D 中的切片是该语言最强大和最有用的功能之一。本课实际上是上一课的延续——你将更深入地了解 D 的数组是如何工作的。
import std.stdio;
void writeln_middle(string msg)
writeln(msg[1 .. $ - 1]);
void main()
int[] a = [1,3,5,6];
a[0..2] = [6,5];
writeln(a); // [6, 5, 5, 6]
a[0..$] = [0,0,0,0];
writeln(a); // [0, 0, 0, 0]
a = a[0 .. 3];
writeln(a); // [0, 0, 0]
a ~= [3,5];
writeln(a); // [0, 0, 0, 3, 5]
int[] b;
b.length = 2;
b = a[0 .. $];
writeln(b.length); // 5
b[0] = 10;
writeln(b); // [10, 0, 0, 3, 5]
writeln(a); // [10, 0, 0, 3, 5]
writeln_middle("Phobos"); // hobo
writeln_middle("Phobos rocks");
你可以在 D 中使用这种语法来获取数组的切片
arr[start_index .. end_index]
string a = "the entire part of the array";
string b = a[11 .. $]; // b = "part of the array"
// b points to the last 17 elements of a
// If you modify individual elements of b, a will also
// change since they point to the same underlying array!
会自动替换为被切片的数组的长度。以下三行代码等效,并且都创建了数组 arr
char[] a = arr[0 .. $];
char[] a = arr[0 .. arr.length];
char[] a = arr[]; // shorthand for the above
D 中的所有动态数组都有一个 .capacity
int[] a = [1,2,3,45];
writeln("Ptr: ", a.ptr);
writeln("Capacity: ", a.capacity);
a.length = a.capacity; // the array reaches maximum length
writeln("Ptr: ", a.ptr, "\nCapacity: ", a.capacity); // Still the same
a ~= 1; // array has exceeded its capacity
// it has either been moved to a spot in memory with more space
// or the memory space has been extended
// if the former is true, then a.ptr is changed.
writeln("Capacity: ", a.capacity); // Increased
为了提高效率,最好确保追加和连接不会导致太多重新分配,因为重新分配动态数组是一个代价高昂的过程。以下代码可能会重新分配多达 5 次
int[] a = [];
a ~= new int[10];
a ~= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
a ~= a;
a ~= new int[20];
a ~= new int[30];
确保数组 capacity
在一开始就足够大,以允许以后高效地进行非重新分配的数组追加和连接,如果性能是一个问题。你无法修改 .capacity
属性。你只能修改长度,或者使用 reserve
int[] a = [1,2,3,45];
a.reserve(10); // if a's capacity is more than 10, nothing is done
// else a is reallocated so that it has a capacity of at least 10
请记住,D 的数组是按值传递给函数的。当静态数组被传递时,整个数组会被复制。当动态数组被传递时,只有包含指向底层数组的指针和长度的结构会被复制——底层数组不会被复制。
import std.stdio;
int[] a = [1,2,3];
void function1(int[] arr)
assert(arr.ptr == a.ptr); // They are the same
// But the arr is not the same as a
// If arr's .length is modified, a is unchanged.
// both arr and a's .ptr refer to the same underlying array
// so if you wrote: arr[0] = 0;
// both arr and a would show the change, because they are both
// references to the same array.
// what if you forced arr to reallocate?
arr.length = 200; // most likely will reallocate
// now arr and a refer to different arrays
// a refers to the original one, but
// arr refers to the array that's reallocated to a new spot
arr[0] = 0;
writeln(arr[0]); // 0
writeln(a[0]); // 1
void main()
void f(int[] arr)
arr.length = arr.length + 10;
arr[0] += 10;
- 第一种可能性:数组的容量足够大以容纳调整大小,因此没有发生重新分配。原始底层数组的第一个元素被修改了。
- 第二种可能性:数组的容量不足以容纳调整大小,但 D 的内存管理能够扩展内存空间,而无需复制整个数组。原始底层数组的第一个元素被修改了。
- 第三种可能性:数组的容量不足以容纳调整大小。D 的内存管理必须将底层数组重新分配到内存中的一个全新的空间。原始底层数组的第一个元素没有被修改。
int[] a = [0,0,0];
assert(a[0] == 10);
只需更改函数 f
void f(ref int[] arr)
arr.length = arr.length + 10;
arr[0] += 10;
int[] a = [1,2,3,4];
auto b = a[1 .. 3];
writeln(b.capacity); // 0
// b cannot possibly be appended
// without overwriting elements of a
// therefore, its capacity is 0
// any append would cause reallocation
int[] a = [1,2,3,4];
writeln(a.capacity); // 7
auto b = a[1 .. 4];
writeln(b.capacity); // 6
a ~= 5; // whoops!
// now the slice b does *not* end at the end of a
writeln(a.capacity); // 7
writeln(b.capacity); // 0
切片的 .capacity
a[0 .. 10] = b
你将 b
赋值给 a
int[] a = [1,2,3];
a[] = 3;
是 a[0 .. $]
的简写。当你将一个 int[]
切片赋值给一个单个 int
值时,该 int
int[4] a = [0,0,0,0];
int[] b = new int[4];
b[] = a; // Assigning an array to a slice
// this guarantees array-copying
a[0] = 10000;
writeln(b[0]); // still 0
小心!无论何时使用切片赋值,左右两边的 .length
int[] a = new int[1];
a[] = [4,4,4,4]; // Runtime error!
int[] s = [1,2,3,4,5];
s[0 .. 3] = s[1 .. 4]; // Runtime error! Overlapping Array Copy
假设您想将数组中的每个整数元素都翻倍。使用 D 的向量操作语法,您可以编写以下任何代码:
int[] a = [1,2,3,4];
a[] = a[] * 2; // each element in the slice is multiplied by 2
a[0 .. $] = a[0 .. $] * 2; // more explicit
a[] *= 2 // same thing
同样,如果您想执行以下操作: [1, 2, 3, 4] (int[] a) + [3, 1, 3, 1] (int[] b) = [4, 3, 6, 5] 您将编写以下代码:
int[] a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
int[] b = [3, 1, 3, 1];
a[] += b[]; // same as a[] = a[] + b[];
void foo(int[] a, int b)
// do stuff
void eggs(int[] a)
// do stuff
void main()
int[] a;
foo(a, 1);
a.foo(1); // means the same thing
a.eggs; // you can omit the parentheses
// (only when there are no arguments)
- 如果您想了解更多信息,Steven Schveighoffer 的文章 "D 切片" 是一个极好的资源。