Erlang 编程/使用 mnesia
Mnesia 是用 Erlang 编写的分布式数据库,主要用于 Erlang 程序。简单的查询可以使用查询列表推导(qlc)编写。实时查询可以决定不使用事务。
该程序定义了一些类似于 SQL 的函数。我们希望构建一个名为“painting”的艺术品表,包含以下字段:索引、艺术家和标题。
Table: painting +---------------------------------------------+ | index | artist | title | +---------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Dali | The Ghost of Vermeer | | 2 | Dali | The Persistance of Memory | | 3 | Vermeer | Girl With Pearl Earring | +---------------------------------------------+
art:init(). 启动数据库并创建表:painting。
insert() 将数据放入表中
select() 从表中获取数据
请注意,第二次调用 init() 时,数据库将重启,但我们会在尝试重新创建表时收到错误(因为它已经存在)。
-module(art). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl"). -record(painting, {index, artist, title}). init() -> mnesia:create_schema([node()]), mnesia:start(), mnesia:create_table(painting, [ {disc_copies, [node()] }, {attributes, record_info(fields,painting)} ]). insert( Index, Artist, Title) -> Fun = fun() -> mnesia:write( #painting{ index=Index, artist=Artist, title=Title } ) end, mnesia:transaction(Fun). select( Index) -> Fun = fun() -> mnesia:read({painting, Index}) end, {atomic, [Row]}=mnesia:transaction(Fun), io:format(" ~p ~p ~n ", [Row#painting.artist, Row#painting.title] ). select_some( Artist) -> Fun = fun() -> mnesia:match_object({painting, '_', Artist, '_' } ) end, {atomic, Results} = mnesia:transaction( Fun), Results. select_all() -> mnesia:transaction( fun() -> qlc:eval( qlc:q( [ X || X <- mnesia:table(painting) ] )) end ). select_search( Word ) -> mnesia:transaction( fun() -> qlc:eval( qlc:q( [ {F0,F1,F2,F3} || {F0,F1,F2,F3} <- mnesia:table(painting), (string:str(F2, Word)>0) or (string:str(F3, Word)>0) ] )) end ).
% Sample output: % 6> c(art). % {ok,art} % 7> art:init(). % {atomic,ok} % 6> art:insert(1,"Dali","The Ghost of Vermeer"). % {atomic,ok} % 7> art:select(1). % "Dali" "The Ghost of Vermeer" % ok % 8> art:insert(2,"Dali","The Persistence of Memory"). % {atomic,ok} % 9> art:select(2). % "Dali" "The Persistence of Memory" % ok % 10> art:select(1). % "Dali" "The Ghost of Vermeer" % ok % 25> art:insert(3,"Vermeer", "Girl With Pearl Earring"). % {atomic,ok} % 26> art:select_some("Dali"). % [{painting,1,"Dali","The Ghost of Vermeer"}, % {painting,2,"Dali","The Persistence of Memory"}] % 27> art:select_all(). % {atomic,[{painting,1,"Dali","The Ghost of Vermeer"}, % {painting,2,"Dali","The Persistence of Memory"}, % {painting,3,"Vermeer","Girl With Pearl Earring"}]} %---to run a new session after restarting erlang--- % 2> art:init(). % {aborted,{already_exists,painting}} % 3> art:select_search("Vermeer"). % {atomic,[{painting,1,"Dali","The Ghost of Vermeer"}, % {painting,3,"Vermeer","Girl With Pearl Earring"}]}