Tcl 编程/Tk 示例
以下示例最初出现在 Tcler 的 Wiki 。它们都属于公有领域 - 无权利保留。
这个有趣的小程序生成随机的烹饪食谱。虽然它很小,但它可以生成 900 种不同的食谱,虽然它们可能不符合每个人的口味...... 基本的想法是从列表中选择一个任意元素,这在 Tcl 中很容易做到,方法如下
proc ? L {lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}]}
proc recipe {} { set a { {3 eggs} {an apple} {a pound of garlic} {a pumpkin} {20 marshmallows} } set b { {Cut in small pieces} {Dissolve in lemonade} {Bury in the ground for 3 months} {Bake at 300 degrees} {Cook until tender} } set c {parsley snow nutmeg curry raisins cinnamon} set d { ice-cream {chocolate cake} spinach {fried potatoes} rice {soy sprouts} } return " Take [? $a]. [? $b]. Top with [? $c]. Serve with [? $d]." }
并且由于现代程序总是需要一个 GUI,这里有一个最小的 GUI,它会在您在顶层源代码此文件时出现,并且每次单击它时都会显示一个新的食谱
if {[file tail [info script]]==[file tail $argv0]} { package require Tk pack [text .t -width 40 -height 5] bind .t <1> {showRecipe %W; break} proc showRecipe w { $w delete 1.0 end $w insert end [recipe] } showRecipe .t }
这是一个时钟,可以显示模拟或数字时间 - 只需单击它即可切换。
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh package require Tk proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]} proc drawhands w { $w delete hands set secSinceMidnight [expr {[clock sec]-[clock scan 00:00:00]}] foreach divisor {60 3600 43200} length {45 40 30} width {1 3 7} { set angle [expr {$secSinceMidnight * 6.283185 / $divisor}] set x [expr {50 + $length * sin($angle)}] set y [expr {50 - $length * cos($angle)}] $w create line 50 50 $x $y -width $width -tags hands } } proc toggle {w1 w2} { if [winfo ismapped $w2] { foreach {w2 w1} [list $w1 $w2] break ;# swap } pack forget $w1 pack $w2 } #-- Creating the analog clock: canvas .analog -width 100 -height 100 -bg white every 1000 {drawhands .analog} pack .analog #-- Creating the digital clock: label .digital -textvar ::time -font {Courier 24} every 1000 {set ::time [clock format [clock sec] -format %H:%M:%S]} bind . <1> {toggle .analog .digital}
proc piechart {w x y width height data} { set coords [list $x $y [expr {$x+$width}] [expr {$y+$height}]] set xm [expr {$x+$width/2.}] set ym [expr {$y+$height/2.}] set rad [expr {$width/2.+20}] set sum 0 foreach item $data {set sum [expr {$sum + [lindex $item 1]}]} set start 270 foreach item $data { foreach {name n color} $item break set extent [expr {$n*360./$sum}] $w create arc $coords -start $start -extent $extent -fill $color set angle [expr {($start-90+$extent/2)/180.*acos(-1)}] set tx [expr $xm-$rad*sin($angle)] set ty [expr $ym-$rad*cos($angle)] $w create text $tx $ty -text $name:$n -tag txt set start [expr $start+$extent] } $w raise txt }
pack [canvas .c -bg white] piechart .c 50 50 150 150 { {SPD 199 red} {CDU 178 gray} {CSU 23 blue} {FDP 60 yellow} {Grüne 58 green} {Linke 55 purple} }
以下脚本在画布上显示一个条形图,带有伪 3D 条形 - 前面的矩形按指定方式绘制,并用两个多边形装饰 - 一个用于顶部,一个用于侧面:}
proc 3drect {w args} { if [string is int -strict [lindex $args 1]] { set coords [lrange $args 0 3] } else { set coords [lindex $args 0] } foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} $coords break set d [expr {($x1-$x0)/3}] set x2 [expr {$x0+$d+1}] set x3 [expr {$x1+$d}] set y2 [expr {$y0-$d+1}] set y3 [expr {$y1-$d-1}] set id [eval [list $w create rect] $args] set fill [$w itemcget $id -fill] set tag [$w gettags $id] $w create poly $x0 $y0 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y2 $x1 $y0 \ -fill [dim $fill 0.8] -outline black $w create poly $x1 $y1 $x3 $y3 $x3 $y2 $x1 $y0 \ -fill [dim $fill 0.6] -outline black -tag $tag }
proc dim {color factor} { foreach i {r g b} n [winfo rgb . $color] d [winfo rgb . white] { set $i [expr int(255.*$n/$d*$factor)] } format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b }
为 y 轴绘制一个简单的刻度,并返回缩放因子
proc yscale {w x0 y0 y1 min max} { set dy [expr {$y1-$y0}] regexp {([1-9]+)} $max -> prefix set stepy [expr {1.*$dy/$prefix}] set step [expr {$max/$prefix}] set y $y0 set label $max while {$label>=$min} { $w create text $x0 $y -text $label -anchor w set y [expr {$y+$stepy}] set label [expr {$label-$step}] } expr {$dy/double($max)} }
一个有趣的子挑战是粗略地对数字进行四舍五入,保留 1 或最多 2 个有效数字 - 默认情况下向上舍入,添加 "-" 向下舍入
proc roughly {n {sgn +}} { regexp {(.+)e([+-])0*(.+)} [format %e $n] -> mant sign exp set exp [expr $sign$exp] if {abs($mant)<1.5} { set mant [expr $mant*10] incr exp -1 } set t [expr round($mant $sgn 0.49)*pow(10,$exp)] expr {$exp>=0? int($t): $t} }
所以这里是我的小条形图生成器。给定画布路径名、边界矩形和要显示的数据(一个 {name value color} 三元组列表),它会计算出几何图形。首先绘制一个灰色的“地面”。注意,负值用 "d"(赤字)标记,因此它们看起来像是“穿过平面”下降的。
proc bars {w x0 y0 x1 y1 data} { set vals 0 foreach bar $data { lappend vals [lindex $bar 1] } set top [roughly [max $vals]] set bot [roughly [min $vals] -] set f [yscale $w $x0 $y0 $y1 $bot $top] set x [expr $x0+30] set dx [expr ($x1-$x0-$x)/[llength $data]] set y3 [expr $y1-20] set y4 [expr $y1+10] $w create poly $x0 $y4 [expr $x0+30] $y3 $x1 $y3 [expr $x1-20] $y4 -fill gray65 set dxw [expr $dx*6/10] foreach bar $data { foreach {txt val col} $bar break set y [expr {round($y1-($val*$f))}] set y1a $y1 if {$y>$y1a} {swap y y1a} set tag [expr {$val<0? "d": ""}] 3drect $w $x $y [expr $x+$dxw] $y1a -fill $col -tag $tag $w create text [expr {$x+12}] [expr {$y-12}] -text $val $w create text [expr {$x+12}] [expr {$y1a+2}] -text $txt -anchor n incr x $dx } $w lower d }
proc max list { set res [lindex $list 0] foreach e [lrange $list 1 end] { if {$e>$res} {set res $e} } set res } proc min list { set res [lindex $list 0] foreach e [lrange $list 1 end] { if {$e<$res} {set res $e} } set res } proc swap {_a _b} { upvar 1 $_a a $_b b foreach {a b} [list $b $a] break }
pack [canvas .c -width 240 -height 280] bars .c 10 20 240 230 { {red 765 red} {green 234 green} {blue 345 blue} {yel-\nlow 321 yellow} {ma-\ngenta 567 magenta} {cyan -123 cyan} {white 400 white} } .c create text 120 10 -anchor nw -font {Helvetica 18} -text "Bar Chart\nDemo"
这里有一个小的 Tcl/Tk 计算器。除了屏幕上的按钮外,您还可以通过键盘输入使用 expr 的任何其他功能。
package require Tk wm title . Calculator grid [entry .e -textvar e -just right] -columnspan 5 bind .e <Return> = set n 0 foreach row { {7 8 9 + -} {4 5 6 * /} {1 2 3 ( )} {C 0 . = } } { foreach key $row { switch -- $key { = {set cmd =} C {set cmd {set clear 1; set e ""}} default {set cmd "hit $key"} } lappend keys [button .[incr n] -text $key -command $cmd] } eval grid $keys -sticky we ;#-padx 1 -pady 1 set keys [list] } grid .$n -columnspan 2 ;# make last key (=) double wide proc = {} { regsub { =.+} $::e "" ::e ;# maybe clear previous result if [catch {set ::res [expr [string map {/ *1.0/} $::e]]}] { .e config -fg red } append ::e = $::res .e xview end set ::clear 1 } proc hit {key} { if $::clear { set ::e "" if ![regexp {[0-9().]} $key] {set ::e $::res} .e config -fg black .e icursor end set ::clear 0 } .e insert end $key } set clear 0 focus .e ;# allow keyboard input wm resizable . 0 0
而且,正如 Cameron Laird 指出的那样,这个东西甚至可以编程:例如,输入
[proc fac x {expr {$x<2? 1: $x*[fac [incr x -1]]}}]
[fac 10]
并收到 [fac 10] = 3628800.0 作为结果...
计算尺是一种模拟的机械设备,用于近似工程计算,在 20 世纪 70 年代到 80 年代左右被袖珍计算器淘汰。基本原理是,乘法是通过加对数来完成的,因此大多数刻度是对数的,具有不均匀的增量。
这个有趣的项目用一个白色的“机身”和一个米色的“滑块”来重新创建一个计算尺(大约是 Aristo-Rietz Nr. 89,带有 7 个刻度 - 高级计算尺最多有 24 个刻度),您可以用单击的鼠标按钮 1 将其向左或向右移动,也可以用 <Shift-Left>/<Shift-Right> 方向键以像素增量移动。最后,蓝色的线代表“标记”(这个东西正确的说法是什么?“游标”?“滑块”?),您可以用鼠标在整个东西上移动它来读取一个值。用 <Left>/<Right> 键进行微调。
由于舍入误差(整数像素),这个玩具甚至比实体计算尺的精度还要低,但也许您仍然会喜欢这些回忆...... 截图显示了我是如何发现 3 乘以 7 大约是 21 的......(查看 A 和 B 刻度)。
proc ui {} { set width 620 pack [canvas .c -width $width -height 170 -bg white] pack [label .l -textvariable info -fg blue] -fill x .c create rect 0 50 $width 120 -fill grey90 .c create rect 0 50 $width 120 -fill beige -outline beige \ -tag {slide slidebase} .c create line 0 0 0 120 -tag mark -fill blue drawScale .c K x3 10 5 5 log10 1 1000 186.6666667 drawScale .c A x2 10 50 -5 log10 1 100 280 drawScale .c B x2 10 50 5 log10 1 100 280 slide drawScale .c CI 1/x 10 90 -5 -log10 1 10 560 slide drawScale .c C x 10 120 -5 log10 1 10 560 slide drawScale .c D x 10 120 5 log10 1 10 560 drawScale .c L "lg x" 10 160 -5 by100 0 10 5600 bind .c <Motion> {.c coords mark %x 0 %x 170; set info [values .c]} bind .c <1> {set x %x} bind .c <B1-Motion> {%W move slide [expr {%x-$x}] 0; set x %x} bind . <Shift-Left> {.c move slide -1 0; set info [values .c]} bind . <Shift-Right> {.c move slide 1 0; set info [values .c]} bind . <Left> {.c move mark -1 0; set info [values .c]} bind . <Right> {.c move mark 1 0; set info [values .c]} }
proc drawScale {w name label x y dy f from to fac {tag {}}} { set color [expr {[string match -* $f]? "red": "black"}] $w create text $x [expr $y+2*$dy] -text $name -tag $tag -fill $color $w create text 600 [expr $y+2*$dy] -text $label -tag $tag -fill $color set x [expr {[string match -* $f]? 580: $x+10}] set mod 5 set lastlabel "" set lastx 0 for {set i [expr {$from*10}]} {$i<=$to*10} {incr i} { if {$i>100} { if {$i%10} continue ;# coarser increments set mod 50 } if {$i>1000} { if {$i%100} continue ;# coarser increments set mod 500 } set x0 [expr $x+[$f [expr {$i/10.}]]*$fac] set y1 [expr {$i%(2*$mod)==0? $y+2.*$dy: $i%$mod==0? $y+1.7*$dy: $y+$dy}] set firstdigit [string index $i 0] if {$y1==$y+$dy && abs($x0-$lastx)<2} continue set lastx $x0 if {$i%($mod*2)==0 && $firstdigit != $lastlabel} { $w create text $x0 [expr $y+3*$dy] -text $firstdigit \ -tag $tag -font {Helvetica 7} -fill $color set lastlabel $firstdigit } $w create line $x0 $y $x0 $y1 -tag $tag -fill $color } }
proc values w { set x0 [lindex [$w coords slidebase] 0] set x1 [lindex [$w coords mark] 0] set lgx [expr {($x1-20)/560.}] set x [expr {pow(10,$lgx)}] set lgxs [expr {($x1-$x0-20)/560.}] set xs [expr {pow(10,$lgxs)}] set res K:[format %.2f [expr {pow($x,3)}]] append res " A:[format %.2f [expr {pow($x,2)}]]" append res " B:[format %.2f [expr {pow($xs,2)}]]" append res " CI:[format %.2f [expr {pow(10,-$lgxs)*10}]]" append res " C:[format %.2f $xs]" append res " D:[format %.2f $x]" append res " L:[format %.2f $lgx]" }
proc pow10 x {expr {pow(10,$x)}} proc log10 x {expr {log10($x)}} proc -log10 x {expr {-log10($x)}} proc by100 x {expr {$x/100.}}
#-------------------------------- ui bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}
proc doodle {w {color black}} { bind $w <1> [list doodle'start %W %x %y $color] bind $w <B1-Motion> {doodle'move %W %x %y} } proc doodle'start {w x y color} { set ::_id [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $color] } proc doodle'move {w x y} { $w coords $::_id [concat [$w coords $::_id] $x $y] } pack [canvas .c -bg white] -fill both -expand 1 doodle .c bind .c <Double-3> {%W delete all}
如果您想要这种正式的语言,它的“应用程序编程接口”(API)是 doodle 命令,您可以在其中指定哪个画布小部件应该启用涂鸦,以及用什么颜色(默认为黑色):}
proc doodle {w {color black}} { bind $w <1> [list doodle'start %W %x %y $color] bind $w <B1-Motion> {doodle'move %W %x %y} }
它为画布注册了两个绑定,一个 (<1>) 用于单击鼠标左键,另一个用于在按住鼠标左键(1)的情况下移动鼠标。这两种绑定都只是分别调用一个内部函数。
在单击鼠标左键时,将在画布上以指定的填充颜色创建一个线条项目,但它还没有长度,因为起点和终点重合。项目 ID(由画布分配的一个数字)保存在一个全局变量中,因为它必须在该过程返回后很久才能持续存在
proc doodle'start {w x y color} { set ::_id [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $color] }
左键移动过程获取全局已知的涂鸦线条对象的坐标(交替的 x 和 y),将当前坐标附加到它,并将其设为新的坐标 - 换句话说,将线条扩展到当前鼠标位置
proc doodle'move {w x y} { $w coords $::_id [concat [$w coords $::_id] $x $y] }
这就是我们实现涂鸦所需的一切 - 现在让我们创建一个画布来测试它,并将其打包,这样它就可以根据您的需要绘制得很大
pack [canvas .c -bg white] -fill both -expand 1
doodle .c
为双击鼠标右键/双击按钮 3 添加一个绑定,以清除画布(由 MG 添加,2004 年 4 月 29 日)
bind .c <Double-3> {%W delete all}
proc radio {w var values {col 0}} { frame $w set type [expr {$col? "-background" : "-text"}] foreach value $values { radiobutton $w.v$value $type $value -variable $var -value $value \ -indicatoron 0 if $col {$w.v$value config -selectcolor $value -borderwidth 3} } eval pack [winfo children $w] -side left set ::$var [lindex $values 0] set w }
根据绘制模式,鼠标事件“按下”和“移动”具有不同的处理程序,它们由看起来像数组元素的名称调度。因此,对于模式 X,我们需要一对过程,down(X) 和 move(X)。调用之间使用的值保存在全局变量中。
proc down(Draw) {w x y} { set ::ID [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Draw) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [concat [$w coords $::ID] $x $y] }
#-- Movement of an item proc down(Move) {w x y} { set ::ID [$w find withtag current] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y } proc move(Move) {w x y} { $w move $::ID [expr {$x-$::X}] [expr {$y-$::Y}] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y }
#-- Clone an existing item proc serializeCanvasItem {c item} { set data [concat [$c type $item] [$c coords $item]] foreach opt [$c itemconfigure $item] { # Include any configuration that deviates from the default if {[lindex $opt end] != [lindex $opt end-1]} { lappend data [lindex $opt 0] [lindex $opt end] } } return $data } proc down(Clone) {w x y} { set current [$w find withtag current] if {[string length $current] > 0} { set itemData [serializeCanvasItem $w [$w find withtag current]] set ::ID [eval $w create $itemData] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y } } interp alias {} move(Clone) {} move(Move)
#-- Drawing a rectangle proc down(Rect) {w x y} { set ::ID [$w create rect $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Rect) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y] }
#-- Drawing an oval (or circle, if you're careful) proc down(Oval) {w x y} { set ::ID [$w create oval $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Oval) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y] }
proc down(Poly) {w x y} { if [info exists ::Poly] { set coords [$w coords $::Poly] foreach {x0 y0} $coords break if {hypot($y-$y0,$x-$x0)<10} { $w delete $::Poly $w create poly [lrange $coords 2 end] -fill $::Fill unset ::Poly } else { $w coords $::Poly [concat $coords $x $y] } } else { set ::Poly [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill] } } proc move(Poly) {w x y} {#nothing}
#-- With little more coding, the Fill mode allows changing an item's fill color: proc down(Fill) {w x y} {$w itemconfig current -fill $::Fill} proc move(Fill) {w x y} {}
#-- Building the UI set modes {Draw Move Clone Fill Rect Oval Poly} set colors { black white magenta brown red orange yellow green green3 green4 cyan blue blue4 purple } grid [radio .1 Mode $modes] [radio .2 Fill $colors 1] -sticky nw grid [canvas .c -relief raised -borderwidth 1] - -sticky news grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 0 grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
#-- The current mode is retrieved at runtime from the global Mode variable: bind .c <1> {down($Mode) %W %x %y} bind .c <B1-Motion> {move($Mode) %W %x %y} bind .c <3> {%W delete current}
要保存当前图像,您需要 Img 扩展,因此如果您没有 Img,请省略以下绑定
bind . <F1> { package require Img set img [image create photo -data .c] set name [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes {{GIFF .gif} {"All files" *}}\ -defaultextension .gif] if {$name ne ""} {$img write $name; wm title . $name} }
#-- This is an always useful helper in development: bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}
这里有一个非常简单的编辑器,只有 26 行代码,它只允许加载和保存文件,当然还有编辑、剪切和粘贴,以及文本小部件本身内置的任何功能。它还有一些“在线帮助”...... ;-)
用一些关于名称、目的、作者和日期的解释来开始一个源文件总是一个好主意。我最近养成了将这些信息放在一个字符串变量中的习惯(在 Tcl 中,它可以轻松地跨越多行),这样,相同的的信息就会呈现给源代码的阅读者,并且可以作为在线帮助显示:}
set about "minEd - a minimal editor Richard Suchenwirth 2003 F1: help F2: load F3: save "
图形用户界面 (GUI) 的可见部分由小部件组成。对于这个编辑器,我当然需要一个文本小部件和一个垂直滚动条。使用文本小部件的 "-wrap word" 选项,不需要额外的水平滚动条 - 超出窗口的线条会以单词边界为界进行换行。
Tk 小部件以两个步骤出现在屏幕上:首先,它们被创建并具有初始配置;然后,被传递给“几何管理器”以进行显示。由于小部件创建命令返回路径名,因此它们可以嵌套到管理器命令中(在本例中为 pack),以将所有小部件的设置保存在一个地方。但这可能会导致过长的行。
- 滚动条在移动时向它发送 yview 消息。
- 当视图发生变化时,例如从光标键,小部件会向滚动条发送 set 消息。
这两行已经给了我们一个用于任意长文本的编辑器,它具有内置的剪切、复制和粘贴功能——请参见文本手册页。我们只需要添加文件 I/O 才能使其真正可用。
pack [scrollbar .y -command ".t yview"] -side right -fill y pack [text .t -wrap word -yscrollc ".y set"] -side right -fill both -expand 1
你的目标是 8.4 或更高版本吗?如果是,请将 -undo 1 添加到文本选项中,以获得完整的撤消/重做支持!
pack [text .t -wrap word -yscrollc ".y set" -undo 1] -side right -fill both -expand 1
GUI 的另一个重要部分是绑定——什么事件将触发什么动作。为了简单起见,我将这里的绑定限制为标准键盘上的一些功能键。
bind . <F1> {tk_messageBox -message $about}
联机帮助使用的是一个没有花哨功能的 tk_messageBox,其“关于”文本在文件开头定义。——其他绑定调用自定义命令,这些命令从 Tk 的文件选择器对话框中获取文件名参数。
bind . <F2> {loadText .t [tk_getOpenFile]} bind . <F3> {saveText .t [tk_getSaveFile]}
这些对话框也可以用多种方法进行配置,但即使在这种简单的形式下,它们也相当强大——允许在文件系统中导航等等。在 Windows 上,它们调用本机文件选择器,这些选择器具有以前打开文件的历史记录、详细视图(大小/日期等)。
if {$argv != ""} {loadText .t [lindex $argv 0]}
加载和保存文本的过程都从对文件名参数的健全性检查开始——如果它是一个空字符串(由用户取消时文件选择器对话框生成),则它们会立即返回。否则,它们会将文件内容传输到文本小部件或反之。loadText 添加了一个“奢侈”功能,即当前文件的名称也被放入窗口标题中。然后它打开文件,清除文本小部件,一次性读取所有文件内容,并将它们放入文本小部件中。
proc loadText {w fn} { if {$fn==""} return wm title . [file tail $fn] set fp [open $fn] $w delete 1.0 end $w insert end [read $fp] close $fp }
saveText 通过将范围限制为“end - 1 c”(字符)来确保不会保存文本小部件在末尾附加的额外换行符。
proc saveText {w fn} { if {$fn==""} return set fp [open $fn w] puts -nonewline $fp [$w get 1.0 "end - 1 c"] close $fp }
[edit | edit source]一些编辑器(例如 PFE、MS Visual Studio)在正在编辑的文件在磁盘上被更改时弹出警告对话框——这可能会导致编辑冲突。Emacs 在首次尝试更改磁盘上已更改的文件时显示一个更微妙的警告。
这里我尝试模拟此功能。它过于简化,因为它不会更新 mtime(文件修改时间)以进行检查,一旦你从编辑器本身保存了它。因此,请确保在保存后再次调用 text'watch'file。
使用全局变量 ::_twf,至少可以避免误报——对于更严肃的实现,你可能会使用按文件名索引的命名空间数组,以防你想要多个编辑窗口。}
proc text'watch'file {w file {mtime -}} { set checkinterval 1000 ;# modify as needed if {$mtime eq "-"} { if [info exists ::_twf] {after cancel $::_twf} set file [file join [pwd] $file] text'watch'file $w $file [file mtime $file] } else { set newtime [file mtime $file] if {$newtime != $mtime} { set answer [tk_messageBox -type yesno -message \ "The file\n$file\nhas changed on disk. Reload it?"] if {$answer eq "yes"} {text'read'file $w $file} text'watch'file $w $file } else {set ::_twf [after $checkinterval [info level 0]]} } } proc text'read'file {w file} { set f [open $file] $w delete 1.0 end $w insert end [read $f] close $f }
#-- Testing: pack [text .t -wrap word] -fill both -expand 1 set file textwatch.tcl text'read'file .t $file text'watch'file .t $file
当你从外部更改文件时,例如通过在纯 Tcl 中对其进行触碰,对话框应该出现,这可能是通过在另一个编辑器中对其进行编辑,或者
file mtime $filename [clock seconds]
[edit | edit source]这是一个粗略的画布演示图形,它可以在 PocketPC 上运行,也可以在更大的盒子(人们可能会在那里缩放字体和尺寸)上运行。使用左/右光标或鼠标左/右键切换页面(虽然触控笔无法右键单击)。
功能不多,但代码非常紧凑,并且使用了一种可爱的用于内容规范的小语言,请参见末尾的示例(它显示了我在 2003 年纽伦堡 Euro-Tcl 大会上展示的内容……)。
proc slide args { global slides if {![info exist slides]} slide'init incr slides(N) set slides(title,$slides(N)) [join $args] } proc slide'line {type args} { global slides lappend slides(body,$slides(N)) [list $type [join $args]] } foreach name {* + -} {interp alias {} $name {} slide'line $name}
proc slide'init {} { global slides array set slides { canvas .c N 0 show 1 dy 20 titlefont {Tahoma 22 bold} * {Tahoma 14 bold} + {Tahoma 12} - {Courier 10} } pack [canvas .c -bg white] -expand 1 -fill both foreach e {<1> <Right>} {bind . $e {slide'show 1}} foreach e {<3> <Left>} {bind . $e {slide'show -1}} wm geometry . +0+0 after idle {slide'show 0} }
proc slide'show delta { upvar #0 slides s incr s(show) $delta if {$s(show)<1 || $s(show)>$s(N)} { incr s(show) [expr -$delta] } else { set c $s(canvas) $c delete all set x 10; set y 20 $c create text $x $y -anchor w -text $s(title,$s(show))\ -font $s(titlefont) -fill blue incr y $s(dy) $c create line $x $y 2048 $y -fill red -width 4 foreach line $s(body,$s(show)) { foreach {type text} $line break incr y $s(dy) $c create text $x $y -anchor w -text $text \ -font $s($type) } } } bind . <Up> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} ;# dev helper
slide i18n - Tcl for the world + Richard Suchenwirth, Nuremberg 2003 + * i18n: internationalization + 'make software work with many languages' + * l10n: localization + 'make software work with the local language'
slide Terminology * Glyphs: + visible elements of writing * Characters: + abstract elements of writing * Byte sequences: + physical text data representation * Rendering: character -> glyph * Encoding: character <-> byte sequence
slide Before Unicode * Bacon (1580), Baudot: 5-bit encodings * Fieldata (6 bits), EBCDIC (8 bits) * ASCII (7 bits) + world-wide "kernel" of encodings * 8-bit codepages: DOS, Mac, Windows * ISO 8859-x: 16 varieties
slide East Asia * Thousands of characters/country + Solution: use 2 bytes, 94x94 matrix + Japan: JIS C-6226/0208/0212 + China: GB2312-80 + Korea: KS-C 5601 + * coexist with ASCII in EUC encodings
slide Unicode covers all * Common standard of software industry * kept in synch with ISO 10646 + Used to be 16 bits, until U 3.1 + Now needs up to 31 bits * Byte order problem: + little-endian/big-endian + U+FEFF "Byte Order Mark" + U+FFFE --illegal--
slide UTF-8 * Varying length: 1..3(..6) bytes + 1 byte: ASCII + 2 bytes: pages 00..07, Alphabets + 3 bytes: pages 08..FF, rest of BMP + >3 bytes: higher pages + * Standard in XML, coming in Unix
slide Tcl i18n * Everything is a Unicode string (BMP) + internal rep: UTF-8/UCS-2 * Important commands: - fconfigure \$ch -encoding \$e - encoding convertfrom \$e \$s - encoding convertto \$e \$s + * msgcat supports l10n: - {"File" -> [mc "File"]}
slide Tk i18n * Any widget text is Unicoded * Automatic font finding + Fonts must be provided by system + * Missing: bidi treatment + right-to-left conversion (ar,he)
slide Input i18n * Keyboard rebinding (bindtags) * East Asia: keyboard buffering + Menu selection for ambiguities + * Virtual keyboard (buttons, canvas) * String conversion: *lish family - {[ruslish Moskva]-[greeklish Aqh'nai]}
slide i18n - Tcl for the world + + + Thank you.
[edit | edit source]在画布上还可以做另一件事:水平时间线的历史可视化,上面显示了年份刻度。目前有以下几种类型的对象可用。
- “eras”,以黄色显示在时间线下方,在方框中。
- “背景项”,它们是灰色的,并且在整个画布的高度上延伸。
- 普通项,它们以堆叠的橙色条形显示。
你可以使用 <1> 放大,使用 <3> 缩小(两者仅在 x 方向上)。鼠标移动时,当前年份将显示在顶层窗口的标题中。普通项可以是单个年份,例如哥伦布示例,也可以是一系列年份,例如人物的寿命。(该示例表明莫扎特没有活很长时间……)
namespace eval timeliner { variable "" array set "" {-zoom 1 -from 0 -to 2000} }
proc timeliner::create {w args} { variable "" array set "" $args #-- draw time scale for {set x [expr ($(-from)/50)*50]} {$x<=$(-to)} {incr x 10} { if {$x%50 == 0} { $w create line $x 8 $x 0 $w create text $x 8 -text $x -anchor n } else { $w create line $x 5 $x 0 } } bind $w <Motion> {timeliner::title %W %x ; timeliner::movehair %W %x} bind $w <1> {timeliner::zoom %W %x 1.25} bind $w <2> {timeliner::hair %W %x} bind $w <3> {timeliner::zoom %W %x 0.8} }
proc timeliner::movehair {w x} { variable "" if {[llength [$w find withtag hair]]} { set x [$w canvasx $x] $w move hair [expr {$x - $(x)}] 0 set (x) $x } } proc timeliner::hair {w x} { variable "" if {[llength [$w find withtag hair]]} { $w delete hair } else { set (x) [$w canvasx $x] $w create line $(x) 0 $(x) [$w cget -height] \ -tags hair -width 1 -fill red } }
proc timeliner::title {w x} { variable "" wm title . [expr int([$w canvasx $x]/$(-zoom))] }
proc timeliner::zoom {w x factor} { variable "" $w scale all 0 0 $factor 1 set (-zoom) [expr {$(-zoom)*$factor}] $w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all] if {[llength [$w find withtag hair]]} { $w delete hair set (x) [$w canvasx $x] $w create line $(x) 0 $(x) [$w cget -height] \ -tags hair -width 1 -fill red } }
proc timeliner::add {w type name time args} { variable "" regexp {(\d+)(-(\d+))?} $time -> from - to if {$to eq ""} {set to $from} set x0 [expr {$from*$(-zoom)}] set x1 [expr {$to*$(-zoom)}] switch -- $type { era {set fill yellow; set outline black; set y0 20; set y1 40} bgitem {set fill gray; set outline {}; set y0 40; set y1 1024} item { set fill orange set outline yellow for {set y0 60} {$y0<400} {incr y0 20} { set y1 [expr {$y0+18}] if {[$w find overlap [expr $x0-5] $y0 $x1 $y1] eq ""} break } } } set id [$w create rect $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -fill $fill -outline $outline] if {$type eq "bgitem"} {$w lower $id} set x2 [expr {$x0+5}] set y2 [expr {$y0+2}] set tid [$w create text $x2 $y2 -text $name -anchor nw] foreach arg $args { if {$arg eq "!"} { $w itemconfig $tid -font "[$w itemcget $tid -font] bold" } } $w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all] }
scrollbar .x -ori hori -command {.c xview} pack .x -side bottom -fill x canvas .c -bg white -width 600 -height 300 -xscrollcommand {.x set} pack .c -fill both -expand 1 timeliner::create .c -from 1400 -to 2000
timeliner::add .c item Purcell 1659-1695 - Purcell 1659-1695
foreach {shorthand type} {* era x bgitem - item} { interp alias {} $shorthand {} timeliner::add .c $type }
* {Middle Ages} 1400-1450 - Dufay 1400-1474 * Renaissance 1450-1600 - Desprez 1440-1521 - Luther 1483-1546 - {Columbus discovers America} 1492 - Palestrina 1525-1594 ! - Lasso 1532-1594 - Byrd 1543-1623 * Baroque 1600-1750 - Dowland 1563-1626 - Monteverdi 1567-1643 - Schütz 1585-1672 - Purcell 1659-1695 - Telemann 1681-1767 - Rameau 1683-1764 - Bach,J.S. 1685-1750 ! - Händel 1685-1759 x {30-years war} 1618-1648 * {Classic era} 1750-1810 - Haydn 1732-1809 ! - Boccherini 1743-1805 - Mozart 1756-1791 ! - Beethoven 1770-1828 ! * {Romantic era} 1810-1914 - {Mendelssohn Bartholdy} 1809-1847 - Chopin 1810-1849 - Liszt 1811-1886 - Verdi 1813-1901 x {French revolution} 1789-1800 * {Modern era} 1914-2000 - Ravel 1875-1937 ! - Bartók 1881-1945 - Stravinskij 1882-1971 - Varèse 1883-1965 - Prokof'ev 1891-1953 - Milhaud 1892-1974 - Honegger 1892-1955 - Hindemith 1895-1963 - Britten 1913-1976 x WW1 1914-1918 x WW2 1938-1945
[edit | edit source]我十几岁的女儿讨厌数学。为了激励她,我加强了之前的一个小函数绘图器,该绘图器以前只能从命令行获取一个函数,并使用严格的 Tcl(expr)表示法。现在有一个条目小部件,并且接受的语言也得到了丰富:除了 exprs 规则之外,你还可以省略美元符号和乘号,例如 2x+1,幂可以写成 x3 而不是 ($x*$x*$x);在简单的情况下,你可以省略围绕函数参数的括号,例如 sin x2。在条目小部件中按
如果你需要一些想法,请单击“?”按钮以循环浏览一组演示函数,从无聊到古怪(例如,如果使用 rand())。除了默认缩放之外,你还可以放大或缩小。将鼠标指针移到画布上会显示 x 和 y 坐标,如果你在曲线上的某个点上,则显示会变为白色。
目标没有达到:我女儿仍然讨厌数学。但至少我又有了几个小时的 Tcl(和函数)乐趣,在笛卡尔平面上冲浪……希望你也喜欢它!
proc main {} { canvas .c -bg white -borderwidth 0 bind .c <Motion> {displayXY .info %x %y} frame .f label .f.1 -text "f(x) = " entry .f.f -textvar ::function -width 40 bind .f.f <Return> {plotf .c $::function} button .f.demo -text " ? " -pady 0 -command {demo .c} label .f.2 -text " Zoom: " entry .f.fac -textvar ::factor -width 4 set ::factor 32 bind .f.fac <Return> {zoom .c 1.0} button -text " + " -pady 0 -command {zoom .c 2.0} button .f.minus -text " - " -pady 0 -command {zoom .c 0.5} eval pack [winfo children .f] -side left -fill both label .info -textvar ::info -just left pack .info .f -fill x -side bottom pack .c -fill both -expand 1 demo .c }
set ::demos { "cos x3" 2 1-x 0.5x2 x3/5 "sin x" "sin x2" 1/x sqrt(x) "tan x/5" x+1/x x abs(x) "exp x" "log x" "log x2" round(x) "int x%2" "x-int x" "0.2tan x+1/tan x" x*(rand()-0.5) x2/5-1/(2x) "atan x" sqrt(1-x2) "abs(x-int(x*2))" (x-1)/(x+1) "sin x-tan x" "sin x-tan x2" "x-abs(int x)" 0.5x-1/x -0.5x3+x2+x-1 3*sin(2x) -0.05x4-0.2x3+1.5x2+2x-3 "9%int x" 0.5x2/(x3-3x2+4) "abs x2-3 int x" "int x%3" }
proc displayXY {w cx cy} { set x [expr {double($cx-$::dx)/$::factor}] set y [expr {double(-$cy+$::dy)/$::factor}] set ::info [format "x=%.2f y=%.2f" $x $y] catch { $w config -fg [expr {abs([expr $::fun]-$y)<0.01?"white":"black"}] } ;# may divide by zero, or other illegal things }
proc zoom {w howmuch} { set ::factor [expr round($::factor*$howmuch)] plotf $w $::function }
proc plotf {w function} { foreach {re subst} { {([a-z]) +(x[0-9]?)} {\1(\2)} " " "" {([0-9])([a-z])} {\1*\2} x2 x*x x3 x*x*x x4 x*x*x*x x \$x {e\$xp} exp } {regsub -all $re $function $subst function} set ::fun $function set ::info "Tcl: expr $::fun" set color [lpick {red blue purple brown green}] plotline $w [fun2points $::fun] -fill $color }
proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}]}
proc fun2points {fun args} { array set opt {-from -10.0 -to 10.0 -step .01} array set opt $args set res "{" for {set x $opt(-from)} {$x<= $opt(-to)} {set x [expr {$x+$opt(-step)}]} { if {![catch {expr $fun} y]} { if {[info exists lasty] && abs($y-$lasty)>100} { append res "\} \{" ;# incontinuity } append res " $x $y" set lasty $y } else {append res "\} \{"} } append res "}" }
proc plotline {w points args} { $w delete all foreach i $points { if {[llength $i]>2} {eval $w create line $i $args -tags f} } set fac $::factor $w scale all 0 0 $fac -$fac $w create line -10000 0 10000 0 ;# X axis $w create line 0 -10000 0 10000 ;# Y axis $w create line $fac 0 $fac -3 ;# x=1 tick $w create line -3 -$fac 0 -$fac ;# y=1 tick set ::dx [expr {[$w cget -width]/2}] set ::dy [expr {[$w cget -height]/2}] $w move all $::dx $::dy $w raise f }
proc demo {w} { set ::function [lindex $::demos 0] ;# cycle through... set ::demos [concat [lrange $::demos 1 end] [list $::function]] set ::factor 32 plotf $w $::function }
[edit | edit source]在 Conal Elliott 的 Pan 项目(“功能图像合成”,[1])中,图像(任意大小和分辨率)以一种优雅的功能方式生成和操作。用 Haskell 编写的函数(参见 Playing Haskell)被应用,主要以函数组合的形式应用于像素,以返回它们的色值。常见问题解答:“我们也可以在 Tcl 中这样做吗?”
正如下面的 funimj 演示所示,原则上可以;但这需要一些耐心(或非常快的 CPU)——对于一个 200x200 的图像,该函数被调用了 40000 次,在我的 P200 盒子上需要 9..48 秒。尽管如此,输出通常值得等待……并且编写此代码所花费的时间微不足道,因为 Haskell 原件只需稍加修改即可在 Tcl 中表示。函数组合必须重写为 Tcl 的波兰表示法——Haskell 的
foo 1 o bar 2 o grill
(其中“o”是组合运算符)在 Tcl 中将如下所示
o {foo 1} {bar 2} grill
proc f {x} {foo 1 [bar 2 [grill $x]]}
但生成的函数的名称比“f”好得多:即,对“o”的完整调用被使用,因此示例 proc 的名称是
"o {foo 1} {bar 2} grill"
这很有自说明性 ;-)我这样实现了“o”。
proc o args { # combine the functions in args, return the created name set name [info level 0] set body "[join $args " \["] \$x" append body [string repeat \] [expr {[llength $args]-1}]] proc $name x $body set name } # Now for the rendering framework:
proc fim {f {zoom 100} {width 200} {height -}} { # produce a photo image by applying function f to pixels if {$height=="-"} {set height $width} set im [image create photo -height $height -width $width] set data {} set xs {} for {set j 0} {$j<$width} {incr j} { lappend xs [expr {($j-$width/2.)/$zoom}] } for {set i 0} {$i<$height} {incr i} { set row {} set y [expr {($i-$height/2.)/$zoom}] foreach x $xs { lappend row [$f [list $x $y]] } lappend data $row } $im put $data set im }
基本成像函数(“绘图器”)具有共同的功能点 -> 颜色,其中点是一对 {x y}(或者,在应用极坐标变换后,{r a}……),颜色是 Tk 颜色名称,例如“green”或 #010203。
proc vstrip p { # a simple vertical bar b2c [expr {abs([lindex $p 0]) < 0.5}] } proc udisk p { # unit circle with radius 1 foreach {x y} $p break b2c [expr {hypot($x,$y) < 1}] } proc xor {f1 f2 p} { lappend f1 $p; lappend f2 $p b2c [expr {[eval $f1] != [eval $f2]}] } proc and {f1 f2 p} { lappend f1 $p; lappend f2 $p b2c [expr {[eval $f1] == "#000" && [eval $f2] == "#000"}] } proc checker p { # black and white checkerboard foreach {x y} $p break b2c [expr {int(floor($x)+floor($y)) % 2 == 0}] } proc gChecker p { # greylevels correspond to fractional part of x,y foreach {x y} $p break g2c [expr {(fmod(abs($x),1.)*fmod(abs($y),1.))}] } proc bRings p { # binary concentric rings foreach {x y} $p break b2c [expr {round(hypot($x,$y)) % 2 == 0}] } proc gRings p { # grayscale concentric rings foreach {x y} $p break g2c [expr {(1 + cos(3.14159265359 * hypot($x,$y))) / 2.}] } proc radReg {n p} { # n wedge slices starting at (0,0) foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break b2c [expr {int(floor($a*$n/3.14159265359))%2 == 0}] } proc xPos p {b2c [expr {[lindex $p 0]>0}]}
proc cGrad p { # color gradients - best watched at zoom=100 foreach {x y} $p break if {abs($x)>1.} {set x 1.} if {abs($y)>1.} {set y 1.} set r [expr {int((1.-abs($x))*255.)}] set g [expr {int((sqrt(2.)-hypot($x,$y))*180.)}] set b [expr {int((1.-abs($y))*255.)}] c2c $r $g $b }
除了 Conal Elliott 论文中的示例外,我发现功能成像也可以被滥用于(缓慢且不精确的)函数绘图器,如果你使用 $y + f($x) 作为第一个参数调用它,则该绘图器会显示 y = f(x) 的图形。
proc fplot {expr p} { foreach {x y} $p break b2c [expr abs($expr)<=0.04] ;# double eval required here! }
proc bin2 {f1 f2 p} { set a [eval $f1 [list $p]] set b [eval $f2 [list $p]] expr { $a == "#000" ? $b == "#000" ? "green" : "yellow" : $b == "#000" ? "blue" : "black" } } #--------------------------------------- Pixel converters:
proc g2c {greylevel} { # convert 0..1 to #000000..#FFFFFF set hex [format %02X [expr {round($greylevel*255)}]] return #$hex$hex$hex } proc b2c {binpixel} { # 0 -> white, 1 -> black expr {$binpixel? "#000" : "#FFF"} } proc c2c {r g b} { # make Tk color name: {0 128 255} -> #0080FF format #%02X%02X%02X $r $g $b } proc bPaint {color0 color1 pixel} { # convert a binary pixel to one of two specified colors expr {$pixel=="#000"? $color0 : $color1} }
proc gPaint {color pixel} { set abspixel [lindex [rgb $pixel] 0] set rgb [rgb $color] set rgbw [rgb white] foreach var {r g b} in $rgb ref $rgbw { set $var [expr {round(double($abspixel)*$in/$ref/$ref*255.)}] } c2c $r $g $b }
此 proc 缓存 [winfo rgb] 调用的结果,因为这些调用相当昂贵,尤其是在远程 X 显示器上 - rmax。
proc rgb {color} { upvar "#0" rgb($color) rgb if {![info exists rgb]} {set rgb [winfo rgb . $color]} set rgb } #------------------------------ point -> point transformers
proc fromPolars p { foreach {r a} $p break list [expr {$r*cos($a)}] [expr {$r*sin($a)}] } proc toPolars p { foreach {x y} $p break # for Sun, we have to make sure atan2 gets no two 0's list [expr {hypot($x,$y)}] [expr {$x||$y? atan2($y,$x): 0}] } proc radInvert p { foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break fromPolars [list [expr {$r? 1/$r: 9999999}] $a] } proc rippleRad {n s p} { foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break fromPolars [list [expr {$r*(1.+$s*sin($n*$a))}] $a] } proc slice {n p} { foreach {r a} $p break list $r [expr {$a*$n/3.14159265359}] } proc rotate {angle p} { foreach {x y} $p break set x1 [expr {$x*cos(-$angle) - $y*sin(-$angle)}] set y1 [expr {$y*cos(-$angle) + $x*sin(-$angle)}] list $x1 $y1 } proc swirl {radius p} { foreach {x y} $p break set angle [expr {hypot($x,$y)*6.283185306/$radius}] rotate $angle $p }
- 组合运算符“o”
- 零个或多个“绘图器”(颜色 -> 颜色)
- 一个“绘图器”(点 -> 颜色)
- 零个或多个“变换器”(点 -> 点)
proc fim'show {c f} { $c delete all set ::try $f ;# prepare for editing set t0 [clock seconds] . config -cursor watch update ;# to make the cursor visible $c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image [fim $f $::zoom] wm title . "$f: [expr [clock seconds]-$t0] seconds" . config -cursor {} } proc fim'try {c varName} { upvar #0 $varName var $c delete all if [catch {fim'show $c [eval $var]}] { $c create text 10 10 -anchor nw -text $::errorInfo } }
组合函数只需要提到一次,这将创建它们,并且它们以后可以通过信息过程获取。这里的 o 看起来很像子弹……
o bRings o cGrad o checker o gRings o vstrip o xPos o {bPaint brown beige} checker o checker {slice 10} toPolars o checker {rotate 0.1} o vstrip {swirl 1.5} o checker {swirl 16} o {fplot {$y + exp($x)}} o checker radInvert o gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3} o xPos {swirl .75} o gChecker o {gPaint red} gRings o {bin2 {radReg 7} udisk} #----------------------------------------------- testing
frame .f2 set c [canvas .f2.c] set e [entry .f2.e -bg white -textvar try] bind $e <Return> [list fim'try $c ::try] scale .f2.s -from 1 -to 100 -variable zoom -ori hori -width 6 #--------------------------------- button bar: frame .f set n 0 foreach imf [lsort [info procs "o *"]] { button .f.b[incr n] -text $imf -anchor w -pady 0 \ -command [list fim'show $c $imf] } set ::zoom 25 eval pack [winfo children .f] -side top -fill x -ipady 0 eval pack [winfo children .f2] -side top -fill x pack .f .f2 -side left -anchor n bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} ;# dev helper bind . ? {console show} ;# dev helper, Win/Mac only
[edit | edit source]以下代码可用于图像处理实验,包括
- 卷积(见下文)
- 从颜色到灰度级别的转换
- 灰度级到伪彩色转换
- 亮度和对比度修改
Tcl 在处理大量数字运算方面并不快,例如处理数千个像素时,但我不建议在有趣的项目中使用 C ;) 所以慢慢来,或者找一个真正的 CPU。至少您可以观察进度,因为目标图像会在每行处理后更新。
拉普拉斯 5 滤波器边缘增强
演示 UI 显示两个图像,左侧是原始图像,右侧是处理结果。您可以使用“选项/接受”将结果推到左侧。查看菜单以了解我提供的功能。但最让我感兴趣的是“卷积”,您可以编辑矩阵(固定为 3x3 - 速度足够慢..)并单击“应用”以在输入图像上运行它。“C” 将矩阵设置为全零。
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 5 -1 or: -1 9 -1 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1
proc convolute {inimg outimg matrix} { set w [image width $inimg] set h [image height $inimg] set matrix [normalize $matrix] set shift [expr {[matsum $matrix]==0? 128: 0}] set imat [photo2matrix $inimg] for {set i 1} {$i<$h-1} {incr i} { set row {} for {set j 1} {$j<$w-1} {incr j} { foreach var {rsum gsum bsum} {set $var 0.0} set y [expr {$i-1}] foreach k {0 1 2} { set x [expr {$j-1}] foreach l {0 1 2} { if {[set fac [lindex $matrix $k $l]]} { foreach {r g b} [lindex $imat $y $x] {} set rsum [expr {$rsum + $r * $fac}] set gsum [expr {$gsum + $g * $fac}] set bsum [expr {$bsum + $b * $fac}] } incr x } incr y } if {$shift} { set rsum [expr {$rsum + $shift}] set gsum [expr {$gsum + $shift}] set bsum [expr {$bsum + $shift}] } lappend row [rgb [clip $rsum] [clip $gsum] [clip $bsum]] } $outimg put [list $row] -to 1 $i update idletasks } }
proc alias {name args} {eval [linsert $args 0 interp alias {} $name {}]}
alias rgb format #%02x%02x%02x
proc lambda {argl body} {K [set n [info level 0]] [proc $n $argl $body]}
proc K {a b} {set a}
proc clip x {expr {$x>255? 255: $x<0? 0: int($x)}}
proc photo2matrix image { set w [image width $image] set h [image height $image] set res {} for {set y 0} {$y<$h} {incr y} { set row {} for {set x 0} {$x<$w} {incr x} { lappend row [$image get $x $y] } lappend res $row } set res }
proc normalize matrix { #-- make sure all matrix elements add up to 1.0 set sum [matsum $matrix] if {$sum==0} {return $matrix} ;# no-op on zero sum set res {} foreach inrow $matrix { set row {} foreach el $inrow {lappend row [expr {1.0*$el/$sum}]} lappend res $row } set res }
proc matsum matrix {expr [join [join $matrix] +]}
proc color2gray image { set w [image width $image] set h [image height $image] for {set i 0} {$i<$h} {incr i} { set row {} for {set j 0} {$j<$w} {incr j} { foreach {r g b} [$image get $j $i] break set y [expr {int(0.299*$r + 0.587*$g + 0.114*$b)}] lappend row [rgb $y $y $y] } $image put [list $row] -to 0 $i update idletasks } }
proc color2gray2 image { set i -1 foreach inrow [photo2matrix $image] { set row {} foreach pixel $inrow { foreach {r g b} $pixel break set y [expr {int(($r + $g + $b)/3.)}] lappend row [rgb $y $y $y] } $image put [list $row] -to 0 [incr i] update idletasks } }
proc gray2color image { set i -1 set colors {black darkblue blue purple red orange yellow white} set n [llength $colors] foreach inrow [photo2matrix $image] { set row {} foreach pixel $inrow { set index [expr {[lindex $pixel 0]*$n/256}] lappend row [lindex $colors $index] } $image put [list $row] -to 0 [incr i] update idletasks } }
proc grayWedge image { $image blank for {set i 0} {$i<256} {incr i} { $image put [rgb $i $i $i] -to $i 0 [expr {$i+1}] 127 } }
许多算法非常相似,仅在中心的一些命令上有区别。因此我将它们通用化,它们接受一个函数名称,该函数名称应用于每个像素 rgb,或者一对像素 rgb。它们由一个别名实例化,该别名将函数巧妙地设置为 lambda
proc generic_1 {f target source} { set w [image width $source] set h [image height $source] for {set i 0} {$i<$h} {incr i} { set row {} for {set j 0} {$j<$w} {incr j} { foreach {r g b} [$source get $j $i] break lappend row [rgb [$f $r] [$f $g] [$f $b]] } $target put [list $row] -to 0 $i update idletasks } }
alias invert generic_1 [lambda x {expr {255-$x}}] alias contrast+ generic_1 [lambda x {clip [expr {128+($x-128)*1.25}]}] alias contrast- generic_1 [lambda x {clip [expr {128+($x-128)*0.8}]}]
proc generic_2 {f target with} { set w [image width $target] set h [image height $target] for {set i 0} {$i<$h} {incr i} { set row {} for {set j 0} {$j<$w} {incr j} { foreach {r g b} [$target get $j $i] break foreach {r1 g1 b1} [$with get $j $i] break lappend row [rgb [$f $r $r1] [$f $g $g1] [$f $b $b1]] } $target put [list $row] -to 0 $i update idletasks } }
alias blend generic_2 [lambda {a b} {expr {($a+$b)/2}}] alias difference generic_2 [lambda {a b} {expr {255-abs($a-$b)}}]
proc histogram {image {channel 0}} { set w [image width $image] set h [image height $image] for {set i 0} {$i<256} {incr i} {set hist($i) 0} for {set i 0} {$i<$h} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j<$w} {incr j} { incr hist([lindex [$image get $j $i] $channel]) } } set res {} for {set i 0} {$i<256} {incr i} {lappend res $hist($i)} set res }
proc drawHistogram {target input} { $target blank set a [expr {6000./([image height $input]*[image width $input])}] foreach color {red green blue} channel {0 1 2} { set i -1 foreach val [histogram $input $channel] { $target put $color -to [incr i] \ [clip [expr {int(128-$val*$a)}]] } update idletasks } }
演示 UI
if {[file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0]} { package require Img ;# for JPEG etc. proc setFilter {w matrix} { $w delete 1.0 end foreach row $matrix {$w insert end [join $row \t]\n} set ::info "Click 'Apply' to use this filter" } label .title -text TkPhotoLab -font {Helvetica 14 italic} -fg blue label .( -text ( -font {Courier 32} set txt [text .t -width 20 -height 3] setFilter .t {{0 -1 0} {-1 5 -1} {0 -1 0}} label .) -text ) -font {Courier 32} button .c -text C -command {setFilter .t {{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}}} grid .title .( .t .) .c -sticky news button .apply -text Apply -command applyConv grid x ^ ^ ^ .apply -sticky ew grid [label .0 -textvar info] - - -sticky w grid [label .1] - [label .2] - - -sticky new
proc loadImg { {fn ""}} { if {$fn==""} {set fn [tk_getOpenFile]} if {$fn != ""} { cd [file dirname [file join [pwd] $fn]] set ::im1 [image create photo -file $fn] .1 config -image $::im1 set ::im2 [image create photo] .2 config -image $::im2 $::im2 copy $::im1 -shrink set ::info "Loaded image 1 from $fn" } } proc saveImg { {fn ""}} { if {$fn==""} {set fn [tk_getSaveFile]} if {$fn != ""} { $::im2 write $fn -format JPEG set ::info "Saved image 2 to $fn" } } proc applyConv {} { set ::info "Convolution running, have patience..." set t0 [clock clicks -milliseconds] convolute $::im1 $::im2 [split [$::txt get 1.0 end] \n] set dt [expr {([clock click -milliseconds]-$t0)/1000.}] set ::info "Ready after $dt sec" }
一个用于简化菜单创建的小包装器 - 请参见下面的用法
proc m+ {head name {cmd ""}} { if {![winfo exists .m.m$head]} { .m add cascade -label $head -menu [menu .m.m$head -tearoff 0] } if [regexp ^-+$ $name] { .m.m$head add separator } else {.m.m$head add command -label $name -comm $cmd} }
. config -menu [menu .m] m+ File Open.. loadImg m+ File Save.. saveImg m+ File --- m+ File Exit exit
m+ Edit Blend {blend $im2 $im1} m+ Edit Difference {difference $im2 $im1} m+ Edit --- m+ Edit Negative {invert $im2 $im1} m+ Edit Contrast+ {contrast+ $im2 $im1} m+ Edit Contrast- {contrast- $im2 $im1} m+ Edit --- m+ Edit Graylevel {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink; color2gray $im2} m+ Edit Graylevel2 {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink; color2gray2 $im2} m+ Edit "Add Noise" { generic_1 [lambda x {expr {rand()<.01? int(rand()*255):$x}}] $im2 $im1 } m+ Edit gray2color {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink; gray2color $im2} m+ Edit Octary {generic_1 [lambda x {expr {$x>127? 255:0}}] $im2 $im1} m+ Edit --- m+ Edit HoriMirror {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -subsample -1 1} m+ Edit VertMirror {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -subsample 1 -1} m+ Edit "Upside down" {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -subsample -1 -1} m+ Edit --- m+ Edit "Zoom x 2" {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -zoom 2} m+ Edit "Zoom x 3" {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -zoom 3}
m+ Options "Accept (1<-2)" {$im1 copy $im2 -shrink} m+ Options --- m+ Options "Gray wedge" {grayWedge $im2} m+ Options Histogram {drawHistogram $im2 $im1}
m+ Filter Clear {setFilter .t {{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}}} m+ Filter --- m+ Filter Blur0 {setFilter .t {{1 1 1} {1 0 1} {1 1 1}}} m+ Filter Blur1 {setFilter .t {{1 1 1} {1 1 1} {1 1 1}}} m+ Filter Gauss2 {setFilter .t {{1 2 1} {2 4 2} {1 2 1}}} m+ Filter --- m+ Filter Laplace5 {setFilter .t {{0 -1 0} {-1 5 -1} {0 -1 0}}} m+ Filter Laplace9 {setFilter .t {{-1 -1 -1} {-1 9 -1} {-1 -1 -1}}} m+ Filter LaplaceX {setFilter .t {{1 -2 1} {-2 5 -2} {1 -2 1}}} m+ Filter --- m+ Filter Emboss {setFilter .t {{2 0 0} {0 -1 0} {0 0 -1}}} m+ Filter HoriEdge {setFilter .t {{-1 -1 -1} {0 0 0} {1 1 1}}} m+ Filter VertEdge {setFilter .t {{-1 0 1} {-1 0 1} {-1 0 1}}} m+ Filter SobelH {setFilter .t {{1 2 1} {0 0 0} {-1 -2 -1}}} m+ Filter SobelV {setFilter .t {{1 0 -1} {2 0 -2} {1 0 -1}}}
bind . <Escape> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} bind . <F1> {console show} loadImg aaa.jpg }