
用 Linkbot 学习 Python 3/列表



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which_one = int(input("What month (1-12)? "))
months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
          'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']

if 1 <= which_one <= 12:
    print("The month is", months[which_one - 1])


What month (1-12)? 3
The month is March

在这个示例中,months 是一个列表。months 通过以下代码行定义: months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July','August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'](请注意,也可以使用 \ 来拆分长行,但在本例中没有必要,因为 Python 足够智能,可以识别括号内的所有内容都属于一起)。[] 用逗号 (,) 分隔列表项,开始和结束列表。该列表在 months[which_one - 1] 中使用。列表包含从 0 开始编号的项。换句话说,如果您想要 January,则使用 months[0]。给列表一个数字,它将返回存储在该位置的值。

语句 if 1 <= which_one <= 12: 只有在 which_one 在 1 到 12 之间(包含 1 和 12)时才为真(换句话说,如果您在代数中见过它,它就是您所期望的)。

列表可以被认为是一系列盒子。每个盒子都有不同的值。例如,由 demolist = ['life', 42, 'the universe', 6, 'and', 9] 创建的盒子将如下所示

盒子编号 0 1 2 3 4 5
demolist "life" 42 "the universe" 6 "and" 9

每个盒子都由它的编号引用,因此语句 demolist[0] 将获取 'life'demolist[1] 将获取 42,依此类推,直到 demolist[5] 获取 9


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demolist = ["life", 42, "the universe", 6, "and", 9]
print("demolist = ",demolist)
print("after 'everything' was appended demolist is now:")
print("len(demolist) =", len(demolist))
print("demolist.index(42) =", demolist.index(42))
print("demolist[1] =", demolist[1])

# Next we will loop through the list
for c in range(len(demolist)):
    print("demolist[", c, "] =", demolist[c])

del demolist[2]
print("After 'the universe' was removed demolist is now:")
if "life" in demolist:
    print("'life' was found in demolist")
    print("'life' was not found in demolist")

if "amoeba" in demolist:
    print("'amoeba' was found in demolist")

if "amoeba" not in demolist:
    print("'amoeba' was not found in demolist")

another_list = [42,7,0,123]
print("The sorted another_list is", another_list)


demolist =  ['life', 42, 'the universe', 6, 'and', 9]
after 'everything' was appended demolist is now:
['life', 42, 'the universe', 6, 'and', 9, 'everything']
len(demolist) = 7
demolist.index(42) = 1
demolist[1] = 42
demolist[ 0 ] = life
demolist[ 1 ] = 42
demolist[ 2 ] = the universe
demolist[ 3 ] = 6
demolist[ 4 ] = and
demolist[ 5 ] = 9
demolist[ 6 ] = everything
After 'the universe' was removed demolist is now:
['life', 42, 6, 'and', 9, 'everything']
'life' was found in demolist
'amoeba' was not found in demolist
The sorted another_list is [0, 7, 42, 123]

这个示例使用了许多新函数。请注意,您可以直接 print 整个列表。接下来,使用 append 函数将新项添加到列表的末尾。len 返回列表中包含的项数。列表的有效索引(如可以在 [] 内使用的数字)范围从 0 到 len - 1index 函数指示项在列表中的第一个位置。请注意,demolist.index(42) 返回 1,当运行 demolist[1] 时,它返回 42。要在交互式 Python 解释器中获取列表提供的所有函数的帮助,请键入 help(list)

# Next we will loop through the list 只是对程序员的提醒(也称为注释)。Python 忽略 # 后当前行上的所有内容。接下来是这些行

for c in range(len(demolist)):
    print('demolist[', c, '] =', demolist[c])

创建一个名为 c 的变量,它从 0 开始并递增,直到达到列表的最后一个索引。同时,print 语句打印出列表的每个元素。


for c, x in enumerate(demolist):
    print("demolist[", c, "] =", x)

del 命令可用于从列表中删除给定元素。接下来的几行使用 in 运算符来测试元素是否在列表中或不在列表中。sort 函数对列表进行排序。如果需要按从小到大或按字母顺序排序的列表,这将非常有用。请注意,这会重新排列列表。总而言之,对于列表,将执行以下操作

示例 说明
demolist[2] 访问索引 2 处的元素
demolist[2] = 3 将索引 2 处的元素设置为 3
del demolist[2] 删除索引 2 处的元素
len(demolist) 返回 demolist 的长度
"value" in demolist 如果"value"demolist 中的元素,则为True
"value" not in demolist 如果 "value" 不是 demolist 中的元素,则为True
another_list.sort() another_list 进行排序。请注意,列表必须全部是数字或全部是字符串才能进行排序。
demolist.index("value") 返回 "value" 首次出现的索引
demolist.append("value") 在列表末尾添加元素 "value"
demolist.remove("value") demolist 中删除 value 的第一个出现位置(与 del demolist[demolist.index("value")] 相同)


menu_item = 0
namelist = []
while menu_item != 9:
    print("1. Print the list")
    print("2. Add a name to the list")
    print("3. Remove a name from the list")
    print("4. Change an item in the list")
    print("9. Quit")
    menu_item = int(input("Pick an item from the menu: "))
    if menu_item == 1:
        current = 0
        if len(namelist) > 0:
            while current < len(namelist):
                print(current, ".", namelist[current])
                current = current + 1
            print("List is empty")
    elif menu_item == 2:
        name = input("Type in a name to add: ")
    elif menu_item == 3:
        del_name = input("What name would you like to remove: ")
        if del_name in namelist:
            # namelist.remove(del_name) would work just as fine
            item_number = namelist.index(del_name)
            del namelist[item_number]
            # The code above only removes the first occurrence of
            # the name.  The code below from Gerald removes all.
            # while del_name in namelist:
            #       item_number = namelist.index(del_name)
            #       del namelist[item_number]
            print(del_name, "was not found")
    elif menu_item == 4:
        old_name = input("What name would you like to change: ")
        if old_name in namelist:
            item_number = namelist.index(old_name)
            new_name = input("What is the new name: ")
            namelist[item_number] = new_name
            print(old_name, "was not found")



1. Print the list
2. Add a name to the list
3. Remove a name from the list
4. Change an item in the list
9. Quit

Pick an item from the menu: 2
Type in a name to add: Jack

Pick an item from the menu: 2
Type in a name to add: Jill

Pick an item from the menu: 1
0 . Jack
1 . Jill

Pick an item from the menu: 3
What name would you like to remove: Jack

Pick an item from the menu: 4
What name would you like to change: Jill
What is the new name: Jill Peters

Pick an item from the menu: 1
0 . Jill Peters

Pick an item from the menu: 9

这是一个很长的程序。让我们看一下源代码。行 namelist = [] 使变量 namelist 成为一个没有项目(或元素)的列表。下一条重要的行是 while menu_item != 9:。这行代码开始一个循环,允许该程序的菜单系统。接下来的几行显示一个菜单并确定要运行程序的哪个部分。


current = 0
if len(namelist) > 0:
    while current < len(namelist):
        print(current, ".", namelist[current])
        current = current + 1
    print("List is empty")

遍历列表并打印每个名称。len(namelist) 指示列表中包含多少个项目。如果 len 返回 0,则列表为空。

然后,在几行之后,出现了语句 namelist.append(name)。它使用 append 函数将一个项目添加到列表的末尾。向下跳两行,注意这段代码

item_number = namelist.index(del_name)
del namelist[item_number]

这里使用 index 函数来查找稍后将用于删除项目的索引值。del namelist[item_number] 用于删除列表中的一个元素。


old_name = input("What name would you like to change: ")
if old_name in namelist:
    item_number = namelist.index(old_name)
    new_name = input("What is the new name: ")
    namelist[item_number] = new_name
   print(old_name, "was not found")

使用 index 查找 item_number,然后将 new_name 放置到 old_name 所在的位置。



## This program runs a test of knowledge

# First get the test questions
# Later this will be modified to use file io.
def get_questions():
    # notice how the data is stored as a list of lists
    return [["What color is the daytime sky on a clear day? ", "blue"],
            ["What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? ", "42"],
            ["What is a three letter word for mouse trap? ", "cat"]]

# This will test a single question
# it takes a single question in
# it returns True if the user typed the correct answer, otherwise False

def check_question(question_and_answer):
    # extract the question and the answer from the list
    # This function takes a list with two elements, a question and an answer.  
    question = question_and_answer[0]   
    answer = question_and_answer[1]
    # give the question to the user
    given_answer = input(question)
    # compare the user's answer to the tester's answer
    if answer == given_answer:
        return True
        print("Incorrect, correct was:", answer)
        return False

# This will run through all the questions
def run_test(questions):
    if len(questions) == 0:
        print("No questions were given.")
        # the return exits the function
    index = 0
    right = 0
    while index < len(questions):
        # Check the question
        #Note that this is extracting a question and answer list from the list of lists.
        if check_question(questions[index]): 
            right = right + 1
        # go to the next question
        index = index + 1
    # notice the order of the computation, first multiply, then divide
    print("You got", right * 100 / len(questions),\
           "% right out of", len(questions))

# now let's get the questions from the get_questions function, and
# send the returned list of lists as an argument to the run_test function.


TrueFalse 分别指向 1 和 0。它们通常用于健全性检查、循环条件等。您稍后将详细了解这一点(第 布尔表达式 章)。请注意,get_questions() 本质上是一个列表,因为即使它在技术上是一个函数,但返回列表的列表是它唯一的功能。


What color is the daytime sky on a clear day? green
Incorrect, correct was: blue
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? 42
What is a three letter word for mouse trap? cat
You got 66 % right out of 3


我们还可以创建自己的项目列表,并使用 for 循环来循环遍历它们。让我们尝试制作一个键盘按键列表,以按顺序播放它们,以演奏一个简单的曲调。我们将使用以下知识编写这个程序:中央 C 是键盘上的第 40 个键。当您运行此程序时,它应该演奏一个非常熟悉的曲调的开头。您能猜出是什么吗?

import barobo
dongle = barobo.Dongle()
robot = dongle.getLinkbot('6wbn') # Replace '6wbn' with the serial ID on your Linkbot
import time     # Need to "import time" so we can use time.sleep()
myNotes = [44, 42, 40, 42, 44, 44, 44] # Put some notes into a list
t=0.5             # Set a value to be used for the duration of the note
for i in myNotes:         # Select which keys on a piano keyboard to use for the tones
    k=pow(2,(i-49)/12)*440      # Determines the frequency of the note to be played
    robot.setBuzzerFrequency(k) # Directs the Linkbot to play this frequency   
    time.sleep(t)               # Pauses the program while the note is played
    robot.setBuzzerFrequency(0) # Turns off the piezo speaker at the end of each note

扩展 test.py 程序,使其具有一个菜单,提供以下选项:进行测试、查看问题和答案列表以及退出。此外,添加一个新问题: “真正先进的机器会发出什么声音?”,答案为“ping”。


扩展 test.py 程序,使其具有一个菜单,提供以下选项:进行测试、查看问题和答案列表以及退出。此外,添加一个新问题: “真正先进的机器会发出什么声音?”,答案为“ping”。

## This program runs a test of knowledge

questions = [["What color is the daytime sky on a clear day? ", "blue"],
             ["What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? ", "42"],
             ["What is a three letter word for mouse trap? ", "cat"],
             ["What noise does a truly advanced machine make?", "ping"]]

# This will test a single question
# it takes a single question in
# it returns True if the user typed the correct answer, otherwise False

def check_question(question_and_answer):
    # extract the question and the answer from the list
    question = question_and_answer[0]
    answer = question_and_answer[1]
    # give the question to the user
    given_answer = input(question)
    # compare the user's answer to the testers answer
    if answer == given_answer:
        return True
        print("Incorrect, correct was:", answer)
        return False

# This will run through all the questions

def run_test(questions):

    if len(questions) == 0:
        print("No questions were given.")
        # the return exits the function
    index = 0
    right = 0
    while index < len(questions):
        # Check the question
        if check_question(questions[index]):
            right = right + 1
        # go to the next question
        index = index + 1
    # notice the order of the computation, first multiply, then divide
    print("You got", right * 100 / len(questions),
           "% right out of", len(questions))

#showing a list of questions and answers
def showquestions():
    q = 0
    while q < len(questions):
        a = 0
        print("Q:" , questions[q][a])
        a = 1
        print("A:" , questions[q][a])
        q = q + 1

# now let's define the menu function
def menu():
    print("1 - Take the test")
    print("2 - View a list of questions and answers")
    print("3 - View the menu")
    print("5 - Quit")

choice = "3"
while choice != "5":
    if choice == "1":
    elif choice == "2":
    elif choice == "3":
    choice = input("Choose your option from the menu above: ")

用 Linkbot 学习 Python 3
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