

25% developed

状态 计算机科学设计模式








  • 当一个对象应该使用几种算法之一配置时,
  • 并且所有算法都可以封装,
  • 并且一个接口涵盖所有封装。



  • + 更大的灵活性,重用
  • + 可以动态地改变算法
  • - 策略创建和通信开销
  • - 策略接口不灵活


  • 在策略与其上下文之间交换信息
  • 通过模板进行静态策略选择
  • 状态,可以激活多个状态,而策略只能激活一个算法。
  • 享元,提供一个共享对象,可以同时在多个上下文中使用,而策略则专注于一个上下文。
  • 装饰器,改变对象的皮肤,而策略改变对象的内在机制。
  • 组合,与策略结合使用以提高效率。





 class Worker {
      void fight() {
         // do nothing



  1. 识别应用程序中变化的部分,并将它们与保持不变的部分分离。将变化的部分“封装”起来,使其不会影响代码的其余部分。
  2. 面向接口编程,而不是面向实现编程。
  3. 优先选择组合而不是继承。



 public abstract class Character {
  private WeaponBehavior weapon;
  private WalkBehavior walk;

  public void fight() {
     weapon.useWeapon(); // delegation of fight behavior

  public void setWeapon(WeaponBehavior w) {
    weapon = w;
  abstract void display();


 public class Knight extends Character {
  public Knight() {
    weapon = new SwordBehavior();
    walk = new GallopBehavior();

  public void display() {














  • 使用策略一词向其他开发人员表明使用该模式。


在 ActionScript 3 中实现

ActionScript 3 中的策略模式

//invoked from application.initialize
private function init() : void
    var context:Context;

    context = new Context( new ConcreteStrategyA() );

    context = new Context( new ConcreteStrategyB() );

    context = new Context( new ConcreteStrategyC() );

package org.wikipedia.patterns.strategy
    public interface IStrategy
    function execute() : void ;

package org.wikipedia.patterns.strategy
    public final class ConcreteStrategyA implements IStrategy
    public function execute():void
         trace( "ConcreteStrategyA.execute(); invoked" );

package org.wikipedia.patterns.strategy
    public final class ConcreteStrategyB implements IStrategy
    public function execute():void
         trace( "ConcreteStrategyB.execute(); invoked" );

package org.wikipedia.patterns.strategy
    public final class ConcreteStrategyC implements IStrategy
    public function execute():void
         trace( "ConcreteStrategyC.execute(); invoked" );

package org.wikipedia.patterns.strategy
   public class Context
    private var strategy:IStrategy;
    public function Context(strategy:IStrategy)
         this.strategy = strategy;
    public function execute() : void
在 C 中实现

C 中,可以使用结构体来定义类,并使用函数指针来设置策略。以下是 Python 示例的镜像,并使用 C99 特性

#include <stdio.h>

void print_sum(int n, int *array) {
    int total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        total += array[i];
    printf("%d", total);

void print_array(int n, int *array) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        printf("%d ", array[i]);

typedef struct {
    void (*submit_func)(int n, int *array);  // function pointer
    char *label;                             // instance label
} Button;

int main(void) {
    // Create two instances with different strategies
    Button button1 = { print_sum, "Add 'em" };
    Button button2 = { print_array, "List 'em" };

    int n = 10;
    int numbers[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        numbers[i] = i;

    button1.submit_func(n, numbers);
    button2.submit_func(n, numbers);
    return 0;
在 C++ 中实现

C++ 中的策略模式类似于 Java,但不需要动态分配对象。

#include <iostream>

class Strategy
     virtual int execute (int a, int b) = 0; // execute() is a so-called pure virtual function
                                             // as a consequence, Strategy is a so-called abstract class
class ConcreteStrategyAdd:public Strategy
    int execute(int a, int b)
        std::cout << "Called ConcreteStrategyAdd's execute()\n";
        return a + b;
class ConcreteStrategySubstract:public Strategy
    int execute(int a, int b)
        std::cout << "Called ConcreteStrategySubstract's execute()\n";
        return a - b;
class ConcreteStrategyMultiply:public Strategy
    int execute(int a, int b)
        std::cout << "Called ConcreteStrategyMultiply's execute()\n";
        return a * b;

class Context
    Strategy* pStrategy;

    Context (Strategy& strategy)
        : pStrategy(&strategy)

    void SetStrategy(Strategy& strategy)
        pStrategy = &strategy;
    int executeStrategy(int a, int b)
        return pStrategy->execute(a,b);
int main()
    ConcreteStrategyAdd       concreteStrategyAdd;
    ConcreteStrategySubstract concreteStrategySubstract;
    ConcreteStrategyMultiply  concreteStrategyMultiply;

    Context context(concreteStrategyAdd);
    int resultA = context.executeStrategy(3,4);
    int resultB = context.executeStrategy(3,4);
    int resultC = context.executeStrategy(3,4);
    std::cout << "resultA: " << resultA << "\tresultB: " << resultB << "\tresultC: " << resultC << "\n";
在 C# 中实现
public class StrategyPatternWiki
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Prepare strategies
        var normalStrategy    = new NormalStrategy();
        var happyHourStrategy = new HappyHourStrategy();

        var firstCustomer = new CustomerBill(normalStrategy);

        // Normal billing
        firstCustomer.Add(1.0, 1);

        // Start Happy Hour
        firstCustomer.Strategy = happyHourStrategy;
        firstCustomer.Add(1.0, 2);

        // New Customer
        var secondCustomer = new CustomerBill(happyHourStrategy);
        secondCustomer.Add(0.8, 1);
        // The Customer pays

        // End Happy Hour
        secondCustomer.Strategy = normalStrategy;
        secondCustomer.Add(1.3, 2);
        secondCustomer.Add(2.5, 1);

// CustomerBill as class name since it narrowly pertains to a customer's bill
class CustomerBill
    private IList<double> drinks;

    // Get/Set Strategy
    public IBillingStrategy Strategy { get; set; }

    public CustomerBill(IBillingStrategy strategy)
        this.drinks = new List<double>();
        this.Strategy = strategy;

    public void Add(double price, int quantity)
        this.drinks.Add(this.Strategy.GetActPrice(price) * quantity);

    // Payment of bill
    public void Print()
        double sum = 0;
        foreach (var drinkCost in this.drinks)
            sum += drinkCost;
        Console.WriteLine($"Total due: {sum}.");

interface IBillingStrategy
    double GetActPrice(double rawPrice);

// Normal billing strategy (unchanged price)
class NormalStrategy : IBillingStrategy
    public double GetActPrice(double rawPrice) => rawPrice;

// Strategy for Happy hour (50% discount)
class HappyHourStrategy : IBillingStrategy
    public double GetActPrice(double rawPrice) => rawPrice * 0.5;


C# 中的委托遵循策略模式,其中委托定义定义了策略接口,而委托实例表示具体的策略。.NET 3.5 定义了 Func<,> 委托,可以用于快速实现策略模式,如下面的示例所示。请注意定义委托实例的 3 种不同方法。

using System;
using System.Linq;
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var context = new Context<int>();

        // Delegate
        Func<int, int, int> concreteStrategy1 = PerformLogicalBitwiseOr;

        // Anonymous Delegate
        Func<int, int, int> concreteStrategy2 = delegate(int op1, int op2) { return op1 & op2; };

        // Lambda Expressions
        Func<int, int, int> concreteStrategy3 = (op1, op2) => op1 >> op2;
        Func<int, int, int> concreteStrategy4 = (op1, op2) => op1 << op2;

        context.Strategy = concreteStrategy1;
        var result1 = context.Execute(8, 9);
        context.Strategy = concreteStrategy2;
        var result2 = context.Execute(8, 9);
        context.Strategy = concreteStrategy3;
        var result3 = context.Execute(8, 1);
        context.Strategy = concreteStrategy4;
        var result4 = context.Execute(8, 1);

    static int PerformLogicalBitwiseOr(int op1, int op2)
        return op1 | op2;

    class Context<T>
        public Func<T, T, T> Strategy { get; set; }

        public T Execute(T operand1, T operand2)
            return this.Strategy != null
                ? this.Strategy(operand1, operand2)
                : default(T);


using System;

namespace Wikipedia.Patterns.Strategy
  // The strategy we will implement will be
  // to advise on investments.
  interface IHasInvestmentStrategy
    long CalculateInvestment();
  // Here we have one way to go about it.
  class FollowTheMoon : IHasInvestmentStrategy
    protected virtual int MoonPhase { get; set; }
    protected virtual int AstrologicalSign { get; set; }
    public FollowTheMoon(int moonPhase, int yourSign)
      MoonPhase = moonPhase;
      AstrologicalSign = yourSign;
    public long CalculateInvestment()
      if (MoonPhase == AstrologicalSign)
        return 1000;
        return 100 * (MoonPhase % DateTime.Today.Day);
  // And here we have another.
  // Note that each strategy may have its own dependencies.
  // The EverythingYouOwn strategy needs a bank account.
  class EverythingYouOwn : IHasInvestmentStrategy
    protected virtual OtherLib.IBankAccessor Accounts { get; set; }
    public EverythingYouOwn(OtherLib.IBankAccessor accounts)
      Accounts = accounts;
    public long CalculateInvestment()
      return Accounts.GetAccountBalancesTotal();
  // The InvestmentManager is where we want to be able to
  // change strategies. This is the Context.
  class InvestmentManager
    public IHasInvestmentStrategy Strategy { get; set; }
    public InvestmentManager(IHasInvestmentStrategy strategy)
      Strategy = strategy;
    public void Report()
      // Our investment is determined by the current strategy.
      var investment = Strategy.CalculateInvestment();
      Console.WriteLine("You should invest {0} dollars!",
  class Program
    static void Main()
      // Define some of the strategies we will use.
      var strategyA = new FollowTheMoon( 8, 8 );
      var strategyB = new EverythingYouOwn(
      // Our investment manager
      var manager = new InvestmentManager(strategyA);
      // You should invest 1000 dollars!
      manager.Strategy = strategyB;
      // You should invest 13521500000000 dollars!
在 Common Lisp 中实现

Common Lisp 中的示例:使用策略类

(defclass context ()
  ((strategy :initarg :strategy :accessor strategy)))

(defmethod execute ((c context))
  (execute (slot-value c 'strategy)))

(defclass strategy-a () ())

(defmethod execute ((s strategy-a))
  (print "Doing the task the normal way"))

(defclass strategy-b () ())

(defmethod execute ((s strategy-b))
  (print "Doing the task alternatively"))

(execute (make-instance 'context
                        :strategy (make-instance 'strategy-a)))

在 Common Lisp 中使用一等函数

(defclass context ()
  ((strategy :initarg :strategy :accessor strategy)))

(defmethod execute ((c context))
  (funcall (slot-value c 'strategy)))

(let ((a (make-instance 'context
                        :strategy (lambda ()
                                    (print "Doing the task the normal way")))))
  (execute a))

(let ((b (make-instance 'context
                        :strategy (lambda ()
                                    (print "Doing the task alternatively")))))
  (execute b))
在 Falcon 中实现

类似于 Python 和 Scala,Falcon 支持一等函数。以下代码实现了 Python 示例中看到的基本功能。

    @brief A very basic button widget
  class Button( label, submit_func )
    label = label
    on_submit = submit_func
  // Create two instances with different strategies ...
  // ... and different ways to express inline functions
  button1 = Button( "Add 'em",
         n = 0
         for val in nums: n+= val
         return n
       end )
  button2 = Button( "Join 'em", { nums => " ".merge( [].comp(nums) ) } )
  // Test each button
  numbers = [1: 10]  
  printl(button1.on_submit(numbers))   // displays "45"
  printl(button2.on_submit(numbers))   // displays "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
在 Fortran 中实现

Fortran 2003 添加了过程指针、抽象接口以及一等函数。以下是 Python 示例的镜像。

module m_strategy_pattern
implicit none

abstract interface
    !! A generic interface to a subroutine accepting array of integers
    subroutine generic_function(numbers)
        integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: numbers
    end subroutine
end interface

type :: Button
    character(len=20) :: label
    procedure(generic_function), pointer, nopass :: on_submit
    procedure :: init
end type Button


    subroutine init(self, func, label)
        class(Button), intent(inout) :: self
        procedure(generic_function) :: func
        character(len=*) :: label
        self%on_submit => func      !! Procedure pointer
        self%label = label
    end subroutine init

    subroutine summation(array)
        integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
        integer :: total
        total = sum(array)
        write(*,*) total
    end subroutine summation

    subroutine join(array)
        integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
        write(*,*) array        !! Just write out the whole array
    end subroutine join

end module m_strategy_pattern

!! The following program demonstrates the usage of the module
program test_strategy
use m_strategy_pattern
implicit none

    type(Button) :: button1, button2
    integer :: i

    call button1%init(summation, "Add them")
    call button2%init(join, "Join them")

    call button1%on_submit([(i, i=1,10)])   !! Displays 55
    call button2%on_submit([(i, i=1,10)])   !! Prints out the array

end program test_strategy
在 Groovy 中实现

此 Groovy 示例是使用块的 Ruby 示例的基本端口。示例中使用 Groovy 的闭包支持来代替 Ruby 的块。

class Context {
  def strategy

  Context(strategy) {
    this.strategy = strategy
  def execute() {

def a = new Context({ println 'Style A' })
a.execute() // => Style A
def b = new Context({ println 'Style B' })
b.execute() // => Style B
def c = new Context({ println 'Style C' })
c.execute() // => Style C
在“经典”Java 中实现

Java 中的示例

/** The classes that implement a concrete strategy should implement this.
* The Context class uses this to call the concrete strategy. */
interface Strategy {
    int execute(int a, int b);
/** Implements the algorithm using the strategy interface */
class Add implements Strategy {
    public int execute(int a, int b) {
        System.out.println("Called Add's execute()");
        return a + b;  // Do an addition with a and b
class Subtract implements Strategy {
    public int execute(int a, int b) {
        System.out.println("Called Subtract's execute()");
        return a - b;  // Do a subtraction with a and b
class Multiply implements Strategy {
    public int execute(int a, int b) {
        System.out.println("Called Multiply's execute()");
        return a * b;   // Do a multiplication with a and b
/** Configured with a ConcreteStrategy object and maintains a reference to a Strategy object */
class Context {
    private Strategy strategy;

    public Context(Strategy strategy) {
        this.strategy = strategy;

    public int executeStrategy(int a, int b) {
        return this.strategy.execute(a, b);
/** Tests the pattern */
class StrategyExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Context context;

        // Three contexts following different strategies
        context = new Context(new Add());
        int resultA = context.executeStrategy(3, 4);

        context = new Context(new Subtract());
        int resultB = context.executeStrategy(3, 4);

        context = new Context(new Multiply());
        int resultC = context.executeStrategy(3, 4);
        System.out.println("Result A: " + resultA );
        System.out.println("Result B: " + resultB );
        System.out.println("Result C: " + resultC );
在 Java 8 中实现

Java 中的示例

/** Imports a type of lambdas taking two arguments of the same type T and returning one argument of same type T */
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;

/** Implements and assigns to variables the lambdas to be used later in configuring Context.
*   FunctionalUtils is just a convenience class, as the code of a lambda
*   might be passed directly to Context constructor, as for ResultD below, in main().
class FunctionalUtils {
	static final BinaryOperator<Integer> add = (final Integer a, final Integer b) -> {
		System.out.println("Called add's apply().");
		return a + b;

	static final BinaryOperator<Integer> subtract = (final Integer a, final Integer b) -> {
		System.out.println("Called subtract's apply().");
		return a - b;

	static final BinaryOperator<Integer> multiply = (final Integer a, final Integer b) -> {
		System.out.println("Called multiply's apply().");
		return a * b;
/** Configured with a lambda and maintains a reference to a lambda */
class Context {
	/** a variable referencing a lambda taking two Integer arguments and returning an Integer: */
	private final BinaryOperator<Integer> strategy;
	public Context(final BinaryOperator<Integer> lambda) {
		strategy = lambda;

	public int executeStrategy(final int a, final int b) {
		return strategy.apply(a, b);
/** Tests the pattern */
public class StrategyExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Context context;

		context = new Context(FunctionalUtils.add);
		final int resultA = context.executeStrategy(3,4);

		context = new Context(FunctionalUtils.subtract);
		final int resultB = context.executeStrategy(3, 4);

		context = new Context(FunctionalUtils.multiply);
		final int resultC = context.executeStrategy(3, 4);

		context = new Context((final Integer a, final Integer b) -> a * b + 1);
		final int resultD = context.executeStrategy(3,4);

		System.out.println("Result A: " + resultA );
		System.out.println("Result B: " + resultB );
		System.out.println("Result C: " + resultC );
		System.out.println("Result D: " + resultD );
在 JavaScript 中实现

类似于 Python 和 Scala,JavaScript 支持一等函数。以下代码实现了 Python 示例中看到的基本功能。

var Button = function(submit_func, label) {
    this.label = label;
    this.on_submit = submit_func;

var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
var sum = function(n) {
    var sum = 0;
    for ( var a in n ) {
        sum = sum + n[a];
    return sum;

var a = new Button(sum, "Add numbers");
var b = new Button(function(numbers) {
    return numbers.join(',');
}, "Print numbers");

在 Perl 中实现

Perl 具有一等函数,因此与 Python、JavaScript 和 Scala 一样,此模式可以在不定义显式子类和接口的情况下实现

sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @items

策略模式可以用Moose 正式实现

package Strategy;
use Moose::Role;
requires 'execute';

package FirstStrategy;
use Moose;
with 'Strategy';

sub execute {
    print "Called FirstStrategy->execute()\n";

package SecondStrategy;
use Moose;
with 'Strategy';

sub execute {
    print "Called SecondStrategy->execute()\n";

package ThirdStrategy;
use Moose;
with 'Strategy';

sub execute {
    print "Called ThirdStrategy->execute()\n";

package Context;
use Moose;

has 'strategy' => (
    is => 'rw',
    does => 'Strategy',
    handles => [ 'execute' ],  # automatic delegation

package StrategyExample;
use Moose;

# Moose's constructor
sub BUILD {
    my $context;

    $context = Context->new(strategy => 'FirstStrategy');

    $context = Context->new(strategy => 'SecondStrategy');

    $context = Context->new(strategy => 'ThirdStrategy');

package main;

在 PHP 中实现

PHP 中的策略模式

interface IStrategy {
    public function execute();

class Context {
    private $strategy;

    public function __construct(IStrategy $strategy) {
        $this->strategy = $strategy;

    public function execute() {

class ConcreteStrategyA implements IStrategy {
    public function execute() {
        echo "Called ConcreteStrategyA execute method\n";

class ConcreteStrategyB implements IStrategy {
    public function execute() {
        echo "Called ConcreteStrategyB execute method\n";

class ConcreteStrategyC implements IStrategy {
    public function execute() {
        echo "Called ConcreteStrategyC execute method\n";

class StrategyExample {
    public function __construct() {
        $context = new Context(new ConcreteStrategyA());

        $context = new Context(new ConcreteStrategyB());

        $context = new Context(new ConcreteStrategyC());

new StrategyExample();
在 PowerShell 中实现

PowerShell 具有称为 ScriptBlocks 的一等函数,因此可以像 Python 一样对模式进行建模,将函数直接传递给上下文,而不是定义一个包含函数的类。

Function Context ([scriptblock]$script:strategy){
    New-Module -Name Context -AsCustomObject {
        Function Execute { & $strategy }

$a = Context {'Style A'}

(Context {'Style B'}).Execute()

$c = Context {'Style C'}

使用 New-Module 的替代方法

Function Context ([scriptblock]$strategy){
    { & $strategy }.GetNewClosure()

$a = Context {'Style A'}

& (Context {'Style B'})

$c = Context {'Style C'}
& $c
在 Python 中实现

以下示例等效于上面的 C# 示例 1,但在 Python 中。

import abc

class Bill:
    def __init__(self, billing_strategy: "BillingStrategy"):
        self.drinks: list[float] = []
        self.billing_strategy = billing_strategy

    def add(self, price: float, quantity: int) -> None:
        self.drinks.append(self.billing_strategy.get_act_price(price * quantity))

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f{sum(self.drinks)}"

class BillingStrategy(abc.ABC):
    def get_act_price(self, raw_price: float) -> float:
        raise NotImplementedError

class NormalStrategy(BillingStrategy):
    def get_act_price(self, raw_price: float) -> float:
        return raw_price

class HappyHourStrategy(BillingStrategy):
    def get_act_price(self, raw_price: float) -> float:
        return raw_price * 0.5

def main() -> None:
    normal_strategy = NormalStrategy()
    happy_hour_strategy = HappyHourStrategy()

    customer_1 = Bill(normal_strategy)
    customer_2 = Bill(normal_strategy)

    # Normal billing
    customer_1.add(2.50, 3)
    customer_1.add(2.50, 2)

    # Start happy hour
    customer_1.billing_strategy = happy_hour_strategy
    customer_2.billing_strategy = happy_hour_strategy
    customer_1.add(3.40, 6)
    customer_2.add(3.10, 2)

    # End happy hour
    customer_1.billing_strategy = normal_strategy
    customer_2.billing_strategy = normal_strategy
    customer_1.add(3.10, 6)
    customer_2.add(3.10, 2)

    # Print the bills;

if __name__ == "__main__":

Python 中的第二个示例

class Strategy:
    def execute(self, a, b):

class Add(Strategy):
    def execute(self, a, b):
        return a + b

class Subtract(Strategy):
    def execute(self, a, b):
        return a - b

class Multiply(Strategy):
    def execute(self, a, b):
        return a * b

class Context:
    def __init__(self, strategy):
        self.strategy = strategy

    def execute(self, a, b):
        return self.strategy.execute(a, b)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    context = None

    context = Context(Add())
    print "Add Strategy %d" % context.execute(10, 5)

    context = Context(Subtract())
    print "Subtract Strategy %d" % context.execute(10, 5)

    context = Context(Multiply())
    print "Multiply Strategy %d" % context.execute(10, 5)

在 Python 中的另一个示例:Python 具有一等函数,因此可以简单地将函数直接传递给上下文,而不是定义一个包含函数的方法的类,从而使用此模式。这样会丢失一些信息,因为策略的接口没有明确说明,但是通过这种方式简化了模式。

以下是在 GUI 编程中可能会遇到的示例,使用回调函数

class Button:
    """A very basic button widget."""
    def __init__(self, submit_func, label):
        self.on_submit = submit_func   # Set the strategy function directly
        self.label = label

# Create two instances with different strategies
button1 = Button(sum, "Add 'em")
button2 = Button(lambda nums: " ".join(map(str, nums)), "Join 'em")

# Test each button
numbers = range(1, 10)   # A list of numbers 1 through 9
print button1.on_submit(numbers)   # displays "45"
print button2.on_submit(numbers)   # displays "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
在 Ruby 中实现

Ruby 中的示例

class Context
  def initialize(strategy)

module StrategyA
  def execute
     puts 'Doing the task the normal way'

module StrategyB
  def execute
     puts 'Doing the task alternatively'

module StrategyC
  def execute
     puts 'Doing the task even more alternatively'

a = Context.new(StrategyA)
a.execute #=> Doing the task the normal way

b = Context.new(StrategyB)
b.execute #=> Doing the task alternatively

a.execute #=> Doing the task the normal way

c = Context.new(StrategyC)
c.execute #=> Doing the task even more alternatively


前面的 Ruby 示例使用了典型的 OO 特性,但可以使用 Ruby 的块以更少的代码实现相同的效果。

class Context
  def initialize(&strategy)
    @strategy = strategy

  def execute

a = Context.new { puts 'Doing the task the normal way' }
a.execute #=> Doing the task the normal way

b = Context.new { puts 'Doing the task alternatively' }
b.execute #=> Doing the task alternatively
c = Context.new { puts 'Doing the task even more alternatively' }
c.execute #=> Doing the task even more alternatively
在 Scala 中实现

与 Python 一样,Scala 也支持一等函数。以下代码实现了 Python 示例中显示的基本功能。

  // A very basic button widget.
  class Button[T](val label: String, val onSubmit: Range => T)
  val button1 = new Button("Add", _ reduceLeft (_ + _))
  val button2 = new Button("Join", _ mkString " ")
  // Test each button
  val numbers = 1 to 9  // A list of numbers 1 through 9
  println(button1 onSubmit numbers) // displays 45
  println(button2 onSubmit numbers) // displays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



状态 计算机科学设计模式


