加拿大难民程序/IRPR 第 13 条 - 文件和认证副本
< 加拿大难民程序
(从 加拿大难民程序/法规 重定向)相关法规部分的文本如下
DIVISION 3 Documents and Certified Copies Production of documents 13 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a requirement of the Act or these Regulations to produce a document is met (a) by producing the original document; (b) by producing a certified copy of the original document; or (c) in the case of an application, if there is an application form on the Department’s website, by completing and producing the form printed from the website or by completing and submitting the form on-line, if the website indicates that the form can be submitted on-line. Exception (2) Unless these Regulations provide otherwise, a passport, a permanent resident visa, a permanent resident card, a temporary resident visa, a temporary resident permit, a work permit or a study permit may be produced only by producing the original document.