Rexx 编程/如何使用 Rexx/while
"while" 循环是一种不确定的循环。只要某个条件为真,它们就会重复同一部分代码。它们包含可能被重复任意次数的代码。在甚至开始运行这一代码之前,while 循环会检查条件,然后在代码完成之后再次检查条件,以查看是否应该再次运行该代码。
/* Let's start our counting at 1. */ count = 1 /* The first loop will be skipped over entirely, since the condition is false. */ do while count < 0 say "You'll never see this!" end /* The following loop will count to 10 and then stop because count will be 11. */ do while count <= 10 say count count = count + 1 end /* The message about apples will only be said once, while count is still 11. */ do while count < 12 say "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." count = count + 1 end
请注意,如果循环条件永远不会变为 false,while 循环将不会自行停止。它将是一个无限循环。这是一个常见的错误。
/* Just keeps on saying hello. */ do while 2 < 3 say "Hello, world!" end