Rexx 编程/Rexx 指南/循环
循环是控制结构,允许代码段根据循环的控制条件重复执行。Rexx 脚本语言支持迭代循环和条件循环。
迭代循环在迭代器遍历一系列值时,重复执行一组指令。迭代循环的类型包括 for 循环和 foreach 循环。以下是一个传统的迭代 for 循环示例
do count = 1 to 10 say count end
在上面的示例中,say 块运行十次,迭代器变量count在每次连续循环中递增。
当迭代循环逐步循环其代码时,可以将迭代器变量增加的值设置为 1 以外的数字。by 关键字位于每次迭代要增加的值之前。
/* Count by 2's */ do count = 2 to 10 by 2 say count end
或者,可以使用for 关键字告诉 Rexx 迭代循环的次数。我们可以列出前 20 个正奇数,如下所示
do count = 1 by 2 for 20 say count end
条件循环测试循环周围的条件,并在条件为真时重复执行一组指令。条件循环的类型包括 while 循环和 until 循环。
count = 0 do while count <= 10 say count count = count + 1 end
while 循环只有在条件为真时才会启动。
/* Nothing happens! */ count = 100 do while count <= 10 say "Whatever, you're not going to see this message anyway." end
Until 循环用于启动代码块,并在满足某些条件之前继续执行。
/* Ask the user to enter a number until they actually do. */ do until entry_is_valid say "Please enter a number below." pull entry entry_is_valid = datatype(entry, "NUM") end /* The user will always be asked at least once. */
迭代循环和条件循环都可以通过循环修改语句来控制,例如 leave、iterate 和 signal(我们还有 next、last 和 redo 吗?)。这些允许循环内的正常执行流程重新启动或终止。
LEAVE 指令停止循环。
/* This function will keep adding up numbers as long the user keeps entering them. */ say "Enter as many numbers as you want!" say "Put each one on a line by itself." total = 0 do forever entry = LineIn() if DataType(entry) = "NUM" then say "Cool, you entered another number!" else leave total = total + entry say "The new total is" total"." end say "The final total is" total"."
ITERATE 指令跳到下一步,而不完成当前步骤。
/* Let's pretend 3 and 4 are boring. */ do number = 1 to 5 if number = 3 then iterate if number = 4 then iterate say "I found an interesting number. It is" number"." say "Do you agree that it is interesting?" answer = LineIn() if answer = "yes" then do say "I'm glad you agree." say "Good thing it wasn't 3 or 4." end end
Rexx 脚本语言允许使用嵌套循环结构。这些结构由一个或多个嵌套在其他循环中的循环组成。