


三角形:毕达哥拉斯会提醒我们他著名的公式:A^2 + B^2 = C^2

     C/ | A    Pythagorean Theorem: A^2 + B^2 = C^2
     /  |      (ex) Billy started at the park. To get to his house, he went east for 3 miles and north for 4 miles. When he came
    /___|      home very tired, his sister said to him "Silly, the fastest way to get somewhere is a straight line. So since you                      
      B        went east for 3 miles, That means B = 3 and B^2 = 9. Since you went north for 4 miles, that means A = 4 and A^2 =    
               16. So to get C^2, i just add up A^2 and B^2 and thats equal to 25. So the answer is 25 and the "turnip root" of 25
               is 5. Only if you got here 2 miles earlier, you wouldn't have been so tired, Billy!"



    / \     Where A = BC
   / A \    How to use it: Whatever you want the equation to be equal to, just block that part out
  /B | C\   (ex) if i wanted B in terms of A and C, just block B and it will equate to visually, "A divided by C"
                         Almost all physics problems at this stage are in the form, A = BC
  (ex) General Purpose Problem
  |      |          |\  9 N                -3n    
  |      |          | \               =====O  / \       D = 5 meters 
  | 1 kg |  --------| /_              =====O |   |      T = 2 seconds
  |______|          |/__|             =====O  \ /       Mass = 1 kg
                    []_______5 meters________[]           gravity = 9.8 m/s^2

Joey Newton 最近被父母训斥。他的父母知道 Joey 是一位强壮的孩子,拥有 9 牛顿的力量,所以他们在他的脚上放了一个 1 公斤重的保龄球来阻止他逃跑。更糟糕的是,Johnny 有一个非常强大的“反逃生”风扇,它对他的脚施加了 3 牛顿的力。


A. 什么是力?(第一章:力)B. 什么是加速度?(第二章:加速度)A. W = 质量 X 重力(第四章:能量)

B. 如果他的腿“实际上”是保龄球,那么问题的合力是多少?



解决物理问题的关键词 通常出现在问题中的通用关键词是“物体从静止开始”= 初始速度(Vo)为 0“物体静止停止”= 末速度(Vf)为 0“变快”= 添加“变慢”= 减去距离、位移、移动 = 从起始位置到最终位置的变化。“北” “南” - 他们要么希望你使用毕达哥拉斯定理,要么使用向量图延长、拉伸 = 变大 另外,试着想象问题中给出的“物理状况”。例如,如果问题中给出“车轮在没有打滑的情况下滚动”,试着在脑海中想象它,然后开始解决问题。尤其是在力学方面,这很有帮助。
