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情境认知认为,认知过程深受情境以及使用认知过程的物理和文化环境的影响。[1] 从这个意义上说,情境知识源于知识发展和应用的文化活动。[2][3]

情境学习不是将知识视为对事实单元的累积,而是将其视为跨情境绩效的提升。与这种认知和知识观相关的概念是“认知学徒制”。这个概念认为,最佳学习是通过指导的方式进行的,这种方式将知识导向可应用的情境。[4] 许多人认为,这是人类进化的主要学习方法,即通过直接个人指导进行文化传播。[5][6][7][8]


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情境化的认知过程对情境敏感,随时间而变化,以行动为导向,并且是具身的。认知过程的有效性在很大程度上取决于个人与其情境、物理和社会环境的互动程度。[9] 这种观点与具身认知的观点密切相关,具身认知认为认知的某些方面与大脑外部的属性相互关联。这些过程被恰当地理解为参与了在情境、物理和/或文化上都具有位置的物理或心理任务。[10][11]

具身的人类和动物认知与环境的反馈保持一致,以响应他们追求目标的环境。[12] Shattuck 和 Miller(2006)写道:“感知-运动反馈过程有效地将动物认知与环境和行为联系起来,而基于逻辑(描述性)推理的机制无法捕捉到这一点。”这种观点认为,学习和专业知识只有在被视为在特定环境中熟练运用知识时才有意义。[13]


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  1. Norman, D. A. (1993). Cognition in the head and in the world: An introduction to the special issue on situated action. Cognitive science, 17(1), 1-6.
  2. Schumacher, D. J., Englander, R., & Carraccio, C. (2013). Developing the master learner: applying learning theory to the learner, the teacher, and the learning environment. Academic Medicine, 88(11), 1635-1645
  3. Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning. Educational Researcher, 18(1), 32–42
  4. Collins, A. (1991). Cognitive apprenticeship and instructional technology. Educational values and cognitive instruction: Implications for reform, 1991, 121-138
  5. Sterelny, K. (2012). The evolved apprentice. MIT press.
  6. Sutton, J. (2013). Skill and collaboration in the evolution of human cognition. Biological Theory, 8(1), 28-36
  7. Markussen Linnet, K., Bols Andersen, L., & Balslev, T. (2012). Cognitive apprenticeship learning in paediatric clinical settings. The Open Medical Education Journal, 5(1)
  8. Parker, S. T., & McKinney, M. L. (2012). Origins of intelligence: The evolution of cognitive development in monkeys, apes, and humans. JHU Press.
  9. Larkin, M., Eatough, V., & Osborn, M. (2011). Interpretative phenomenological analysis and embodied, active, situated cognition. Theory & Psychology, 21(3), 318–337. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959354310377544
  10. Clark, A. (2017). Embodied, situated, and distributed cognition. A companion to cognitive science, 506-517.
  11. Oyserman, D. (2011). Culture as situated cognition: Cultural mindsets, cultural fluency, and meaning making. European review of social psychology, 22(1), 164-214
  12. Pritchard, D. J. (2018). Situated cognition and the function of behavior. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews
  13. Shattuck, L. G., & Miller, N. L. (2006). Extending Naturalistic Decision Making to Complex Organizations: A Dynamic Model of Situated Cognition. Organization Studies, 27(7), 989-1009. https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840606065706