< Ring
<Variable Name> = <Value>
.. tip:
运算符 '=' 在这里用作赋值运算符,相同的运算符可以在条件中使用,但用于测试表达式的相等性。
.. note:
Ring 是一种动态编程语言,它使用`动态类型 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_system>`_。
x = "Hello" # x is a string
see x + nl
x = 5 # x is a number (int)
see x + nl
x = 1.2 # x is a number (double)
see x + nl
x = [1,2,3,4] # x is a list
see x # print list items
x = date() # x is a string contains date
see x + nl
x = time() # x is a string contains time
see x + nl
x = true # x is a number (logical value = 1)
see x + nl
x = false # x is a number (logical value = 0)
see x + nl
我们可以使用赋值运算符 '=' 来复制变量。我们可以这样做来复制字符串和数字等值。此外,我们可以复制完整的列表和对象。赋值运算符将为我们进行完整的复制。此操作称为`深拷贝 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_copy#Deep_copy>`_
list = [1,2,3,"four","five"]
list2 = list
list = []
See list # print the first list - no items to print
See "********" + nl
See list2 # print the second list - contains 5 items
Ring 是一种`弱类型语言 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong_and_weak_typing>`_,这意味着该语言可以在有意义的情况下自动在数据类型之间转换(如字符串和数字)。
.. note:
相同的运算符 '+' 可以用作算术运算符或用于字符串连接。
x = 10 # x is a number
y = "20" # y is a string
sum = x + y # sum is a number (y will be converted to a number)
Msg = "Sum = " + sum # Msg is a string (sum will be converted to a string)
see Msg + nl