面向非程序员的 Python 2.6 教程/入门
Python 语言非常简单,即使是非程序员也能理解。以下是一些示例
print "Hello, World!"
此程序在屏幕上打印“Hello, World!”。即使是更长的程序也能轻松理解
# Stuff after number signs are comments that have no functionality
# They are useful for explaining how things work though.
name = raw_input("What is your name?") # Asks the person using the program what their name is
if name == "John": # If the person types John and presses enter
print "Hello, John! How are you?" # The program prints Hello, John! How are you?
elif name == "Teddy": # If the person types Teddy and presses enter
print "Go away!" # The Program prints Go Away!
else: # If the person types any thing else and the presses enter
print "Good day," , name # The Program prints Good day followed by what the person typed
Python 的一些奇怪功能包括使用缩进来表示分组。例如,
if value == input:
do this
if value == input:
do this
{if value
== input[d
在其他语言中,你可以以任何你想要的方式组织它。在 Python 中则不同。