Python 编程/循环/解决方案
< 返回问题
1. 编写一个程序,用素数计数。要求用户输入一个数字,然后打印出小于该数字的每个素数。
注释:所有素数都满足费马小定理,但有些返回的结果是“伪素数”,它们不是素数(例如,341=11*31,在 python 中:(((2**341)-2)%341 == 0)). 有关寻找素数和证明素性的更多信息
primes = []
# Creates a list that we will throw our prime numbers into.
user = 1 + int(raw_input("What number would you like to count primes up to? "))
# 1 is added on to the user's number so that their number
# is counted.
list = range(2,user)
# 0 and 1 are not prime, but our algorithm registers them
# as prime, so we start with two
for possibility in list:
if ((2**possibility)-2)%possibility == 0:
# Our algorithm (Fermat's little theorem) states
# that if "i" is an integer and i^p-i divides evenly
# into p, p is prime. We are using 2 in place of i.
# See Python Programming/Basic Math for more info.
isprime = True
test = 2
while test < possibility and isprime:
# Here we verify that the number is in fact prime by
# starting at 2 and dividing it by every number lower
# than the potential prime. See comment above.
if (possibility%test) == 0:
# This ends the while loop causing the next number
# to be tested.
isprime = False
test = test + 1
if isprime:
# We add each prime to the primes list.
print ("The prime numbers from 0 to", user-1, "are: ")
for possibility in primes:
print possibility
# Print out all the primes!
2. 指示用户从 1 到 100 中选择一个任意数字,然后在七次尝试内猜出该数字。每次猜完之后,用户必须告诉您他们选择的数字是比您的猜测高、低还是等于您的猜测。
print "\nIn your head, pick a number between 1 and 100, \ni'll guess it with some hints:\n"
letsstart = raw_input("ready? input anything...\n")
uppers = 100
lowers = 0
guess = 50
boom = 0
for c in range(1,10):
if boom == 0:
print "guess: ",guess
answer = raw_input("Was that\na. too low\nb. too high\nc. thats right!\n")
if answer == "c":
print "I got it! Thanks for playing.\n"
boom = 1
elif answer == "a":
lowers = guess
blah = int((uppers-guess)/2)
guess = guess + blah
elif answer == "b":
uppers = guess
blash = int((guess-lowers)/2)
guess = guess-blash
Python 的 9 年级作业是这样的,这是一个猜数字的游戏,包括了 python 的大多数方面。
YourName = input("what is your name?")
print("hi",YourName,"do you want to play my game?")
import random
number = random.randrange(100)
guess =int(input("please guess the number"))
if guess == number:
print("You've WON!!!!!")
elif guess > number:
print("Too Big!")
print("Too Low!")
while guess!= number:
guess =int(input("please guess the number again"))
if guess == number:
print("You've Won!!")
elif guess > number:
print("too big")
print("too low")