
C# 初学者/运算符


运算符对数据执行操作。C# 中有三种类型的运算符

  • 一元运算符的形式为 [运算符][对象]。例如,取反运算符:-number 会返回带相反符号的 number(如果 number 为 12,则会返回 -12)。
  • 二元运算符的形式为 [对象 1] [运算符] [对象 2]。例如,赋值运算符:number = 1234number 设置为 1234。
  • 三元运算符作用于三个对象。C# 只有一个三元运算符,即条件运算符number == 1234 ? "good" : "bad" 如果 number 等于 1234,则会返回 "good",否则返回 "bad"。


class OperatorsExample
    public static void Main()
        int number = 0;
        float anotherNumber = 1.234;
        string someText = "lots of ";
        number = number + 4; // number is now 4
        anotherNumber += 2; // this is a shorter version of the above; it adds 2 to anotherNumber, making it 3.234
        someText += "text"; // someText now contains "lots of text"
        number = -number; // number is now -4
        anotherNumber -= number * 2; // subtracts -8 from anotherNumber, making anotherNumber 11.234.
        number++; // increments number, making it -3
        anotherNumber = number++; // increments number but sets anotherNumber to the original number.
        // number is now -2, and anotherNumber is -3.
        number--; // decrements number, making it -3
        anotherNumber = --number; // decrements number and sets anotherNumber to the new number.
        anotherNumber = number = 1; // sets both anotherNumber and number to 1.
        bool someBoolean;
        // sets someBoolean to true if anotherNumber equals number, otherwise sets it to false
        someBoolean = anotherNumber == number;


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++-- 运算符可以放在变量之前(前缀)或之后(后缀)。两者之间存在细微差异;如果放在前面,则先递增或递减,然后返回新值;如果放在后面,则先递增或递减,然后返回旧值。例如

int x, y;

x = 0;

// x is now 2...
y = x++; // y is now 2, x is now 3

x = 2; // x is now 2 again...
y = ++x; // y is now 3, x is now 3