
GLPK/Unix 批量执行

来自 Wikibooks,开放世界中的开放书籍

这些脚本演示了在 Unix 命令行上运行批处理作业。为了普遍性,演示被分为两部分。第一部分创建一组问题实例,然后在第二部分中的一组批处理队列中运行它们。

第一部分包括四个脚本,tst1tst2atst2btst3tst1 是一个 awk 脚本,它在一行上创建一组点,并在 X 和 Y 值中都存在误差。tst3 调用 tst1tst2atst2b 多次,从而创建一组 MathProg 格式的数据文件。

这些示例来自 Solaris 系统,其中 Aho、Weinberger 和 Kernighan 的 The AWK Programming Language 中的 awk(1) 被称为 nawk。在其他系统上,它只是 awk,而 awk 的先前实现被称为 oawk(旧的 awk)。许多 Linux 系统使用 Gnu 实现,gawk。因此,可能需要对 nawk 的引用进行少量编辑。

所有这些在 Solaris、Linux、FreeBSD、OpenBSD、MacOS X 上以及在 Windows 上添加一个 Unix 环境(如 Cygwin)后,经过适当的微调后都将有效。

#!/bin/nawk -f

#  tst1
# generate the specified number of points on a line with random errors
# in the X & Y values



   n = ARGV[1];
   ARGV[1] = "";

   for( i=0; i<n; i++ ){

      printf( "%d " ,i+1  );
      printf( "%f " ,i/3.0+rand() );
      printf( "%f " ,i/7.0+rand() );

      printf( "\n" );

# tst2a
# This script uses Bourne shell here files to add the MathProg
# statements.

# create the first part of the MathProg data file statements

cat <<EOF

param : I :   x    y :=


# pass stdin through to stdout


# add the last part of the MathProg data file

cat <<EOF

<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# tst2b
# This script uses Bourne shell here files to add the MathProg
# statements.  It then uses the Unix utilities, awk and sort to
# randomly reorder the points.

# write out the first part of the MathProg data file

cat <<EOF

param : I :   x    y :=


# randomly reorder the input

nawk 'BEGIN{srand();}{ print $0 ,rand()}' ${1}  \
| sort -k 4n | nawk '{print NR ,$2, $3}'

# write out the last part of the MathProg data file

cat <<EOF

# tst3
# create a set of data files in MathProg format using tst1 to generate 
# the data and either tst2a or tst2b to add the required MathProg 
# statements.
# ./tst1 generates points on a line with random errors in the X & Y values
# ./tst2a just sets up the MathProg statements
# ./tst2b also randomly reorders the data using Unix command line 
# utilities.  
# tst3 takes two arguments specifying the number of points on the line 
# and the number of data files to create.  The sleep following tst2b 
# is to ensure that a new seed is used for each instance.
if [ ${#} -ne 2 ]

   echo "usage:"
   echo "./tst3 <npoints> <ninstances>"


while [ ${J} -le ${2} ]

   #./tst1 ${1}  | ./tst2a >${J}.dat
   ./tst1 ${1}  | ./tst2b >${J}.dat; sleep 1;

   J=`expr ${J} + 1`


tst4 根据文件扩展名 .dat 获取作业列表,将列表分成 4 组,并在后台队列中运行它们。在 Unix 上实现批处理队列有很多选择。这是一个适合单个研究人员使用单个多核工作站的需求的最小示例。如果您需要在集群上运行大量长时间运行的作业,则应考虑更全面的队列系统。

来自 glpsol 的所有控制台输出都将定向到每个队列的日志文件,命名为 Q0.log、Q1.log 等。


# tst4
# This script runs a collection of jobs in a set of 4 parallel queues.
# This can be extended to as many cores in a multicore processor as
# you wish.  If you plan to run a very large number of jobs that will
# require significant time to complete it is suggested that you use 
# N-1 queues where N is the number of cores in your system.  This 
# will ensure that you have a core free for interactive use.
# The jobs are identified by the extension .dat, however, any naming
# will work.
# White space matters.  In particular, the "\" must be followed by
# a newline (aka linefeed).

# get a list of all jobs in a temporary file

/bin/ls *.dat >/tmp/tmp.$$

# break the list into 4 sublists

Q0=`nawk 'NR%4==0' /tmp/tmp.$$`
Q1=`nawk 'NR%4==1' /tmp/tmp.$$`
Q2=`nawk 'NR%4==2' /tmp/tmp.$$`
Q3=`nawk 'NR%4==3' /tmp/tmp.$$`

# remove the temporary file

rm /tmp/tmp.$$

# fire off the queues by putting shell loops into the background

(for I in ${Q0};                                       \
   do                                                  \
   glpsol -m tst.mod -d ${I} -o ${I}_log -y ${I}_out ; \
done ) 2>&1 >Q0.log &

(for I in ${Q1};                                       \
   do                                                  \
   glpsol -m tst.mod -d ${I} -o ${I}_log -y ${I}_out ; \
done ) 2>&1 >Q1.log &

(for I in ${Q2};                                       \
   do                                                  \
   glpsol -m tst.mod -d ${I} -o ${I}_log -y ${I}_out ; \
done ) 2>&1 >Q2.log &

(for I in ${Q3};                                       \
   do                                                  \
   glpsol -m tst.mod -d ${I} -o ${I}_log -y ${I}_out ; \
done ) 2>&1 >Q3.log &

MathProg 模型是分布式示例目录中 cf12a.mod 的一个小修改。

# set of points

set I;

# independent variable

param x {i in I};

# dependent variable

param y {i in I};

# define equation variables

var a;

var b;

var u {i in I}, >= 0;

var v {i in I}, >= 0;

# define objective function

minimize error: sum {i in I} u[i] + sum {i in I} v[i];

# define equation constraint

s.t. equation {i in I} : b * x[i] + a + u[i] - v[i] = y[i];


printf "y = %.4fx + %.4f\n", b, a;
