
Visual Basic for Applications/数组输出传输


此 VBA 代码模块演示了四种基本的数组显示方法。它旨在在 MS Excel 中运行,尽管除了第一种方法(将数据传输到工作表)之外,它可以很容易地适应 MS Word 或其他运行 VBA 的 MS Office 应用程序。


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  • 代码首先使用选定的随机数据加载一个数组。然后,整个数组被传输到工作表。数据在立即窗口中被进一步格式化和显示,以良好的间距列显示。格式化输出的另外一个副本被传递到剪贴板以供进一步的外部使用,并且它也被发送到一个文本文件以说明该方法。
  • RndDataToArr() 可以使用随机数据加载一个数组。数据类型可以作为参数设置,并且可以在过程本身内找到进一步的限制。字母、整数、小数、日期和混合数据是可用的,大多数在长度和内容上都是随机的。
  • Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet() 可以将一维或二维数组传输到工作表。它可以定位在任何位置。它检查数组是否存在,是否已分配,以及在设置传输范围时的维度数量。
  • DispArrInImmWindow() 在 VBA 编辑器的立即窗口中格式化并显示一个 2D 数组。它考虑了所有数据长度以设置对齐良好的列。有一些参数可以设置最大小数位数以及选择小数点对齐还是原始数据。布局可以处理文本和数字的混合列,尽管当列中的所有数据都是同一类型时,它具有最佳外观。整个数组的格式化输出作为单个字符串提供,以便外部使用,对于超过 199 行的数组非常有用,因为太大而无法显示在立即窗口中。
  • CopyToClip() 用于将字符串传递到剪贴板。这里使用它来上传格式化的数组字符串。剪贴板只会在调用应用程序(Excel)关闭时保留其内容。值得注意的是,此系列中的其他剪贴板过程会保留其内容,直到 Windows 平台关闭。
  • GetFromClip() 检索剪贴板的内容。它在这里纯粹用于演示。它将数组的整个格式化字符串传递给一个文本文件。
  • WriteToFile() 打开并写入一个命名的文本文件。它完全替换它已经包含的任何文本。如果文件不存在,该过程会在与 Excel 文件相同的目录中创建它。

VBA 代码模块

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将整个代码清单复制到一个 Excel VBA 模块中,并运行顶部过程以测试四种数组传输方法。将文件保存为 xlsm 类型。代码写入 Sheet1,以及 VBA 编辑器的立即窗口。其他数组列表将在剪贴板和一个专门为该目的创建的文本文件中找到。

Option Explicit
Private Sub ArrayOutputTests()
    ' Test procedure for array display
    '1 array to worksheet
    '2 formatted array to immediate window
    '3 formatted array to clipboard
    '4 formatted array to text file

    Dim vA As Variant, vB As Variant
    Dim sArr As String, oSht As Worksheet
    Dim sIn As String, sOut As String, sSheet As String
    'choose worksheet for display
        sSheet = "Sheet1"
        Set oSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sSheet)
    'load an array to test
        RndDataToArr vA, 16, 10, "mixed"
        vB = vA
    'array to the worksheet
        'clear the worksheet
        'transfer array
        Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet vA, "Sheet1", 1, 1
        'format columns of the sheet
        With oSht.Cells
            .NumberFormat = "General"
            .NumberFormat = "0.000" 'two decimals
        End With
    'array formatted and to the immediate window
        'clear the immediate window
        'formatted array to immediate window
        DispArrInImmWindow vB, True, 3, sIn
        'get formatted array string for further use
        sArr = sIn
    'array formatted and to the clipboard
        'formatted array string to clipboard
        CopyToClip sArr
    'array formatted and to a text file or log
        'retrieve clipboard string
        sOut = GetFromClip
        'formatted array string replaces text file content
        WriteToFile sOut, ThisWorkbook.Path & "\MyLongArray.txt"
    'release object variables
        Set oSht = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub RndDataToArr(vIn As Variant, nRows As Integer, nCols As Integer, sType As String)
    'Loads a 2D array in place with a choice of random alpha strings
    'numbers or dates.
    Dim LB1 As Long, UB1 As Long, LB2 As Long, UB2 As Long
    Dim nMinLenStr As Integer, nMaxLenStr As Integer
    Dim nMinLenDec As Integer, nMaxLenDec As Integer
    Dim nMinLenInt As Integer, nMaxLenInt As Integer
    Dim LA As Integer, LI As Integer, sT As String, sT2 As String
    Dim sAccum As String, sAccum1 As String, sAccum2 As String
    Dim nDec As Single, LD As Integer, nS As Integer, sDF As String
    Dim sAlpha As String, sInteger As String, sDecimal As String
    Dim r As Long, c As Long, bIncMinus As String, bNeg As Boolean
    Dim dMinDate As Date, dMaxDate As Date, nD As Long
    'Parameter Notes:
    'sType sets the type of data to load into the array.
    '   "Alpha" loads random length strings of capitals - length set below
    '   "Integer" loads random length integers - length set below
    '   "Decimal" loads random integer and decimal parts - length set below
    '   "Dates"   loads random dates throughout - range set below
    '   "Mixed" loads alternate columns of alpha and decimal data - set below
    'nRows is the number of required array rows
    'nCols is the number of required array columns
    'vIn contains the input array
    ReDim vIn(1 To nRows, 1 To nCols)
    LB1 = LBound(vIn, 1): UB1 = UBound(vIn, 1)
    LB2 = LBound(vIn, 2): UB2 = UBound(vIn, 2)
    'set user minimum and maximum settings here
    nMinLenStr = 3   'the minimum random text length
    nMaxLenStr = 8   'the maximum random text length
    nMinLenDec = 1   'the minumum decimal part length
    nMaxLenDec = 3   'the maximum decimal part length
    nMinLenInt = 1   'the minimum integer part length
    nMaxLenInt = 5   'the maximum integer part length
    dMinDate = #1/1/1900#     'earliest date to list
    dMaxDate = Date              'latest date to list
    sDF = "dddd, mmm d yyyy"      'random date format
    bIncMinus = True      'include random minus signs
    'randomize using system timer
    For r = LB1 To UB1
        For c = LB2 To UB2
            'get random lengths of elements
            Select Case LCase(sType)
            Case "alpha"
                LA = Int((nMaxLenStr - nMinLenStr + 1) * Rnd + nMinLenStr)
            Case "integer"
                LI = Int((nMaxLenInt - nMinLenInt + 1) * Rnd + nMinLenInt)
            Case "decimal"
                LI = Int((nMaxLenInt - nMinLenInt + 1) * Rnd + nMinLenInt)
                LD = Int((nMaxLenDec - nMinLenDec + 1) * Rnd + nMinLenDec)
            Case "mixed"
                LA = Int((nMaxLenStr - nMinLenStr + 1) * Rnd + nMinLenStr)
                LI = Int((nMaxLenInt - nMinLenInt + 1) * Rnd + nMinLenInt)
                LD = Int((nMaxLenDec - nMinLenDec + 1) * Rnd + nMinLenDec)
            Case "dates"
            End Select
            'make an alpha string
                sT = Chr$(Int((90 - 65 + 1) * Rnd + 65))
                sAccum = sAccum & sT
            Loop Until Len(sAccum) >= LA
            sAlpha = sAccum
            sAccum = "": sT = ""
            'make an integer
                If LI = 1 Then 'zero permitted
                    sT = Chr$(Int((57 - 48 + 1) * Rnd + 48))
                    sAccum = sAccum & sT
                ElseIf LI > 1 And Len(sAccum) = 0 Then 'zero not permitted
                    sT = Chr$(Int((57 - 49 + 1) * Rnd + 49))
                    sAccum = sAccum & sT
                    sT = Chr$(Int((57 - 48 + 1) * Rnd + 48))
                    sAccum = sAccum & sT
                End If
            Loop Until Len(sAccum) >= LI
            sInteger = sAccum
            sAccum = "": sT = ""
            'make a decimal part
                sT2 = Chr$(Int((57 - 48 + 1) * Rnd + 48))
                sAccum2 = sAccum2 & sT2
            Loop Until Len(sAccum2) >= LD
            sDecimal = sAccum2
            sAccum = "": sAccum2 = "": sT2 = ""
            'decide proportion of negative numbers
            nS = Int((3 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
            If nS = 1 And bIncMinus = True Then
                sInteger = "-" & sInteger
            End If
            'assign value to array element
            Select Case LCase(sType)
            Case "alpha"
                vIn(r, c) = sAlpha
            Case "integer"
                vIn(r, c) = CLng(sInteger)
            Case "decimal"
                vIn(r, c) = CSng(sInteger & "." & sDecimal)
            Case "dates"
                nD = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(dMinDate, dMaxDate)
                vIn(r, c) = Format(nD, sDF)
            Case "mixed"
                If c Mod 2 = 0 Then 'alternate columns alpha and decimal
                    vIn(r, c) = CSng(sInteger & "." & sDecimal)
                    vIn(r, c) = sAlpha
                End If
            End Select
        Next c
    Next r
End Sub

Private Function Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet(vA As Variant, ByVal sSht As String, _
                         ByVal nRow As Long, ByVal nCol As Long) As Boolean
    'Transfers a one or two dimensioned input array vA to the worksheet,
    'with top-left element at cell position nRow,nCol. sSht is the worksheet name.
    'Default 2D array transfers are made unchanged and a 1D array is displayed in a row.
    Dim oSht As Worksheet, rng As Range, rng1 As Range, bProb As Boolean
    Dim nD As Integer, nR As Integer, nDim As Integer, r As Long, c As Long
    Dim LBR As Long, UBR As Long, LBC As Long, UBC As Long, vT As Variant
    On Error Resume Next
        'is it an array
        If IsArray(vA) = False Then
            bProb = True
        End If
        'check if allocated
        nR = UBound(vA, 1)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            bProb = True
        End If
    If bProb = False Then
        'count dimensions
        On Error Resume Next
            nD = nD + 1
            nR = UBound(vA, nD)
        Loop Until Err.Number <> 0
        MsgBox "Parameter is not an array" & _
        vbCrLf & "or is unallocated - closing."
        Exit Function
    End If
    'get number of dimensions
    nDim = nD - 1: 'MsgBox nDim

    'get ref to worksheet
    Set oSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sSht)
    'set a worksheet range for array
    Select Case nDim
    Case 1 'one dimensional array
        LBR = LBound(vA): UBR = UBound(vA)
        Set rng = oSht.Range(oSht.Cells(nRow, nCol), oSht.Cells(nRow, nCol + UBR - LBR))
    Case 2 'two dimensional array
        LBR = LBound(vA, 1): UBR = UBound(vA, 1)
        LBC = LBound(vA, 2): UBC = UBound(vA, 2)
        Set rng = oSht.Range(oSht.Cells(nRow, nCol), oSht.Cells(nRow + UBR - LBR, nCol + UBC - LBC))
    Case Else 'unable to print more dimensions
        MsgBox "Too many dimensions - closing"
        Exit Function
    End Select

    'transfer array values to worksheet
        rng.Value = vA
    'release object variables
    Set oSht = Nothing
    Set rng = Nothing
    Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet = True

End Function

Private Sub ClearImmWindow()
    'Clears VBA immediate window down to the insertion point,
    'but not beyond. Not a problem as long as cursor is
    'at end of text, but otherwise not.
    'Clear manually before any neat work.
    'Manual clear method: Ctrl-G then Ctrl-A then Delete.
    'Max display in immediate window is 199 lines,
    'then top lines are lost as new ones added at bottom.
    'No reliable code method exists.
    Debug.Print String(200, vbCrLf)
End Sub

Private Sub DispArrInImmWindow(vA As Variant, Optional ByVal bFormatAlignData = True, _
                                  Optional ByVal nNumDecs As Integer = 2, _
                                     Optional sOut As String)

    'vA :               Input 2D array for display in the immediate window.
    'sOut:              Alternative formatted output string.
    'bFormatAlignData : True: applies decimal rounding and decimal alignment,
    '                   False: data untouched with only basic column spacing.
    'nNumDecs:          Sets the rounding up and down of decimal places.
    '                   Integers do not have zeros added at any time.
    'Clear the immediate window before each run for best results.
    'The immediate window at best lists 199 lines before overwrite, so
    'consider using sOut for large arrays.  'ie; use it in a text file
    'or userform textbox. Both outputs depend on the use of MONOSPACED fonts,
    'so set the font VBA editor or any textbox to Courier or Consolas.
    'To set different formats for EVERY column of an array it is best to add
    'the formats at loading time with the procedure TabularAlignTxtOrNumber().
    'messy when integers are set in array and decimals is set say to 3.
    'maybe the measurement of max element width should include a measure
    ' for any dot or extra imposed decimal places as well
    'different for integers and for existing decimals
    Dim vD As Variant, vC As Variant, nInterFieldSpace As Integer
    Dim sPadding As String, sDecFormat As String, sR As String, sE As String
    Dim r As Integer, c As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer, nP As Integer
    Dim nMaxFieldWidth As Integer, bSkip As Boolean
    Dim LB1 As Long, UB1 As Long, LB2 As Long, UB2 As Long
    'get bounds of input array
    LB1 = LBound(vA, 1): UB1 = UBound(vA, 1)
    LB2 = LBound(vA, 2): UB2 = UBound(vA, 2)
    ReDim vD(LB1 To UB1, LB2 To UB2) 'display
    ReDim vC(LB2 To UB2)             'column max
    'set distance between fixed width
    'fields in the output display
    nInterFieldSpace = 3
    'not now used
    nMaxFieldWidth = 14
    If nNumDecs < 0 Then
        MsgBox "nNumDecs parameter must not be negative - closing"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'find widest element in each column
    'and adjust it for any imposed decimal places
    For c = LB2 To UB2
        n = 0: m = 0
        For r = LB1 To UB1
            'get element length
            If IsNumeric(vA(r, c)) Then
                If Int(vA(r, c)) = vA(r, c) Then 'is integer
                    n = Len(vA(r, c)) + 1 + nNumDecs
                Else 'is not integer
                    If Len(vA(r, c)) - Len(Int(vA(r, c))) - 1 >= nNumDecs Then 'no change
                        n = Len(vA(r, c))
                    Else  'add the difference in length as result of imposed decimal places
                        n = Len(vA(r, c)) + (nNumDecs - (Len(vA(r, c)) - Len(Int(vA(r, c))) - 1))
                    End If
                End If
                n = Len(vA(r, c))
            End If
            If n > m Then m = n 'update if longer
        Next r
        'store the maximum length
        'of data in each column
        vC(c) = m
    Next c
    For c = LB2 To UB2
        For r = LB1 To UB1
            sE = Trim(vA(r, c))

            If bFormatAlignData = False Then
                sDecFormat = sE
                nP = InStr(sE, ".")
                bSkip = True
            End If

            'make a basic format
            If bSkip = False Then
                nP = InStr(sE, ".")
                'numeric with a decimal point
                If IsNumeric(sE) = True And nP > 0 Then
                    sDecFormat = Format$(sE, "0." & String$(nNumDecs, "0"))
                ElseIf IsNumeric(sE) = True And nP <= 0 Then
                    sDecFormat = Format$(sE, "0") & String$(nNumDecs + 1, Chr(32))
                ElseIf IsNumeric(sE) = False Then
                    sDecFormat = sE
                End If
            End If
            'adjust field width to widest in column
            bSkip = False
            sPadding = Space$(vC(c))
            'numeric with a decimal point
            If IsNumeric(sE) = True And nP > 0 Then
                vD(r, c) = Right$(sPadding & sDecFormat, vC(c))
            ElseIf IsNumeric(sE) = True And nP <= 0 Then
                vD(r, c) = Right$(sPadding & sDecFormat, vC(c))
            ElseIf IsNumeric(sE) = False Then
                vD(r, c) = Left$(sDecFormat & sPadding, vC(c))
            End If
        Next r
    Next c
    sOut = ""
    For r = LB1 To UB1
        For c = LB2 To UB2
            sR = sR & vD(r, c) & Space(nInterFieldSpace) 'concat one row
        Next c
        Debug.Print sR             'print one row in imm window
        sOut = sOut & sR & vbCrLf  'accum one row in output string
        sR = ""
    Next r
    sOut = sOut & vbCrLf
    Debug.Print vbCrLf

End Sub

Private Function CopyToClip(sIn As String) As Boolean
    'passes the parameter string to the clipboard
    'set reference to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library.
    'Clipboard cleared when launch application closes.
    Dim DataOut As DataObject
    Set DataOut = New DataObject
    'first pass textbox text to dataobject
    DataOut.SetText sIn
    'then pass dataobject text to clipboard
    'release object variable
    Set DataOut = Nothing
    CopyToClip = True
End Function

Private Function GetFromClip() As String
    'passes clipboard text to function name
    'If clipboard not text, an error results
    'set reference to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library.
    'Clipboard cleared when launch application closes.
    Dim DataIn As DataObject
    Set DataIn = New DataObject
    'clipboard text to dataobject
    'dataobject text to function string
    GetFromClip = DataIn.GetText
    'release object variable
    Set DataIn = Nothing
End Function

Private Function WriteToFile(sIn As String, sPath As String) As Boolean
    'REPLACES all content of text file with parameter string
    'makes file if does not exist
    'no layout or formatting - assumes external
    Dim Number As Integer
    Number = FreeFile 'Get a file number
    'write string to file
    Open sPath For Output As #Number
    Print #Number, sIn
    Close #Number

    WriteToFile = True
End Function


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