
LSAT 过去试题解析/练习试卷 64

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第一部分 逻辑推理

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问题 01

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答案 C 完美地做到了这一点。


问题 02

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必须为真问题 - 它告诉我们,为了使豹子能够维持自我维持的种群,它必须达到 250 只,但是,栖息地不足以容纳这么多。因此,我们可以推断出它们将无法自我维持。


A-we can not know anything regarding this from the stimulus hence, it is wrong
B- no, this is not true, we know that if the population exceeds 250 the current habitat will not be able to accommodate hence, it will not be self sustaining, 
C- Yes, We know that the panther population is increasing and we know that if they remain in their current habitat it will not accommodate them therefore in order for them to be self sustaining, they will need to get a large habitat. Also, through POE you can determine that this is the righttext
D-no, we do not know that and according to the argument it is increasing
E- No! we do not know that- they could be in the same habitat just more crowded, think of cities

问题 03

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这是一个推理方法,有点棘手。想想论点的构建方式,它首先告诉我们一个批评,然后它指出,这个批评是错误的,因为它没有考虑到实施平等的另一个结果。看看答案,我们可以找一个类似的东西,但它们陈述的方式通常令人困惑,因此 POE 很有效。

A - 它说论点通过表明一个滑坡来贬低观点。它没有这样做 b - 是的,这就是答案,论点假设实施将导致一个特定的结果,而观点则声称并非如此。c - 它没有诉诸人身攻击 D - 它没有这样做 e。不使用普遍主张

问题 04

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A- does perfectly. if we say that believing makes one feel better this would undermine the theory. 
B- does not undermine the argument , irrelevant
C-irrelevant, doesn't matter we need to counter that the magnets made the pain go away. we do not care about the scientist
D-irrelevant, doesn't matter we need to counter that the magnets made the pain go away. we do not care about the scientist
E irrelevant does not affect the argument

问题 05

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问题 06

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问题 07

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问题 08

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问题 09

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问题 10

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问题 11

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问题 12

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问题 13

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问题 14

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问题 15

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问题 16

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问题 17

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问题 18

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问题 19

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问题 20

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问题 21

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问题 22

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问题 23

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问题 24

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问题 25

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问题 26

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