< 希伯来语
English = Hebrew
Where (is)? = Eifo? ?איפה Where to? = Le'an? ?לאן Where from? = Me'ayin? ?מאין*
The = Ha... ...ה (definite article) Prefixes to the word it is modifying And = Ve... ...ו Prefixes to the word it is modifying To = Le... ...ל Prefixes to the word it is modifying From = Mi... ...מ Prefixes to the word it is modifying In = Be... ...ב Prefixes to the word it is modifying That = She... ...ש Prefixes to the first word in the clause it is modifying
restaurant = Mis'ada מסעדה hotel = Malon מלון restroom = Sherutim שרותים (literally means "services") street = Rehov רחוב England = Angliya אנגליה Germany = Germanya גרמניה Israel = Yisrael ישראל Australia = Ostraliya אוסטרליה United States = Artsot ha-brit ארצות הברית U.S.A. = (written abbreviation) ארה"ב (Pronounced Arhav - Though seldom used in speech)
- 虽然很多教科书都教授了 Me'ain(来自哪里),但它在日常口语中很少使用。相反,使用的词是 Me'eifo(מאיפה)。
- 你来自哪里?
- 餐厅在哪里?
- 你好吗?(回顾第 1 课。)
- 卫生间在哪里?(这对旅行者来说是一个有用且重要的问题。注意:英文中的“a”没有被翻译,所以这个问题的翻译是逐字翻译为“卫生间在哪里?”)
Eifo hashirutim? “卫生间在哪里?” איפה השרותים?
Eifo hamisadah? “餐厅在哪里?” איפה המסעדה?
Eifo hamalon? “酒店在哪里?” איפה המלון?
Eifo r'chov ben-y'hudah? “本·耶胡达街在哪里?” איפה רחוב בּן-יהודה?
Eifo y'rushalayim? “耶路撒冷在哪里?” איפה ירושלים?