



为两个拓扑空间,设 为从 的所有函数的集合。 上的 **紧开拓扑** 被定义为:其子基由集合给出


其中 的所有紧子集上取值,而 的所有开子集上取值。


为一个拓扑空间,设 为一个一致空间。设 的所有紧子集的集合。 那么 上由 -收敛的拓扑至少与 上由紧开拓扑诱导的子空间拓扑一样细。

Proof: We prove that any neighbourhood of an arbitrary in the compact-open topology contains a neighbourhood of in the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets of . Thus, let be arbitrary. Thus, suppose that , where is compact and non-empty and is open; any neighbourhood of with respect to the compact-open topology will be the finite intersection of sets of this form. Let now be arbitrary. By the definition of the topology induced by a uniform space, the set of those entourages of such that is nonempty. Moreover, for each such , we may choose an entourage of such that . For each such entourage, let be an open neighbourhood of such that . We shall denote the collection of all such by . Then the union of all these , ie. the collection


构成 的一个开覆盖,因为每个 都是非空的,因此包含一个包含 的开集。但 是紧致的,所以我们可以选择一个有限子覆盖 。根据定义,每个 都与之前定义的 之一相同,因此存在一个伴随 和一个点 使得 。现在定义


我们断言 的一个邻域,它包含在 内。事实上,设 。如果 是任意的,则存在一个 使得 。从 的定义,我们推断出 。然而,我们也知道 ,因此 ,由此得出 。由于 是任意的,因此


是一个局部紧空间,令 是一个一致空间。令 中所有紧集的集合。那么由 -收敛和紧开拓扑分别诱导的 上的子空间拓扑是一致的。

Proof: We prove that both topologies generate the same neighbourhood systems. In view of the fact that the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets on spaces of continuous functions is at least as fine as the compact-open topology, it is sufficient to show that any neighbourhood of an arbitrary with respect to the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets contains a neighbourhood of with respect to the compact-open topology. Hence, let be any entourage of and let be compact, so that represents an arbitrary element of the canonical neighbourhood basis of with respect to the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets. We choose an entourage of such that . Now is locally compact, so that for each point , the collection of compact neighbourhoods of such that is non-empty. The collection of all those we shall denote by . Now the collection of all (where ranges over all of ) is an open cover of , whence we may choose a finite subcover . Since the interior is a subset of its original set, the sets cover . Moreover, by definition, each has an such that . We claim that

包含在 内。事实上,假设 ,令 。令 使得 。由于 ,特别是 。但是 也是,因此 。因此,


由于 是任意的,所以.
