盖乌斯·瓦勒里乌斯·卡图卢斯诗歌 / 45
行 | 拉丁文本 | 英文翻译 |
1 | Acmen Septimius suos amores | Septimius holding his love Acme |
2 | tenens in gremio "mea" inquit "Acme, | on his lap said "My Acme, |
3 | ni te perdite amo atque amare porro | if I do not love you desperately and am ready to love you further |
4 | omnes sum assidue paratus annos, | continuously for all my years, |
5 | quantum qui pote plurimum perire, | as much as one who loves most desperately, |
6 | solus in Libya Indiaque tosta | alone in Libya and scorched India |
7 | caesio veniam obvius leoni." | let me come face to face with the gray-eyed lion." |
8 | hoc ut dixit, Amor sinistra ut ante | As he said this, Love on the left as before |
9 | dextra sternuit approbationem. | on the right sneezed approval. |
10 | at Acme leviter caput reflectens | Then Acme, gently bending back her head, |
11 | et dulcis pueri ebrios ocellos | and kissing the intoxicated little eyes of her sweet boy |
12 | illo purpureo ore suaviata | with that rosy mouth |
13 | "sic", inquit "mea vita Septimille, | said "Thus, my life, my little Septimius, |
14 | huic uni domino usque serviamus, | let us be slaves to this one master, |
15 | ut multo mihi maior acriorque | as a much more eager fire burns |
16 | ignis mollibus ardet in medullis." | in my soft marrow." |
17 | hoc ut dixit, Amor sinistra ut ante | As she said this, Love on the left as before |
18 | dextra sternuit approbationem. | on the right sneezed approval. |
19 | nunc ab auspicio bono profecti | Now, having set out from favorable omens |
20 | mutuis animis amant amantur. | with mutual passions they love and are loved. |
21 | unam Septimius misellus Acmen | Little love-sick Septimius prefers Acme alone |
22 | mavult quam Syrias Britanniasque | to Syrias and Britains |
23 | uno in Septimio fidelis Acme | faithful Acme makes her delights and pleasures in |
24 | facit delicias libidinesque. | Septimius alone. |
25 | quis ullos homines beatiores | Who has seen any people more blessed? |
26 | vidit, quis Venerem auspicatiorem? | Who has seen a more favoured love? |
- Acme - prime; flower; zenith
这意味着 Acme 是男人能得到的最好的东西。使用希腊词 'Akmen',意思是顶端或最好的,仅仅是奉承。Acme 在卡通片中可能最出名,比如《威尔·E·凯特》,因为 Acme 是他毫无用处的武器的供应商。这个名字直接来自希腊语,在这种情况下,用它是为了讽刺效果。
- Syrias Britanniasque - Syrians and Britains
这可能指的是克拉苏和凯撒分别在叙利亚和不列颠的伟大战役。数千名年轻人会报名参军,以获得财富的机会,这些财富以战利品的形式出现,甚至可以保留或出售的奴隶。不列颠入侵发生在公元前 55 年和 54 年,克拉苏的战役发生在公元前 80 年的叙利亚。这首诗的语境表明 Septimius 为了和 Acme 在一起,放弃了绝佳的机会。
- Acmen (希腊语 Acme 的 Acc.) - prime; fower; zenith
- gremium, -ii, n. - lap; bosom
- ni=nīsi - unless; if not
- perdīte (adv.) - desperately; excessively
- porrō (adv.) - further; onwards
- assidue (adv.) - continually; constantly
- tostus (torreo 的 p.p.p.) - parch; roast; bake; scorch; burn
- caesius, -a, -um - green-eyed
- obvius, -a, -um - to meet with; come into contact with
- sternuo, -ere, ui - to sneeze
- approbatio, -onis, f. - approval
- leviter - lightly; slightly; a little
- reflectō, -xi, -xum - to bend; turn back
- ebrius, -a, -um - 醉酒的;喝醉的
- ocellus, -i, m. (dim.) - 小眼睛
- purpureus, -a, -um, - 紫色的;玫瑰色的
- os, oris, n. - 嘴
- suavior, -ari, -atus sum - 亲吻
- usque - 连续地;不断地
- servio, -ire, -ii, -itum - 做…的仆人/奴隶
- acer, acris, acre - 猛烈的;敏锐的
- mollīs, -is, -e - 柔软的;温柔的;温和的
- medulla, -ae, f. - 骨髓
- auspicium, -i, n. - 预兆;迹象;鸟类占卜;动物内脏的出现
- proficiscor - 出发
- mutuus, -a, -um 互惠的;相互的
- misellus (dim. of miser) - 痴情的小…
- libido, libidinis, f. - 快乐;欲望;激情;渴望
- auspicātus, -a, -um - 吉利的