

Let  be an ordered set of n complex numbers. The corresponding Cauchy matrix is the matrix .
Principal submatrices of a Cauchy matrix are Cauchy matrices. 
The determinant of a Cauchy matrix is given by the following formula:
It follows, that if 's are distinct positive numbers, then the Cauchy matrix 's positive definite.
练习 (*)。 证明对于任何正数 ,存在一个 Stieltjes 连分数,在这些数上插值常数单位函数, .

(提示。) 使用 Pick-Nevanlinna 插值问题的解,并使用适当的柯西矩阵。

The latter exercise has the following functional equation corollary for the discrete and continuous Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps.
练习 (**) 。 证明对于任何正定矩阵 M,存在一个 Stieltjes 连分数,使得 .
The next chapter is devoted to the applications of the functional equation.