Perl 编程/简单示例 1
< Perl 编程
# always enable compiler warnings, as they may highlight potential trouble
use warnings;
# let's ask the compiler to be more strict, make sure we declare our variables etc.
use strict;
# This statement prompts the user for a filename to read from.
print "What file would you like to read from?\n";
# This statement assigns whatever is given on the standard input(usually your keyboard) to a scalar
# variable named $filename and removes the newline character that is included by default.
chomp(my $filename = <STDIN>);
# This line opens the file referred to in $filename for input via a lexical filehandle
# stored in a scalar variable named "$file".
open my $file, "<", $filename or die "Can't open '$filename' for reading: $^E\n";
# This loop goes through each line of the file, splits the line into separate characters and
# increments the number of occurrences of each letter using a hash called "%chars".
my %chars;
while (<$file>) {
$_ = lc($_); # convert everything to lowercase
my @characters = split (//, $_); # Store list of characters in an array
foreach (@characters) {
if (/\w/) { # Ignore all characters except letters and numbers
close $file;
# This loop goes through each letter in the %chars hash and prints a report informing the user of
# how many times each letter occurred.
foreach my $key (sort keys %chars) {
if ($chars{$key} == 1) {
print "$key appeared once.\n";
} else {
print "$key appeared $chars{$key} times.\n";
如果你对包含有句子“The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”的文件执行此程序,你会将此作为输出
a appeared once. b appeared once. c appeared once. d appeared once. e appeared 3 times. f appeared once. g appeared once. h appeared 2 times. i appeared once. j appeared once. k appeared once. l appeared once. m appeared once. n appeared once. o appeared 4 times. p appeared once. q appeared once. r appeared 2 times. s appeared once. t appeared 2 times. u appeared 2 times. v appeared once. w appeared once. x appeared once. y appeared once. z appeared once.
print "Here are your results:\n";
foreach my $key (sort keys %chars) {
print "$key appeared ", ($chars{$key} == 1 ? "once\n" : "$chars{$key} times\n");
print("Would you like to print a report of this? \n");
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>);
print("And would you like me to highlight any specific letter?\n");
chomp(my $letterPattern = <STDIN>);
unless ($answer eq "no" or $answer eq "nope") { #opens and writes to a file, if the file doesn't exist the program will automatically create one
open(my $fh, '>', 'report.txt') or die "something went wrong."; # Once the file is open, we can then print/write to it by simply typing print (duhh..) followed by the scalar name
print $fh "Here is the report:\n";
if (scalar(@arrayForReport) == 0) {
print $fh "FAILED DUE TO BAD DATA INPUT"; # If there is no data in the input file, rather than printing a blank report, the program will print a failure message
} else {
foreach my $key (sort keys %chars) {
print $fh "$key appeared ", ($chars{$key} == 1 ? "once\n" : "$chars{$key} times\n"); # the same as what we saw above for printing results
};# obviously I could have just made this into a subroutine, but I am lazy ;P
print $fh "\n";
#This could be better, but if the user types more than one letter for a search it will not work anyway, so it isn't really wrong or a problem.
if ($letterPattern eq "no" or $letterPattern eq "No") {
print $fh "original text = @arrayForReport\n";
} else {
print $fh "Original text: ";
foreach (@arrayForReport) {
if ($_ eq $letterPattern) { #If the letter in the array is the same as the one the user is looking for:
print $fh "(", uc $_, ")"; # still print it but put brackets around it and uc (uppercase) it
} else {
print $fh $_; # if it isn't the letter the user is looking for, just print it normally
print $fh "When asked if you wanted a report, you said: $answer";
print "Report successfully created.\n"; # This just lets us know that the process went well and everything that was expected to happen, happened.