《暗黑与光明维基》于 2005 年 12 月启动,紧随《甘纳里斯的定居者》发布。它的创建是为了将所有信息集中到一个完整的数据源中,该数据源可以轻松地通过 暗黑与光明社区 的协作进行更新。
这本 维基教科书 是供暗黑与光明社区阅读的。
在 官方暗黑与光明社区论坛 上有超过 270,000 名注册用户。这意味着,等待暗黑与光明官方发布的人群很可能是所有预发布游戏中与任何游戏相关的最大群体。如此庞大的受众群体将会需要信息,而遗憾的是,炼金梦 和 法兰娱乐 无法提供这些信息。(社区中的许多人将此归咎于 公共关系 不足和游戏国际化,而另一些人则声称,不断增长的 MMO 市场竞争力需要这种保密。)
使用 维基教科书,可以轻松地集中、重新组织和更新信息,以便轻松访问不断变化和扩展的信息。
以下是 Malfedor 和 Caxar 的一段对话,它解释了许多关于这个项目的目的和发展方向。
[22:45] <Malfedor> Hi, do you have a sec? [22:46] <caxar> sure i do :) [22:46] <Malfedor> Cool. [22:46] <Malfedor> I've been itching to do something about all the errors that've been going on recently. [22:46] <Malfedor> So I created a Wiki to list all of them, plus put a place to contain all info possible about the game. [22:47] <caxar> nice one :) [22:47] <Malfedor> ...but for now I'm waiting to get AD's blessing on using Wiki Books to hold the info. [22:47] <Malfedor> Anyways, I'm not sure if it's worthwhile, or if I'm just wasting my life on it. [22:48] <caxar> think its a good idea [22:48] <Malfedor> I was wondering if you could look at the errors Wiki and let me know if you think it'd be useful. [22:48] <Malfedor> https://wikibooks.cn/wiki/Dark_And_Light/SOG_Errors [22:48] <caxar> kk gimme a sec [22:48] <Malfedor> The main page is at https://wikibooks.cn/wiki/Dark_And_Light , but that's not even close to being finished. [22:49] <caxar> gonna check both out,brb [22:51] <caxar> mate seems awesome to me :)) [22:51] <Malfedor> The thing is this: it won't work unless there's people willing to add info. [22:52] <caxar> already bookmarked the site,have to read over later when I?m calm [22:52] <Malfedor> Wiki's usually are cool, but only the ones that have people adding things wind up finished. [22:52] <Malfedor> heh [22:52] <Malfedor> Oh, one other thing: Wikis can be localized to language and region. [22:53] <caxar> but i gonna to add info,anyways we have much free time since server downs hehe [22:53] <Malfedor> Aka: English; German; Spanish, etc. [22:53] <Malfedor> heh [22:53] <caxar> ah nice,didnt know that one [22:53] <Malfedor> That's why I'm doing this now :] [22:54] <Malfedor> The best wikis have about 10 people adding things for each language/region. [22:54] <Malfedor> Less than that and things are updated. [22:54] <Malfedor> There's some other MMOs that have Wiki books, but nobody updates them: [22:54] <Malfedor> https://wikibooks.cn/wiki/World_of_Warcraft [22:54] <Malfedor> https://wikibooks.cn/wiki/EverQuest [22:54] <Malfedor> ...so they're basically dead. [22:55] <caxar> I see. It?s always a prob involve peeps to a free project [22:55] <Malfedor> Anyways.... my question is this: since you seem to know a few things about the game, do you think, in your educated opinion, that there could be 30 or so people who'd want to add things to this? [22:56] <Malfedor> Yeah, you need dedicated people. [22:56] <Malfedor> When I ran the Podcast, I found that getting people to provide information is almost impossible. [22:56] <Malfedor> There's only a few people who want to add things. [22:56] <Malfedor> Everybody else just wants to read the info and use it. [22:57] <Malfedor> (Of course, you can't get the info unless somebody else added it in first.) [23:04] <Malfedor> Anyways, I don't suppose you could guess on how many people might add info to that Wiki? [23:04] <Malfedor> I know I will, and I have others who've volunteered. [23:05] <caxar> i guess when you try to announce the project, you should be able to get 20-30 easily [23:05] <caxar> here at irc,forums etc [23:05] <Malfedor> Maybe. [23:05] <caxar> but [23:05] <Malfedor> It's the long-term that I'm concerned with. [23:05] <caxar> one thing is having 30 which saying yes and at the end you are with 6 mates.. [23:05] <caxar> like always [23:05] <Malfedor> Say, if some information changes in April, do you think people will add the new information, or just spend their time playing the game? [23:06] <Malfedor> heh, yeah [23:06] <Malfedor> I had that problem with the Podcast that I ran. [23:06] <Malfedor> Everybody was like "sure, I'll send you ideas to talk about", then when I asked for them a month. Later... I got nothing. [23:06] <caxar> hmm There?s always people who?d really support such efforts;.but gona be a hard one finding them [23:07] <Malfedor> Yup. [23:07] <caxar> you waaant to gather all kind of info on that wiki book about dnl? such as classes, races, lvl spots etc? [23:08] <Malfedor> Yeah, eventually. [23:09] <Malfedor> I want to make the Wiki like the "World of Warcraft Official Strategy Guide" [23:09] <Malfedor> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0744004055 [23:09] <Malfedor> I like that a lot, and it really saved me a lot of time. [23:09] <Malfedor> Theoretically, you can create something like that in Wiki Books. [23:10] <caxar> wow! But thats gonna be a mega project! [23:10] <caxar> a good part of the info you can just copy/past but its still a lot of work [23:11] <Malfedor> Yeah, mostly it's copy & paste. [23:11] <Malfedor> I did almost the entire errata page from one post: https://wikibooks.cn/wiki/Dark_And_Light/SOG_Errors [23:11] <Malfedor> But, the images have to be screen-captured and touched-up. [23:12] <Malfedor> Those would be hard. [23:12] <Malfedor> But... [23:12] <Malfedor> Even if we only did, say, 10% of the whole thing, it would still be really useful. [23:12] <caxar> indeed it will [23:12] <Malfedor> And, who knows... [23:13] <Malfedor> If there was enough done free, Farlan or somebody might do the rest. [23:13] <Malfedor> (To promote the game.) [23:13] <caxar> im not familiar with wiki,how does the updating work? any1 can or ppl must send stuff to you and you update? [23:13] <Malfedor> It's super-easy. [23:14] <Malfedor> Just click on the "edit this page" tab on the top, look for the area to add info, type in "=== Header ===" with Header being the section, and press enter and start typing your information. [23:14] <Malfedor> Anyone can add new things. [23:14] <Malfedor> That's the cool part of it. [23:14] <caxar> ah i see [23:14] <Malfedor> There *can* be griefing. [23:14] <Malfedor> But, you can just un-do the stuff that griefers add, since you can see the entire history of updates to a page. [23:15] <Malfedor> (That's what the "history" tab is. You can compare versions of the page to see what was changed.) [23:15] <caxar> is there something like a super user? [23:15] <Malfedor> Yup. [23:15] <Malfedor> The super-user is the person who declares himself the super-user. [23:15] <Malfedor> That's it. [23:16] <Malfedor> Usually, people who add things let the "super-user"/"Moderator" made changes like column size, order, spelling, etc. [23:16] <caxar> hmm i mean, with special right to delete stuff, or anybody can delete content from the page? that wouldnt be nice [23:16] <Malfedor> The moderator is just the person who's considered by others to be the most dedicated/smart. [23:16] <Malfedor> There's no special abilities. Anyone can do anything. [23:17] <Malfedor> Period. [23:17] <Malfedor> (You don't even have to create an account to change things.) [23:17] <Malfedor> That's why they're so cool. [23:17] <caxar> so how you prevent have dumbassses deleting all the book when the feel lie? [23:17] <Malfedor> Easy... [23:17] <Malfedor> You see the recent changes (I get emails whenever there's a change), and un-do them. [23:18] <caxar> ah nice [23:18] <Malfedor> In a fight between contributors and griefers, it's all about who is the most committed to get their changes in. [23:18] <Malfedor> Whoever makes the last change wins. [23:18] <Malfedor> Usually, griefers just stop by to grief for 5 minutes and then leave. [23:18] <caxar> true [23:18] <Malfedor> So contributors/moderators always win.
2005 年 12 月 12 日,Malfedor 向暗黑与光明论坛的两名主持人发送了一封请求。以下是电子邮件
发送时间:2005 年 12 月 18 日,美国东部时间下午 7:20
Delphis 和 Medic
我想知道你们是否知道我如何请求授权发布关于暗黑与光明的维基教科书。几个月前,我开始了一个播客,以满足 DnL 社区希望讨论谣言和内部信息的愿望。这个播客一开始还不错,但后来失败了——主要是因为我们没有谣言和信息。(我们当时正在与法兰合作,让一名开发人员参加节目,但我们的联系人最终承认他们被禁止透露任何信息。)
从那时起,我一直关注着游戏的发展...等等。我通常会非常投入地玩任何游戏,而且我一直在寻找一种方法,除了在论坛上发布毫无意义的帖子之外,还能为 DnL 做点有用的事。我认为,如果有人有必要的时间和奉献精神,最棒的事莫过于创建一个 Wiki 书籍,讨论 DnL 的所有内容:配置、错误、职业讨论、等级攻略、任务详情、图鉴等等。(作为参考,我建议:魔兽世界 或 无尽的任务。)我认为 Wiki 书籍 非常适合这个,因为任何人都可以立即添加他们拥有的任何新信息。(Stratics 和其他粉丝网站间歇性地发布少量信息,难以阅读,组织混乱等等。)拥有一个井井有条且更新的 Wiki 书籍只需要几个专职的版主来启动并维护它,以及社区成员愿意添加他们发现的信息。然后,版主可以根据 AD 可以提供的某些规则,使用他们的判断力来剔除不正确或不需要的信息。我们中已经有几个人有时间和知识可以做到这一点。事实上,Wiki 书籍可以立即创建。
但是,在开始之前,我想得到 AD 对这个概念的认可。我不知道是否计划出版一本包含这些信息的官方书籍(就像魔兽世界在其“官方策略指南”中所做的那样),但公关部门可能仍然对处理这件事有些犹豫,或者可能对潜在的版权侵犯有些担忧...等等。
请告诉我是否有办法正式提出这个请求。如果没有,你知道我如何查看 AD 和 Farlan 的粉丝网站版权政策吗?
p.s. 你可以在 这里 找到对输入 Wiki 书籍的信息的版权保护的描述。
Alchemic Dream 授权
[edit | edit source]Delphis 回复了上述请求,并获得了 Alchemic Dream 的正式授权,允许此 Wiki 书籍引用主 黑暗与光明网页 上的所有信息。邮件内容如下:
发送时间:2005 年 12 月 20 日 凌晨 3:45 EST
Re : DnL Wiki Hello, Your project has been accepted by AD. You can start your wiki anytime you want. Cheers! And long life to DnL and SoG!
[edit | edit source]目前只有一位版主。
[edit | edit source]Malfedor 是 黑暗与光明 Wiki 的最初创建者,并为其由后来的贡献者实施奠定了基础。他写了 最初的邮件,引起了人们对这个概念的兴趣。他继续主持所有对 Wiki 书籍的添加和修改。
Malfedor 仅主持此 Wiki 书籍的 英文 版本。
可以在 AOL 即时通讯 上联系 Malfedor,用户名为 MalfedorDF,也可以在 雅虎即时通讯 上联系他,用户名为 MalfedorDF。
[edit | edit source]支持此 Wiki 书籍的最佳方式是添加你自己的内容。这是一个合作项目:你,读者,让它发生。
[edit | edit source]如果你想添加或更正你在这里看到的任何内容,请查看有关 如何编辑 Wiki 的页面。你可以随时编辑 沙盒,因为它会不断重置以供其他人使用。
如果你发现此 Wiki 书籍任何部分的任何信息有错误,请随时编辑它。
注意:当你向书籍添加一个全新的页面(而不是仅仅向现有页面添加信息)时,请确保新页面的名称以“Dark And Light/”开头,包括“/”。如果你没有在名称的开头添加 “Dark And Light/”,索引、目录和其他许多内容都会出错。例如,如果你要创建一个关于“领域”的页面,你应该将其命名为 Dark And Light/Realms,Wiki 宏将被键入为 [[/Realms|Realms]],最终看起来像这样:领域.
[edit | edit source]你可以添加任何公开发布的关于黑暗与光明和 SOG 的事实,包括 testimonials 和推断信息。(感谢 Alchemic Dream 允许这样做!)这意味着你可以添加
- Testimonials
- 角色信息(技能、法术、物品、战术、发展策略)
- 地理描述(地图、攻略、任务)
- 游戏玩法统计(怪物生命值 & 元素弱点 & 经验值、物品价格、升级表格)
- 瞬态信息(政治、NPC、玩家密度)
你也可以添加任何公开发布的黑暗与光明图片的参考,无论是存储在 黑暗与光明公共网页 上的图片,还是从 SOG 的正常使用中截取的任何截图。这意味着你可以添加
- 怪物图片
- 法术图形
- 角色原型
- Alchemic Dream
[edit | edit source]这是一本 Wiki 书籍,这意味着它必须能够让任何人访问,而不会违反任何法律或合同。如果添加的任何信息或对 Wiki 的修改违反了主要运行目标,版主或任何在注意到违规行为后可用的人员,应该立即删除不正确添加的信息或修改。
- 没有已知信息支持的个人观点 - 这是一个信息网站,不是论坛!
- 脏话
- 成人主题
- 版权侵犯 - 任何来自未明确授权此 Wiki 书籍使用的组织的信息或图像,将被视为版权侵犯!
- 关于违反测试版 NDA 的黑暗与光明测试版的信息
- 商业招揽
- 垃圾邮件
[edit | edit source]这个问题一直都很难回答。维基百科关于版权侵犯的词条 中可以找到一些信息,但并不具有决定性。