< 能源效率参考
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锅炉和蒸汽 • 通风橱 • 压缩空气 • 供暖通风空调 • 制冷 • 照明 • 电机 • 泵和风机 • 太阳能 |
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- 泵可靠性和维护成本 - 附在下方
- 尚未上传
1. 泵铭牌信息
- Brand Name - Cat. No - HP - RPM - Voltage - Max Amperage - Line Frequency (either 50 Hz or 60 Hz - Max Flow rate
2. 电机铭牌信息(如果它不是直接驱动泵)
- Brand Name - Cat. No - HP - RPM - Voltage - Max Amperage - Line Frequency (either 50 Hz or 60 Hz)
3. 泵送的流体
- Its viscosity and density (or if they know it its specific gravity)
4. 泵用于什么系统?5. 任何异常情况,如泵的进水温度过高/过低。6. 流量(以及泵以该流量运行的频率)。7. 泵两侧的压力表读数(这通常很难实现,因为很少有泵在两侧都有压力端口)。8. 如果没有压力表,你需要更多信息
- 泵进出口管道的内径
- 如果泵从罐体或敞口井中吸水,请估算水位高于或低于泵中心的高度。
- 如果泵从其他来源进水
- 在供给泵的管道上找到一个压力表(如果由城市供水管线供水,您可以从公用事业公司获得水送达的压力)。
- 测量(或估计)压力表高于或低于泵中心的高度
- 识别和计算管道中的弯头、阀门、三通、管道直径变化或任何其他连接(如果无法做到,请尽力估计)。
- 管道出口或出口压力的压力表读数
- 测量(或估计)压力表高于或低于泵中心的高度
- 识别和计算管道中的弯头、阀门、三通、管道直径变化或任何其他连接(如果无法做到,请尽力估计)。
- 电流读数
- 如果你想了解更多关于泵运行的信息,设置 HOBO 监控电流。
- 泵以什么流量运行,运行多长时间?
- 如何实现不同的流量(例如,节流进水口、变频驱动、旁路控制、开/关控制)?
- 泵是否只在需要时运行?
- 该泵最初是为哪个目的设计的,现在它是否仍然用于该目的?
现在是时候将所有数据汇总起来,开始编写一些 AR。
1. 开始将您的数据输入 PSAT(开始、程序、IAC 应用程序、PSAT 2008、PSAT 2008)
- The first thing to do is to determine what type of pump you have. PSAT has a drop down list of pumps to choose from or you can set a specific optimal efficiency. - Enter the RPM of the pump - Choose the type of drive (either direct or belt) - Leave the Units alone (they should be set to gpm, ft, hp) - Change the kinematic viscosity and specific gravity only if the fuild is not water (to calculate specific gravity from density get the density into g/cm^3 and divide by 1g/cm^3 (density of water)) - Set the fixed specific speed to no unless you know the pump has a fixed specific speed - Input the motor information into the next box (if its a direct drive it is the same as the pump information) - Enter the operating fraction (the amount of time the pump operates at the load you are looking at) - Put the incremental cost in the next box - Put the flow rate you got in the field in the next box - Click on the head tool button and fill out the boxes based on what you observed in the field (you can select the type of system you have by either selecting a suction and discharge line system or a suction tank and discharge line system) - Switch the button that says power to current so you can enter your amperage reading.
2. 现在您的数据已在 PSAT 中,您知道泵的效率以及是否应该编写泵效率 AR
- Most pumps will fall in the 60-85% efficiency range when operating properly. - Anthing above 65% is exceptionally good and you might want to write up a best practices section instead about how the company has properly scaled their pumps - Between 85% and 60% is questionable depending on the type of pump and its application (if your in doubt about what efficiency is normal for your pump talk to Joe) - Below 60% is not good except for low rpm pumps which may only have an efficiency of 25%-35% (talk to Joe if you are in this range). This is the range at which changing pumps becomes feasible.
3. 以下是一些针对泵效率 AR 的常见建议
- Replace pump (only a good solution if your pump is really inefficient (really over sized) because pumps are really expensive and the payback time is very long) - Trim Impeller, Smaller impeller (good for over sized pumps that run most of the time at a certain flow rate) - Install a VSD (good for pumps with throttle controls or bypass valves that run at several different flow-rates)
1. 确定泵可能在不需要运行时运行的任何时间。这可能是泵连续运行,而实际上它只在批处理过程的某些部分需要运行。也可能是泵一直在运行,而实际上它只在某些运行时间内需要运行。2. 确定是否可以由工厂人员关闭泵,或者是否需要安装一些控制系统。
- 可以由人员在夜间或周末关闭泵的工厂
- 泵只需要在每个批处理过程的一小部分时间内运行的工厂,将受益于安装一个控制系统来关闭泵。
3. 计算泵在不需要运行时使用的电量。由此和电力的增量成本,您可以找到泵在不需要运行时运行的成本。这就是您的成本节约。4. 如果这是一个可以通过工厂人员关闭的泵,那么您就完成了。只是让工厂人员在不需要时关闭泵不会产生任何成本。5. 对于需要安装一些控制系统的泵,您需要计算安装控制系统的成本。
- 首先,您需要估计该工厂的控制系统成本。您可能还需要在泵上安装软启动器,以便它们可以停止和启动,而不会给电机造成负担。
- 接下来,您需要估计电工安装新的控制系统需要多长时间,以及他们将收取多少费用。
- 现在,您可以将所有成本加起来并完成 AR。