


任务部队是由特殊联系人发起的任务系列,必须由单个团队完成。一旦 TF 开始,团队中就不能添加新成员。人员可以退出,但是一旦团队成员减少到单人,任务部队就结束了。除了特殊的 TF 联系人外,其他任何联系人都不会给你任务或卖给你灵感。在任务部队进行期间,你只能进行任务部队任务。只要你和你的队友没有真正退出 TF,你就可以下线,然后稍后再上线完成 TF。你必须在下面列出的等级范围内才能开始任务部队,尽管你可以在 TF 过程中超过等级。人员可以进行 SK 上升加入 TF,但可能无法进入必要的区域。人员可以进行典范下降加入 TF,但如果他们在 TF 期间以任何理由取消典范,他们将立即被踢出。参与典范关系的任何一方的任何地图服务器断开连接都可能导致被踢出 TF。注意:恶棍将在 TF 的最高等级生成,而不管 TF 中英雄的等级。此列表包含剧透

Positron (Steel Canyon): 三人规则

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  Level Range:  10-16
  Minimum Team Size:  3
  Approximate Time Required:  7 hours
  Summary:  Battle Clockwork, Vahzilok, and Circle of Thorns to thwart their efforts to damage
            the dam.

Synapse (Skyway): 时钟之王陨落

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  Level Range:  15-21 
  Minimum Team Size:  4
  Approximate Time Required:  5 hours

Sister Psyche (Independence Port): 喧嚣与毁灭

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  Level Range:  20-26
  Minimum Team Size:  5
  Approximate Time Required:  5 hours

Moonfire (Striga Isle): 克尔迪安战争

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  Level Range:  23-28
  Minimum Team Size:  6
  Approximate Time Required:  3 hours
 * 1 - Defeat all vampyri in cave (Striga)
 * 2 - Defeat all Wolves in Cave (Striga)
 * 3 - Defeat mixed council (mosly wolves and troopers) in Council base (Striga)
 * 4 - Hunt for 20 Council (Striga)
 * 5 - Find and free hostage in council base, can be breezed through with Invisiblity and Teleport (Striga)
 * 6 - Defeat all enemies, Look for Clues (one flashie) in Council Base (Striga)
 * 7 - Take Schematics to Dr. Engles (Skyway city)
 * 8 - Defeat Archon Salavatore and his men (Striga)
 * 9 - Defeat 20 Council (Striga)
 * 10 - Defeat Arakhn (Striga)
   * Arakhn has a number of annoying traits, including Instant Healing,
     which totally replenishes her life after about 2 minutes.
     So, you MUST have enough damage dealing to accomodate for this.  Additionally, she's keen on stunning those 
     adjacent to her.
     Actually, if you stay out of melee range, you can avoid her AoE vampyric heal move. It has a long recharge,
     so then you can go beat up on her some more.


  • 我们比较幸运,用 2 个斗士、一个幻觉 / 泡泡和一个 EMP / 黑暗角色打败了她。我们干掉了她的守卫,撤退,休息并加BUFF,然后冲了进去。虽然她一直在恢复(并不总是完全恢复),但我们一直在攻击。经过大约 5 分钟的猛攻,她倒下了。每个人都获得了经验加成和 SO(没有徽章)。

Ernesto Hess (Striga)

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  Level Range:  25-30
  Minimum Team Size:  6
  Approximate Time Required:  3 hours  
  Summary:  Council
  * Click Glowies
  * Save Scientist and destroy reactor
  * Destroy radar stations (4 very short missions)
  * Scout base.
  * Defeat AV.

Jane Hallaway (Independence Port): 拯救 Terra Volta 反应堆

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  Level Range:  24-32
  Minimum Team Size:  4
  Approximate Time Required:  3 hours  
  Summary:  Sky Raiders
  * Speak to NPC - Terra Volta
  * Defeat 25 Sky Raiders - Terra Volta
  * Defeat Sgt. Clayton + men - Talos Island
  * Save reactor - Terra Volta

Bastion (Talos Island): Bastion 的孩子

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  Level Range:  25-31
  Minimum Team Size:  6
  Approximate Time Required:  5 hours

Manticore (Brickstown): 追随伯爵夫人 Crey

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  Level Range:  30-35
  Minimum Team Size:  7
  Approximate Time Required:  5 hours

Captain James Harlan (Founder's Falls): 拯救 Terra Volta 反应堆

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  Level Range:  34-43
  Minimum Team Size:  4
  Approximate Time Required:  3 hours
  Summary:  Freakshow

Numina (Founder's Falls): 伐木工的灵魂

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  Level Range:  35-38
  Minimum Team Size:  4
  Approximate Time Required:  5 hours

Dr. Quarterfield (Fire Base Zulu): 探险者与剥削者

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  Level Range:  40-44
  Minimum Team Size:  8
  Approximate Time Required:  12 hours! (Can be done in 7.5 hours)

Sara Moore (Cascade Archipelago/Molepoint Charlie?): 鲁拉达克的传说

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  Level Range:  40-50
  Minimum Team Size:  8
  Approximate Time Required:  7 hours

Justin Augustine (The Chantry): Faathim 的传奇

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  Level Range:  40-50
  Minimum Team Size:  8
  Approximate Time Required:  4 hours

Faathim the Kind (The Chantry): Lanaru 的传奇

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  Level Range:  40-50
  Minimum Team Size:  8, can go down to 4, but not lower unless you've beaten the Baphomet mission!
  Approximate Time Required:  7 hours [4.5 hours with excellent team]
     NOTE: You will NOT get Faathim's contact number.  Ever.  
     Missions listed below with the same number do not require returning to Faathim.
  * 1a) Defeat all Rularuu in first cave - Chantry vs. Rularuu
  * 1b) Defeat all Rularuu in second cave - Chantry vs. Rularuu
  * 1c) Defeat all Rularuu in third cave - Chantry vs. Rularuu
  * 2a) Anger: Defeat Malaise (AV) + 4 simultaneous glowys - Storm Palace vs. Nemesis and AV Praetorian
  * 2b) Malace: Defeat Mother Mayhem (AV) + 4 simultaneous glowys - Storm Palace vs. Nemesis and AV Praetorian
  * 3a) Torment: Defeat Nemesis army + 4 simultaneous glowys - Storm Palace vs. Nemesis
  * 3b) Hatred: Defeat Nemesis army (w/ Nemesis? AV) + 4 simultaneous glowys - Storm Palace vs. Nemesis 
        and Rikti
  * 4a) Fury: Defeat Rikti + 4 simultaneous glowys - Storm Palace vs. Rikti and Knives of Artemis
  * 4b) Destruction: Defeat Rikti + 4 NON-simultaneous glowys - Storm Palace vs. Rikti and Malta
  * 5a) Find Key of Destruction + Kill Boss and Company - Perez Park vs. Malta, Knives (few), 
        and CoT (named boss)
  * 5b) Speak with Azuria - Atlas Park
  * 5c) Find Key of Madness - Talos Island vs. Malta
  * 5d) Speak with Azuria - Atlas Park
  * 5e) Defeat Baphomet (AV) + 4 simultaneous glowys - Train vs. Circle of Thorns
  * 6a-g) Use keys on monuments (7 different clicks) - Storm Palace
  * 6h) Defeat Lanaru the Mad (AV) - Storm Palace vs. Lanaruu and Rularuu - Very short

Major Richard Flagg (Rikti Crash Site): 拯救 Terra Volta 反应堆

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  Level Range:  44-50
  Minimum Team Size:  4
  Approximate Time Required:  3 hours
  Villains:  Rikti
  * Defeat 30 Rikti - Rikti Crash Site
  * Defeat all in base + Rescue scientist - Peregrine Island
  * Patrol 3 points - Rikti Crash Site
  * Defeat all in base + Seek clues (1) - Rikti Crash Site
  * Save reactor - Terra Volta