MATLAB 编程/Psychtoolbox/图像查看器
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% this is short bit of matlab + ptb code to show an image on screen % Note: you have to supply your own image 'example.jpg' in the same directory clear all; try commandwindow; myimgfile='example.jpg'; nr=max(Screen('Screens')); [w, screenRect]=Screen('OpenWindow',nr, 0,[],32,2); % open screen ima=imread(myimgfile, 'jpg'); Screen('PutImage', w, ima); % put image on screen Screen('Flip',w); % now visible on screen while KbCheck; end % clear keyboard queue while ~KbCheck; end % wait for a key press Screen('CloseAll'); % close screen catch %this "catch" section executes in case of an error in the "try" section %above. Importantly, it closes the onscreen window if its open. Screen('CloseAll'); rethrow(lasterror); end %try..catch..