ETF 映射/示例
< ETF 映射
刷子触发器 | 这类似于 trigger_multiple - 一个区域刷子,当你走过它时会触发。 |
点触发器 | 这些用作 func_goalinfo 实体,可以设置最小值和最大值来定义它们的实际大小。当你走进实体周围定义的区域时,它们会触发 - 它们也可以产生其他效果,例如显示一个在激活时变得不可见的模型等。 |
不可触碰触发器 | 这些通常设置为 info_notnull,充当中继或简单的替代触发器(即两个具有相同名称的实体,一个只能被蓝色触发,另一个只能被红色触发)。 |
旗帜 | 这些用作 func_goalitem 实体(或 func_flag,它们是相同的),当成功接触时,会被玩家“携带”。 |
标准实体 | 这些是 func_door 或 info_player_start 实体之类的东西 - 它们的行为或多或少与通常一样,但标准和级联触发器仍然起作用。 |
特殊实体 | 这些是 func_commandpoint 之类的东西 - 新的实体,其行为由实体定义。(稍后会详细介绍)。 |
{ // The red flag "classname" "func_goalitem" // this one is set by the editor when you position the entity: "origin" "1248 1984 -328" // What it looks like "model" "models/flags/r_flag.md3" // Model to use "light" "200" // Dynamic light "color" "1 0 0" // Pure red "sparkle" "1 0 0" // Generate smoke puffs around carrier // What it's called "groupname" "redflag" // Criteria "allowteams" "blue" // Only blue players can trigger (i.e. carry) // Messages on trigger // Centerprint message to activator: "carried_message" "~You have taken the ^1RED^* flag!" // Tell everyone activator has done it: "carried_all_message" "~%N has TAKEN the ^1RED^* flag!" // Tell everyone activator dropped the flag: "active_all_message" "~%N has DROPPED the ^1RED^* flag!" "inactive_all_message" "The ^1RED^* flag has returned." // Play Sound to team: "carried_team_sound" "~sound/teamplay/voc_team_flag.wav" // Play Sound to non-team players: "carried_nonteam_sound" "~sound/teamplay/voc_enemy_flag.wav" // Play Sound to activator: "carried_sound" "~sound/teamplay/voc_you_flag.wav" // Flaginfo (shown on \flaginfo command) "carried_flaginfo" "%N has the ^1RED^* flag." "active_flaginfo" "The ^1RED^* flag has been dropped at $l." // Flags must use $l for active_flaginfo and active_all_message "inactive_flaginfo" "The ^1RED^* flag is at the red base." // Misc // Reveal spies on trigger, show flag above player when carried: "flags" "revealagent,showcarry" // Wait 45 seconds before going inactive (i.e. back to base): "wait" "45" }
{ // The capture point in the blue base "classname" "trigger_multiple" // Origin/size defined by brush (never set) "model" "*10" // Criteria // Only trigger if activator holds redflag: "holding" "redflag" // Messages // Centerprint message to everyone: "active_all_message" "~%N has CAPTURED the ^1RED^* flag!" "active_message" "You have scored 2 frags for capturing the flag." // Play sound to activator: "active_sound" "~sound/teamplay/voc_blue_scores.wav" // Play sound to activator's team (apart from activator): "active_team_sound" "sound/teamplay/flagcap_blu.wav" // 'Give' bonuses "give" "score=+2,health=+100,armor=+200,ammo_shells=+200,ammo_nails=+200,ammo_cells=+200,ammo_rockets=+200,ammo_medikit=+50,gren1=+4,gren2=+2" // Give activator's team 10 points (the teamscore, not the players on the team): "teamscore" "10" // When activated, force redflag to inactive (back to base), // trigger scorer (optional extra 10 points entity): "activetarget" "redflag=~inactive,scorer" }
为了使事情更有趣,我们为什么不设置一个“计分”指挥点,当玩家占领旗帜时,给他们额外 10 分?
{ // A button to press to claim the command point "classname" "func_button" "model" "*1" "angle" "-2" "wait" "5" // Trigger the scorer command point when activated: "activetarget" "scorer_cp" } { // The scorer command point (no model, so must be triggered by another entity) "classname" "func_commandpoint" "origin" "448 832 -128" // Misc "groupname" "scorer_cp" // Messages "active_all_message" "~%N has claimed the\ncapture bonus for the %T!" // On activation (i.e. touch if we have a model, or trigger by a button // or something otherwise) // All entities named 'scorer' are locked to activators team: "teamset" "scorer" // Set scorer to inactive (i.e. ready to be activated): "activetarget" "scorer=inactive" } { // An untouchable 'scorer' entity "classname" "info_notnull" "origin" "444 828 -84" // Hardly 'essential' in this case... // Misc "groupname" "scorer" // So other entities can reference // Prevent scorer from being triggered initially // (i.e. until command point is claimed): "initialstate" "disabled" // On activation "teamscore" "10" // Give the activator's team 10 points // Go inactive after 1 second (the chances of someone capturing twice // in under a second are pretty slim...): "wait" "1" }
我们漏掉了一些东西 - 我们需要向玩家显示他是否正在携带旗帜,否则他可能会感到困惑(如果他发现自己已经携带了 5 分钟却没有占领,他会感到沮丧)。我们需要一个 HUD 实体。
{ // A HUD entity shown to the red flag carrier "classname" "func_hud" "origin" "1252 1980 -292" // Entity never actually activates, just show this model: "inactive_model" "models/flags/r_flag.md3" "slot" "1" // Display it in slot 1 (top left) "holding" "redflag" // Only player holding redflag can see this entity }