Erlang 编程/自治代理
这里我们有一个简单的聊天机器人代理,称为 person/4。我们创建了它的两个实例,称为 Tarzan 和 Jane。他们互相交谈。每个都有一个超时时间。超时时间是等待发起对话的时间长度。Jane 的初始超时时间设置为 10 秒。Tarzan 的初始超时时间设置为 8 秒。由于初始值,Tarzan 会先说话,Jane 会回应。两个超时时间都会重新开始,但保持相同的数值。再次,Tarzan 会先说话,Jane 会回应。现在事情变得有趣了。代理可以判断对话是否重复。如果对话重复,就会发送特殊的訊息来交换相对的超时时间级别。现在 Tarzan 比 Jane 等待的时间更长,Jane 有机会先说话。现在,Jane 会先说两次。然后他们再次交换主动权。由于进程是自治的,我们需要使用一个名为 jungle:quit() 的退出程序来停止它们。注意:超时时间长度的變化是翻倍或减半。超时时间變化类似于以太网冲突的指数二进制回退。外部链接:[1] 指数回退。
-module( jungle ). -compile(export_all). %% This program shows how chat-bot agents can exchange initiative(lead) while in conversation. %% Start with start(). %% End with quit(). start() -> register( tarzan, spawn( jungle, person, [ tarzan, 8000, "", jane ] ) ), register( jane, spawn( jungle, person, [ jane, 10000, "", tarzan ] ) ), "Dialog will start in 5ish seconds, stop program with jungle:quit().". quit() -> jane ! exit, tarzan ! exit. %% Args for person/4 %% Name: name of agent being created/called %% T: timeout to continue conversation %% Last: Last thing said %% Other: name of other agent in conversation person( Name, T, Last, Other ) -> receive "hi" -> respond( Name, Other, "hi there \n " ), person( Name, T, "", Other ); "slower" -> show( Name, "i was told to wait more " ++ integer_to_list(round(T*2/1000))), person( Name, T*2, "", Other ); "faster" -> NT = round( T/2 ), show( Name, "I was told to wait less " ++ integer_to_list(round(NT/1000))), person( Name, NT, "", Other ); exit -> exit(normal); _AnyWord -> otherwise_empty_the_queue, person( Name, T, Last, Other ) after T -> respond( Name, Other, "hi"), case Last of "hi" -> self() ! "slower", sleep( 2000), % give the other time to print Other ! "faster", person( Name, T, "", Other ); _AnyWord -> person( Name, T, "hi", Other ) end end. % respond( Name, Other, String ) -> show( Name, String ), Other ! String. % show( Name, String ) -> sleep(1000), io:format( " ~s -- ~s \n ", [ Name, String ] ). % sleep(T) -> receive after T -> done end. % ===========================================================>%
Sample output: 18> c(jungle). {ok,jungle} 19> jungle:start(). jane_and_tarzan_will_start_in_5_seconds tarzan—hi jane—hi there tarzan—hi jane—hi there jane—I was told to wait less: 5 tarzan—I was told to wait more: 16 jane—hi tarzan—hi there jane—hi tarzan—hi there tarzan—I was told to wait less: 8 jane—I was told to wait more: 10 tarzan—hi jane—hi there tarzan—hi jane—hi there jane—I was told to wait less: 5 tarzan—I was told to wait more: 16 jane—hi tarzan—hi there 20> jungle:quit(). exit