
OpenClinica 用户手册/Repeating Group 中删除行


在 Repeating Groups 中删除一行

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从 OpenClinica 3.1 开始,无法删除 Repeating Group 中已保存的条目/行。以下引文来自 OpenClinica 用户邮件列表[1]

Once data has been entered in a repeating group, the row can never be removed from the UI. 
The user must physically remove the values from each of the fields in the repeating group, and provide a reason 
for change if that configuration is set for the study.

Based on user feedback with the previous implementation of repeating groups and reason for change we believed 
this would be the best course of action. In the future, we might allow the X button again but put a simple 
strike-through the row rather than hiding it from view like we did in versions 3.0.x and earlier.

(2012-04-12) 关于此更改以及其原因的更多详细信息最近已添加到用户指南的'输入事件数据到 CRF'章节中。

  1. https://mailman.openclinica.com/pipermail/users/2011-December/006321.html