
从 Zip/打印中编程 Gambas


在练习打印时,“打印到文件”将节省纸张。您可以使用喜欢的 PDF 阅读器(如 Okular)打开生成的 PDF(便携式文档格式)文件,并在屏幕上查看您将在纸上得到的内容。

这是关于打印的最简单的演示。在您的程序中,您需要一个“打印机”。我们使用过按钮和表格视图等对象。您可以看到它们。但是,打印机是不可见的。有一个打印机类,就像有一个按钮类一样。您将打印机拖放到表单上,就像拖放按钮或任何其他对象一样。在表单上,它看起来像一台打印机,但在程序运行时,它不可见。它实际上只是一块代码,内置于 Gambas 中,并执行打印机应该做的事情,即打印并照顾页面大小和方向等。Printer 是一个聪明的对象。

首先,您告诉您的 Printer 对象配置,然后您告诉它打印。(“打印机,打印!”,或者正如我们在 Gambas 中写的那样,prn1.print)。当您告诉它打印时,它将发出 Draw 事件。在 draw 事件中,您放置要在页面上打印的内容。您使用另一个类(Paint 类)的所有功能来执行此操作。Paint 类可以将内容放置在页面上以进行打印,但它还有其他用途,例如在表单上的 DrawingArea 或 ScrollArea 中绘制。好了,我们开始了!


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Printer object on a Gambas form Printer object on a Gambas form, running

Gambas printed page

此小型表单包含一个 Printer 对象和一个名为 bPlainPrint 的按钮。

Public SimpleText As String

Public Sub Form_Open()

  SimpleText = "Countries of the World<br><br>Papua New Guinea<br><br>Papua New Guinea is a country that is north of Australia. It has much green rainforest. It has beautiful blue seas. Its capital, located along its southeastern coast, is Port Moresby.<br><br>This is plain text in Linux Libertine 12 point.<br><br>John Smith, editor"


Public Sub pr1_Draw()
  Paint.Font = Font["Linux Libertine,12"]
  Paint.DrawRichText(SimpleText, 960, 960, Paint.Width - 2 * 960)

Public Sub bPrintPlain_Click()
  If pr1.Configure() Then Return 'if user clicks Cancel, don't continue

当表单打开时,一些文本被放入名为 SimpleText 的变量中以供打印。

单击按钮时,会告诉打印机 pr1 自行配置。如果用户单击 取消 按钮,这将返回 True 值,因此我们不应再做任何事情。否则,亲爱的友好打印机对象,请打印。

打印机对象 pr1 向我们发送 Draw 事件。它在说,“我想画点东西!请告诉我要在页面上画什么!”。我们通过说:

Paint.Font = Font["Linux Libertine,12"]
Paint.DrawRichText(SimpleText, 960, 960, Paint.Width - 2 * 960)

Paint.Font 是描述字体的属性。它是一个包含部分的属性。我们使用 Font[something] 来组装这些部分。Something 是一个字符串。例如,Font["Bitstream Vera Serif,Bold,24"] 表示“组装一个字体,它是 Bitstream Vera Serif,粗体,24 点”。这被放在 Paint 东西的 Font 属性中。实际上,Paint 东西只是一组技能。它不是你可以看到的任何东西。它是一个不可见的类。小心不要在该字符串中放置空格,除非它是字体名称的一部分。 Gambas 帮助 会警告您这一点。在逗号两侧也不要放置空格!

Paint.DrawRichText(something)paint 的技能之一。它是一种它知道如何做的方法。它至少需要方括号中的三件事。它可以接受更多。这里我们有四个“参数”或“方括号中的东西”。第一项:要打印的内容。第二项:开始打印的横向距离。第三项:开始打印的纵向距离。960 将提供一英寸的边距。每英寸 96 点是典型的默认打印机分辨率。数字是“十分之一点”。(我希望我理解正确。)第四项:我的打印要多宽?答案:Paint 允许的全部宽度,减去左侧和右侧一英寸。每英寸是 960。减去两个。

<br> 表示“换行”,这将转到下一行。<br><br> 表示转到新行,然后再次转到新行。它给了我们一个空行。

富文本理解 <br>。它还理解在文本中植入的许多其他符号。有一些符号可以使其使用“标题 1”样式打印,“标题 2”等等。但是,您不能更改这些样式的外观。它们是内置的,就是这样。您还可以在文本中的任何位置更改字体、打印大小和颜色。这些代码使打印以某种方式呈现。实际上,它本身就是一种语言:超文本标记语言,或 HTML。例如,要打开 粗体,请放入此标签:<b>。当您想关闭 粗体 时,请放入此标签:</b>

打印富文本(包含 HTML 标签)

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不要使用 PlainText,而是让它打印:

FancyText = "<h3>世界各国</h3><Small>巴布亚新几内亚</Small><hr><br>巴布亚新几内亚是一个位于<font color = #780373><b>澳大利亚</b>以北的国家。</font><font color = black>它拥有丰富的</font><font color = green>绿色雨林</font><font color = black>。它拥有美丽的<font color = blue>蓝色海洋</font><font color = black>。它的首都位于东南海岸,是<Font Face=Times New Roman, Color=#FF0000>莫尔斯比港</font>。<br><br>这是用<font face = Arial>HTML<br></font><p align = right><font face = Times New Roman, Size=+1><b>约翰·史密斯</b></font>,<i>编辑</i></p>"

顺便说一句,如果将该文本保存在扩展名为 .html 的文本文件中,它将在 Web 浏览器(如 FireFox)中打开并显示。您可以试试。


Gambas Rich-text Printing Example

我使用了标题 3(<h3> … </h3>),因为标题 1 太大了。

文本中有很多标签,使它看起来像那样。Gambas 允许使用这些标签。它只是从完整的 HTML 中选择一小部分。在您的文字处理器中保存一个 HTML 文档,在像 Kate 这样的文本编辑器中打开它,并惊叹不已。


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<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6> → 标题 <sup> → 上标
<b> → 粗体字体 <small> → 小字体
<i> → 斜体 <p> → 段落
<s> → 删除线 <br> → 换行
<u> → 下划线 <a> → 链接
<sub> → 下标 <font> → 字体


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<Font Color=#B22222> ... </Font> <p align=right> ... </p>
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Gambas form with image and printer object Gambas program with image and printer object, running

Print.configure dialog
Print.Configure( )

An image you have located for Gambas Image property in Gambas

将图片文件拖放到 Data 文件夹中。将 PictureBox 的 Picture 属性设置为它。

打印机名为 pr1

Public Pic As Picture

Public Sub pr1_Draw()
  Paint.DrawPicture(Pic, 960, 960, 3000, 3000)

Public Sub bPrint_Click()
  If pr1.Configure() Then Return 'if user clicks Cancel, don't continue
  Pic = PictureBox1.Picture

图片被缩放为 3000 x 3000。当我打印到文件时,分辨率为每英寸 96 点(96 dpi)。图片在距顶部和左侧边距 1 英寸的位置打印,并被缩放以适合大约 3 英寸 x 3 英寸(3000x3000)。

Gambas-printed page with image

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Sample Class List to be Printed

在此程序中,40 个姓名被发明并放入名为 Z[] 的数组中。如果您是认真的,可以使用户输入姓名列表,或从姓名文件加载,或从数据库中获取。

姓名将垂直打印在页面上。需要留出边距,这里设置为一英寸(打印到 PDF 时为 960 个点)。它存储在变量(窗体的私有属性)SideMargin 中。左右边距相同。上边距为 TopMargin

打印姓名时,在打印下一个姓名之前要向下移动多少距离?LineSpacing 设置为 280。这大约相当于 0.3 英寸。(960 是 1 英寸)。


然后绘制垂直线以制作方框。从最长名称宽度右侧一点开始。移动 330 个点,绘制一条垂直线,再移动 330 个点,绘制下一条线,以此类推。不要超过水平线的终点。最后,为了使右侧边缘整齐,绘制最后一条垂直线。打印机称为 Prn。按钮为 bPrint

Gambas form with Print Class List button Gambas form with Print Class List button

Class List printed with Gambas

Private z As New String[]
Private LineSpacing As Integer = 280
Private TopMargin As Integer = 960
Private SideMargin As Integer = 960

Public Sub Prn_Draw()

  Dim s As String
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim NameWidth, HowFarDown, MaxNameWidth, MaxDistanceDown As Float
  Dim MaxWidth As Float = Paint.Width - 2 * SideMargin

  Paint.Font = Font["Linux Libertine,12"]
  Paint.MoveTo(SideMargin, TopMargin) 'start here
  Paint.LineTo(Paint.Width - SideMargin, TopMargin) 'draw to here
  Paint.Stroke 'paint the top line
  For i = 0 To z.Max
    s = z[i]
    NameWidth = Paint.TextExtents(s).Width + 180 'gap at the end about 1/5 inch
    MaxNameWidth = Max(MaxNameWidth, NameWidth) 'remember the width of the longest name
    HowFarDown = TopMargin + (LineSpacing * (i + 1))
    Paint.DrawText(s, SideMargin, HowFarDown)
    Paint.MoveTo(SideMargin + NameWidth, HowFarDown) 'starting position
    Paint.LineTo(Paint.Width - SideMargin, HowFarDown) 'finishing position
    Paint.Stroke 'draw the line
  MaxDistanceDown = TopMargin + z.Count * LineSpacing 'vertical lines go down to here
  For i = SideMargin + MaxNameWidth + 100 To Paint.Width - SideMargin Step 330 'step across the page every 1/3 inch
    Paint.MoveTo(i, TopMargin)
    Paint.LineTo(i, MaxDistanceDown)
  Paint.MoveTo(Paint.Width - SideMargin, TopMargin)
  Paint.LineTo(Paint.Width - SideMargin, MaxDistanceDown)
  Paint.Stroke 'final line on right


Public Sub GetNames()

  Dim FN As String[] = ["Oliver", "Jack", "Harry", "Jacob", "Charlie", "Thomas", "George", "Oscar", "James", "William", "Amelia", "Olivia", "Isla", "Emily", "Poppy", "Ava", "Isabella", "Jessica", "Lily", "Sophie"]
  Dim SN As String[] = ["Smith", "Jones", "Williams", "Brown", "Wilson", "Taylor", "Moreton", "White", "Martin", "Anderson", "Johnson", "Walsh", "Miller", "Davis", "Burns", "Murphy", "Lee", "Roberts", "Singh", "Evans"]

  Dim i, n As Integer
  For i = 1 To 40
    z.Add(FN[n] & " " & SN[n])
    n += 1
    If n > FN.Max Then
      n = 0


Public Sub bPrint_Click()

  Prn.OutputFile = User.Home &/ "Names.pdf" 'I'm printing to a pdf file
  If Prn.Configure() Then Return

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Gambas form for printing a calendar page Gambas program for printing a calendar page, running

Gambas being told where the photo is

Gambas-printed Calendar Page

该窗体包含一个名为 PictureBox1 的图片框、一个名为 Prn 的打印机以及两个名为 bPicturebPrint 的按钮。


我为 PictureBox1 设置了一个默认图片(程序运行后立即显示)。首先,我将照片拖到 Data 文件夹中。然后,我将图片框的 Picture 属性设置为该照片。

如果您最初没有图片,用户需要在点击 打印 按钮之前点击 选择图片... 按钮。图片存储在一个名为 Pic 的属性中。如果它为空,打印将不会继续。

Public Pic As Picture

Public Sub LoadPicture()

  Dim Path As String

  Dialog.Title = "Please Select a picture"
  Dialog.Filter = ["*.jpg", "*.png", "Image Files", "*", "All files"]
  Dialog.Path = User.Home
  If Dialog.OpenFile() Then Return
  Pic = Picture.Load(Dialog.Path)
  PictureBox1.Picture = Pic


Public Sub bPicture_Click()

Public Sub bPrint_Click()

  Pic = PictureBox1.Picture 'This line can be deleted if you don't give your PictureBox a default picture.
  If IsNull(Pic) Then
    Message("Please select a photo first.")
    Prn.OutputFile = User.Home &/ "Calendar.pdf"
    If Prn.Configure() Then Return


Public Sub Prn_Draw()

  Dim LeftMargin As Float = 480 'half inch
  Dim TopMargin As Float = 1200 'inch and a bit
  Dim row, col, DayNum, CellNum As Integer
  Dim s As String
  Dim ThisMonth As Integer = Month(Date(Now)) 'the month number of the date part of the NOW function; 1 to 12
  Dim ThisYear As Integer = Year(Date(Now)) 'current year
  Dim FirstOfMonth As Date = Date(ThisYear, ThisMonth, 1)
  Dim StartDay As Integer = WeekDay(Date(FirstOfMonth)) 'the weekday of the first of the month
  Dim TextHeight, TextWidth, GridTop As Float

  GridTop = 7.2 * 960

  'Big Photo
  Paint.DrawPicture(Pic, LeftMargin, TopMargin / 2, Paint.Width - 2 * LeftMargin, 5 * 960) '5 inch height

  'Month and Year title
  Paint.Font = Font["Copperplate33bc,32"]
  TextHeight = Paint.TextExtents("S").Height 'the height of a character
  s = Choose(ThisMonth, "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December") & " " & ThisYear
  Paint.DrawText(s, 0, GridTop - 1000, Paint.Width, TextHeight, Align.Center) 'inch above grid top

  Dim Side As Float = (Paint.Width - 2 * LeftMargin) / 7 'one-seventh of the width between margins
  For row = 0 To 4
    For col = 0 To 6
      Paint.DrawRect(LeftMargin + Side * Col, GridTop + Side * Row, Side, Side, Color.Black) 'each square

  'Days of the Week headings
  Paint.Font = Font["Apple Chancery,12"]
  TextHeight = Paint.TextExtents("S").Height 'the height of a character
  For col = 0 To 7
    s = Choose(col + 1, "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
    Paint.DrawText(s, LeftMargin + Side * Col, GridTop - TextHeight - 96, Side, TextHeight, Align.Center)

  Dim DaysInMonth As Integer
  If ThisYear Mod 4 = 0 And ThisMonth = 2 Then DaysInMonth = 29 Else DaysInMonth = Choose(ThisMonth, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
  Paint.Font = Font["Linux Libertine,20"]
  TextHeight = Paint.TextExtents("1").Height 'the height of a digit
  For row = 0 To 4
    For col = 0 To 6
      CellNum = 7 * row + col
      If CellNum >= StartDay Then
        DayNum += 1
        If DayNum > DaysInMonth Then Return 'Don't go to 35 days in the month!
        s = If(Col = 0, "<font color=#DD0000>" & DayNum & "</Font>", "<font color=#000000>" & DayNum & "</Font>")
        Paint.DrawRichText(s, LeftMargin + Side * Col + 96, GridTop + Side * Row + TextHeight + 96)
  Row = 0
  Col = 0
  While DayNum < DaysInMonth 'Put extra dates up in the top left of the grid.
    DayNum += 1
    s = If(Col = 0, "<font color=#DD0000>" & DayNum & "</Font>", "<font color=#000000>" & DayNum & "</Font>")
    Paint.DrawRichText(s, LeftMargin + Side * Col + 96, GridTop + Side * Row + TextHeight + 96)
    Col += 1 'next column


从压缩文件中编程 Gambas
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