IB 数学研究/项目
< IB 数学研究
IB 数学研究内部评估 (IA) 将根据 7 个标准进行评估。学生应仔细阅读这些标准,并始终根据这些标准检查项目完成的任何工作。
A) 绪论
评分描述 0 学生没有提供任务的清晰说明。
- There is no evidence in the project of any statement of what the student is going to do or has done.
1 学生提供了任务的清晰说明。
- For this level to be achieved the task should be stated explicitly.
2 学生提供了标题,任务的清晰说明以及计划的清晰描述。
- The plan need not be highly detailed, but must describe how the task will be performed.
B) 信息和测量
评分描述 0 学生没有收集相关信息或生成相关测量结果。
- No attempt has been made to collect any relevant information or generate any relevant measurements.
1 学生收集相关信息或生成相关测量结果。
- This achievement level can be awarded even if a fundamental flaw exists in the instrument used to collect the information, for example, a faulty questionnaire or an interview conducted in an invalid way.
2 学生收集的相关信息或生成的测量结果以适当的形式组织
for analysis or is sufficient in both quality and quantity. - A satisfactory attempt has been made to structure the information/measurements ready for the process of analysis, or the information/measurements are adequate in both quantity and quality.
3 学生收集的相关信息或生成的测量结果以适当的形式组织
for analysis and is sufficient in both quality and quantity. - This level cannot be achieved if the measurements/information are too sparse (that is, insufficient in quantity) or too simple (for example, one-dimensional) as clearly it does not lend itself to being structured. It should therefore be recognized that within this descriptor there are assumptions about the quantity and, more importantly, the quality(in terms of depth and breadth) of information or measurements generated.
C 数学过程
评分描述 0 学生没有尝试进行任何数学过程。
1 学生执行简单的数学过程。
- Simple processes are considered to be those that the average mathematical studies student could carry out easily, for example, percentages, areas of plane shapes, linear and quadratic functions (graphing and analysing), bar charts, pie charts, mean and standard deviation, simple probability. This level does not require the representation to be comprehensive, nor does it demand the calculations to be without error.
2 简单的数学过程大部分或完全正确,或者学生尝试使用至少一个
sophisticated process. - Examples of sophisticated processes are volumes of pyramids and cones, analysis of trigonometric and exponential functions, optimization, statistical tests and compound probability. For this level to be achieved it is not required that the calculations for the sophisticated process(es) be without error.
3 学生执行至少一个复杂的流程,并且所有使用的流程大部分或完全准确。
-The key word in this descriptor is “accurate”. It is accepted that not all calculations need to be checked before awarding this achievement level; random checking of some calculations is sufficient. A small number of isolated mistakes should not disqualify a student from achieving this level. However, incorrect use of formulae, or consistent mistakes in using data, would disqualify the student from achieving this level.
4 学生执行至少一个复杂的流程;使用的流程大部分或完全准确,并且所有使用的流程都是相关的。
-For this level to be achieved the mathematical processes must be appropriate and used in a meaningful way.
5 学生准确地执行了许多相关的复杂过程。
To achieve this level the student would be expected to have carried out a range of meaningful mathematical processes. The processes may all relate to a single area of mathematics, for example, geometry. Measurements, information or data that are limited in scope would not allow the student to achieve this level.
D 结果解释 评分描述 0 学生没有产生任何解释或结论。
-For the student to be awarded this level there must be no evidence of interpretation or conclusions anywhere in the project, or a completely false interpretation is given without any reference to any of the results obtained.
1 学生提供至少一个解释或结论。
-Only minimal evidence of interpretations or conclusions is required for this level. This level can be achieved by recognizing the need to interpret the results and attempting to do so, but reaching only false conclusions.
2 学生提供至少一个与所用数学过程一致的解释和/或结论。
-For this level to be achieved at least one interpretation and/or conclusion is required. A "follow through" procedure should be used and. consequently, it is irrelevant here whether the processes are either correct or appropriate; the only requirement is consistency.
3 学生提供与所用数学过程一致的综合解释和结论讨论。
-To achieve this level the student would be expected to produce a meaningful discussion of the results obtained and the conclusions drawn. In this context, the word "Comprehensive" should be taken to mean thorough and detailed discussion of interpretations based on the level of understanding reasonably to be expected from a student for mathematical studies SL.
E 有效性
F 结构和沟通
G 承诺