should* be after the decimal separator:
short significantsAfter = FindSignificantsAfterDecimal(
significantsBefore, significantDigits);
// Round to the specified number of digits after decimal separator:
double rounded = Maths.Round(separator, d, significantsAfter);
String exponent = FindExponent(Convert.ToString(rounded, invC));
String mantissa = FindMantissa(separator,
Convert.ToString(rounded, invC));
double dMantissa = double.Parse(mantissa, invC);
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(mantissa);
// Determine the significant digits in this number:
short significants = FindSignificantDigits(separator, dMantissa,
// Add lagging zeros, if necessary:
if (significants <= significantDigits)
if (significantsAfter != 0)
dMantissa, significantsAfter)));
// Cut off the decimal separator & after decimal digits:
short decimalValue = (short) result.ToString().IndexOf(
if (decimalValue > -1) result.Length = decimalValue;
else if (significantsBefore > significantDigits)
d /= Power(10, (short)(significantsBefore - significantDigits));
d = Round(d);
short digits = (short)(significantDigits + ((d < 0) ? 1 : 0));
String strD = d.ToString().Substring(0, digits);
result.Length = 0;
result.Append(strD + strZeros.Substring(0,
significantsBefore - significantDigits));
if (short.Parse(exponent, invC) != 0)
result.Append(Common.EXPONENT + exponent);
return result.ToString();
} // public static String RoundToString(…)
/// <summary>
/// Rounds to a fixed number of significant digits.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="separator">
/// Language-specific decimal separator
/// </param>
/// <param name="significantDigits">
/// Requested number of significant digits
/// </param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static String RoundToString(char separator,
float value,
int significantDigits)
return RoundToString(separator, (double)value,
} // public class Maths
对软件进行广泛测试对于代码质量至关重要。说代码已经过测试并没有提供太多信息。问题在于测试了什么。虽然不是这种情况,但通常也需要知道在哪里(在哪个环境中)进行了测试,以及如何测试,即测试顺序。以下是用于测试 Maths
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApplicationCommons
class TestCommon
/// <summary>
/// Test for the common functionality
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
static void Main(string[] args)
// Test rounding
List<double> values = new List<double>();
AddValue(1.4012984643248202e-45, values);
AddValue(1.999999757e-5, values);
AddValue(1.999999757e-4, values);
AddValue(1.999999757e-3, values);
AddValue(0.000640589, values);
AddValue(0.3396899998188019, values);
AddValue(0.34, values);
AddValue(7.07, values);
AddValue(118.188, values);
AddValue(118.2, values);
AddValue(123.405009, values);
AddValue(30.76994323730469, values);
AddValue(130.76994323730469, values);
AddValue(540, values);
AddValue(12345, values);
AddValue(123456, values);
AddValue(540911, values);
AddValue(9.223372036854776e56, values);
const short SIGNIFICANTS = 5;
foreach (double element in values)
Console.Out.WriteLine("Maths.Round('" + Common.PERIOD + "', "
+ Convert.ToString(element, Maths.invC) + ", "
+ SIGNIFICANTS + ") = " + Maths.RoundToString
(Common.PERIOD, element, SIGNIFICANTS));
/// <summary>
/// Method that adds a negative and a positive value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d"></param>
/// <param name="values"></param>
private static void AddValue(double d, List<double> values)
} // class TestCommon
Maths.Round('.', 0, 5) = 0.00000 Maths.Round('.', -1.40129846432482E-45, 5) = -1.4012E-45 Maths.Round('.', 1.40129846432482E-45, 5) = 1.4013E-45 Maths.Round('.', -1.999999757E-05, 5) = -1.9999E-5 Maths.Round('.', 1.999999757E-05, 5) = 2.0000E-5 Maths.Round('.', -0.0001999999757, 5) = -0.00019999 Maths.Round('.', 0.0001999999757, 5) = 0.00020000 Maths.Round('.', -0.001999999757, 5) = -0.0019999 Maths.Round('.', 0.001999999757, 5) = 0.0020000 Maths.Round('.', -0.000640589, 5) = -0.00064058 Maths.Round('.', 0.000640589, 5) = 0.00064059 Maths.Round('.', -0.339689999818802, 5) = -0.33968 Maths.Round('.', 0.339689999818802, 5) = 0.33969 Maths.Round('.', -0.34, 5) = -0.33999 Maths.Round('.', 0.34, 5) = 0.34000 Maths.Round('.', -7.07, 5) = -7.0699 Maths.Round('.', 7.07, 5) = 7.0700 Maths.Round('.', -118.188, 5) = -118.18 Maths.Round('.', 118.188, 5) = 118.19 Maths.Round('.', -118.2, 5) = -118.19 Maths.Round('.', 118.2, 5) = 118.20 Maths.Round('.', -123.405009, 5) = -123.40 Maths.Round('.', 123.405009, 5) = 123.41 Maths.Round('.', -30.7699432373047, 5) = -30.769 Maths.Round('.', 30.7699432373047, 5) = 30.770 Maths.Round('.', -130.769943237305, 5) = -130.76 Maths.Round('.', 130.769943237305, 5) = 130.77 Maths.Round('.', -540, 5) = -539.99 Maths.Round('.', 540, 5) = 540.00 Maths.Round('.', -12345, 5) = -12344 Maths.Round('.', 12345, 5) = 12345 Maths.Round('.', -123456, 5) = -123450 Maths.Round('.', 123456, 5) = 123460 Maths.Round('.', -540911, 5) = -540900 Maths.Round('.', 540911, 5) = 540910 Maths.Round('.', -9.22337203685478E+56, 5) = -9.2233E56 Maths.Round('.', 9.22337203685478E+56, 5) = 9.2234E56
如果你想与 C++ 进行比较,请将其与同一个 示例 进行比较。如果你想将 C# 与 Java 进行比较,请查看 舍入数字示例。