
用于 SLA 研究的富互联网应用/FlashComm 数据库交互开始



[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

与基本数据库交互示例一样,来自 http://www.amfphp.org 的 AMFPHP 脚本应解压缩,并将 gateway.php 文件放置在 Web 服务器的目录中。此外,AMFPHP flashservices 文件夹应安装在 cgi-bin 目录中。然后,应创建一个将由 Flash 动画(用于登录目的)和 FlashComm 应用程序(用于保存聊天文本)访问的子文件夹。应将 gateway.php 放置到此子文件夹中;通常,此文件不需要任何编辑。对于本教程,子文件夹将命名为 AMFPHPChat

AMFPHPChat 文件夹中,应创建一个名为 services 的子文件夹。services 文件夹将包含代表 Flash 动画和 FlashComm 应用程序访问数据库的 PHP 文件。对于此示例应用程序,应创建一个名为 DBServices.php 的文件,并将以下代码放置在其中,使用基本的文本编辑器(例如 Windows 上的记事本,UNIX/LINUX 上的 vi 或 emacs)。

class DBServices
  /** class constructor */
  /** mysql var access */
  var $db_host = "DATABASE SERVER ADDRESS";
  var $db_name = "DATABASE NAME";
  var $db_user = "USERNAME";
  var $db_pwd  = "PASSWORD";
  // main function defined
  function DBServices(){
    // define the method table for defining flash remoting available methods 
    $this->methodTable = array();
    $this->methodTable["validateUser"] = array(
      "description" => "validate user in mysql table",
      "access" => "remote",
    $this->methodTable["saveChatText"] = array(
      "description" => "save text chat to session",
      "access" => "remote",
    $this->methodTable["nextSession"] = array(
      "description" => "get a unique(?) session identifier",
      "access" => "remote",
    $this->methodTable["destroySID"] = array(
      "description" => "destroy a session identifier",
      "access" => "remote",
  /** check if username exists into the table */
  function validateUser($uName, $pWord){
    // create the connection to DB
    $this->connection  = mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pwd);
    // select the database "test"
    mysql_select_db( $this->db_name );
    $loginQuery = "SELECT * FROM username_pwd
                  WHERE username = '$uName'
                  AND pwd = '$pWord'";
    $result = mysql_query($loginQuery);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
      $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
      $nameMatch = $row['username'];
      $UIDQuery = "SELECT * FROM username_uid WHERE username = '$nameMatch'";
      $UIDResult = mysql_query($UIDQuery);
      $UIDRow = mysql_fetch_array($UIDResult);
      $retInfo = array();
      $retInfo['username'] = $UIDRow['username'];
      $retInfo['eoa'] = "endOfArray";
      return $retInfo;
    } else {
      return "error";
  /** save chat text in database */
  function saveChatText($theSID, $chatText) {
    // create the connection to DB
    $this->connection  = mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pwd);
    // select the database "test"
    mysql_select_db( $this->db_name );
    $safeText = addslashes($chatText);
    $sql = "UPDATE chatText_SID
    SET HTMLtext = '" . $safeText . "' "
                   . " WHERE session_id = '" . $theSID . "' ";
    $result = mysql_query ($sql); // run the query
    // string returned below is for debugging purposes; it can be removed
    // without any loss of functionality
    return "result: " . $result . "; theSID: " . $theSID . "; session_id(): " . session_id();
  /** get a new session */
  function nextSession($user1, $user2, $timeDate) {
    // create the connection to DB
    $this->connection  = mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pwd);
    // select the database "test"
    mysql_select_db( $this->db_name );
    $sql = "INSERT INTO chatText_SID ( session_id, startDateTime, uName01 , uName02, HTMLtext) "
           . "VALUES ( '" . session_id() . "', '$timeDate', '$user1', '$user2',  )";
    $result = mysql_query($sql); // run the query
    return session_id();
  /** destroy session */
  function destroySID(){
    // Unset all of the session variables.
    $_SESSION = array();
    // If it's desired to kill the session, also delete the session cookie.
    // Note: This will destroy the session, and not just the session data!
    if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
      setcookie(session_name(), , time()-42000, '/');
    // Finally, destroy the session.
    $destruction = session_destroy();
    return $destruction;

下一步FlashComm 数据库交互:Flash 动画
