IB 环境系统与社会/污染检测与监测
5.2.1 描述两种直接监测污染的方法。
- 测量雨水的酸度以确定污染水平
- 使用气体传感器测量大气中的 CO2、CO 或 NOx 水平
- 测量悬浮在大气中的颗粒物
- 根据测试制造商的说明进行硝酸盐和磷酸盐测试
- 测量土壤中有机物的含量
- 硝酸盐和磷酸盐测试
- 粪便大肠菌群测试
- 重金属测试
5.2.2 定义生化需氧量 (BOD) 的术语,并解释这种间接方法如何用于评估水中的污染水平。
- 生化需氧量:指在一定体积的水中,通过需氧生物活性分解有机物所需的溶解氧量。
high BOD indicates there are many organisms using oxygen for respiration low BOD indicates relatively few organisms needing oxygen for respiration high BOD = low DO levels = high pollutant levels, especially nitrate & phosphate low BOD = high DO levels = low pollutant levels
5.2.3 描述并解释使用生物指数测量污染水平的间接方法。
- 我们可以通过两种不同的方式测量污染水平:我们可以直接测量污染本身
- 特伦特生物指数使用 6 种关键生物(石蝇幼虫、蜉蝣幼虫、毛翅目幼虫、Gammarus、Asellus 和管状红血虫以及红摇蚊幼虫)的存在或不存在来指示河流中相对的污染水平。
Advantage: Easy to use, especially for moderately or heavily polluted sites. Disadvantages: not specific enough, doesn’t fully account for habitat quality
- 我们还可以使用“由于污染物而发生变化的非生物因素”来间接测试污染水平,例如水的溶解氧 (DO) 或 BOD 水平
Indicator species are those species that are present either only in polluted areas or only in unpolluted areas. For example… o freshwater shrimp, o freshwater mussels, o stonefly nymphs, o caddisfly larvae, o rat-tailed maggot o sludge worms in polluted water, o peppered moth wing color (predominantly black indicates high levels of soot and particulate matter in the air; predominantly light grey indicates relatively particulate-free air), o Gammarus - small crustaceans that are sensitive to different salinity levels, o Asellus - another small freshwater crustacean, which is relatively tolerant of pollution, and therefore an indicator of polluted sites