


firm = casa
face = enfrenta
facing = enfrentando
failed = fracasada
fairly = bastante, algo
fan = entusiasta
feature = incluso, cualidad
fee = honorarios, costo
fed = alimentado
fierce = feroz
file = archivo, expediente
findings = hallazgos
fit = apto, idóneo
fitting = apto, eficaz, digno
fizzled = aflojó
flank = costado
flaw = imperfección, problema
flee = huir
fluorescent = fluorescente
flowed to = 流向了
fond of = 喜欢的
footage = 镜头
for = 由于
form = 表格
for which = 其中
foreigners = 外国人
forest = 森林
forthcoming = 即将到来的
foster = 培养
frantic = 疯狂的
frantically = 疯狂地
from = 来自,来自[the/it/s],来自
fuel = 燃料
funded = 资助
funding = 资金,资产
furnish = 提供
further = 另外
