
TI-Basic 程序/CStart



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CStart 是一款启动程序,它与 prgmCHASE 协同工作。用户必须在他们的计算器上同时拥有这两个程序才能玩 Chase。当这两个程序都到位后,用户实际上永远不需要运行 prgmCSTART,但在玩 Chase 时必须将其解压缩,以便 Chase 可以访问它。用户只需运行 prgmCHASE,程序就会自动链接到 CStart。CStart 不会改变 Chase 实际游戏玩法的任何部分,但它会显示一个非常酷的启动屏幕。如本维基教科书中 prgmCHASE 的程序描述部分所述,标题屏幕为玩家提供了四个选项
1) 新游戏(开始新游戏)
2) 继续(继续当前保存的游戏)
3) 说明(显示 Chase 的说明)
4) 退出(退出程序并返回主屏幕)

它还显示了单词“CHASE”的大型图画,其中包含凶狠的 ≠'s 作为 E 的一部分。它在右上角显示当前最高得分(如果用户以前从未玩过游戏,则显示 0),以及一个带怒眼和锋利牙齿的 < 符号追赶一个害怕的 X 试图吃掉它的图像。

选项 3 将清除屏幕并绘制 Chase 说明的第一页。此页面介绍了 Chase 的背景,并告诉玩家他的目标。当显示此屏幕时,程序将暂停,并等待玩家按下 ENTER 键,此时屏幕将再次清除,并将显示第二页说明。在这一页上,玩家将看到一个图示,显示在游戏过程中控制 > 符号时要使用哪些键。它还说明了游戏的减速方式,以及在游戏过程中需要使用 ENTER 键重新启动游戏以恢复速度。


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  1. 这些代码行中的许多可以通过键入“:”而不是按 ENTER 键并在下一行键入下一个命令来链接到一起。此外,这里显示的一些命令已经以这种方式链接起来。
  2. 在命令“ :Text(8,69,"¤ ", 中找到的“¤”实际上是一个非常小的正方形,它可以在计算器的 CATALOG 菜单中找到。它将位于看起来像一个小加号 (+) 的上方,位于列表的底部附近。
:"CHASE STARTUP   SCREEN      <-- This line is unnecessary, but is a helpful note
:FnOff                              for anyone who opens the editing screen for CStart
:Text(0,52,"HI SCORE:
:If 100≤[J](1,5
:If 1000≤[J](1,5
:Text(42,39,"(PRESS ENTER)
:Text(39,40,") NEW GAME
:Text(45,75," "               <-- These end-quote marks are unnecessary but there must
:Text(42,76,"         "       <---- be this many spaces before the end of the command.
:Text(45,40,") Continue             (There must be 1 space after "Text(45,75"
:Text(51,37,"3                       and 9 spaces after "Text(42,76", but no
:Text(51,40,") Instructions          close-quote mark is needed in either case.)
:Text(57,40,") Quit
:While 1
:If Ans=92
:If Ans=93
:If Ans=94
:Goto 9
:If Ans=82
:Lbl 9
:StorePic 0
:Text(7,3,"Welcome to Chase!  In Chase
:Text(14,5,"You are a hungry  >  symbol
:Text(21,2,"who's always on the lookout
:Text(28,10,"for a tasty  X  to eat.  But
:Text(35,6,"watch out for the  ≠  signs!
:Text(42,4,"They are vicious and would
:Text(49,5,"love to have you for lunch.
:Text(56,11,"Avoid them at all costs.
:Text(6,3,"Use the number
:Text(12,5,"keys to move:
:Text(18,62,"1   2   3
:Text(0,62,"7   8   9
:Text(27,10,"Press ENTER to pause or
:Text(33,1,"'Save' your game.  To restore
:Text(39,3,"the speed when Chase slows
:Text(45,3,"down    press ENTER twice:  it
:Text(51,9,"will save your game and
:Text(57,6,"then resume at full speed.
:RecallPic 0