Visual Basic .NET/赋值和比较运算符
"=" 运算符用于赋值。该运算符也用作比较运算符(参见比较)。
- 设置值
x = 7 ' x is now seven; in math terms we could say "let x = 7"
x = -1294
x = "example"
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer = 4
x = y ' Anywhere we use x, 4 will be used.
y = 5 ' Anywhere we use y, 5 will be used, x stays to 4
"=" 运算符用于比较。该运算符也用作赋值运算符(参见赋值)。
- 比较值
If 4 = 9 Then ' This code will never happen:
End ' Exit the program.
End If
If 1234 = 1234 Then ' This code will always be run after the check:
MessageBox.Show("Wow! 1234 is the same as 1234.")
' Create a box in the center of the screen.
End If
If x = 4 Then
MessageBox.Show("x is four.")
End If
MessageBox.Show("Seven equals two is " & (7 = 2) & ".")
' The parentheses are used because otherwise, by order of operations (equals is
' processed last), it would be comparing the strings "Seven equals two is 7" and "2.".
' Note here that the & operator appends to the string. We will talk about this later.
' The result of this should be a message box popping up saying "Seven equals two is
' False." This is because (7 = 2) will return False anywhere you put it. In the
' same sense, (7 = 7) will return True:
MessageBox.Show("Seven equals seven is " & (7 = 7) & ".")
如果您尝试为常量或字面量赋值,例如 7 = 2,您将收到错误。您可以比较 7 和 2,但答案将始终为 False。
Dim x As Boolean
x = 2 = 7
第二个等号运算符将首先被处理,比较 2 和 7,得到 False。然后第一个等号运算符将被处理,将 False 赋值给 x。
(x < y) (x > y) (x <> y) (x <= y) (x >= y)
(x 小于 y),(x 大于 y),(x 不等于 y),(x 小于或等于 y) & (x 大于或等于 y)