
Visual Basic for Applications/使用字符串进行大数运算

  • 此 VBA 模块适用于 Microsoft Excel,但可以在任何具有 VBA 编辑器的 MS Office 应用程序中进行少量更改后运行。
  • VBA 的数据类型阻止了大数计算。也就是说,超过二十位或三十位数字,即使那样,也需要格外小心以避免溢出。字符串很少有这样的限制,在大多数情况下,它们只受应用程序内存空间大小的限制。
  • 下面的代码模块包含大多数基本算术函数,没有大小限制。
  • 此代码并非由本人编写,但应感谢 Rebecca Gabriella 在 Big Integer Library 中对 String Math Module 的注释。我仅对该代码进行了美观上的修改,并添加了一个测试过程以说明其用法。


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  • 该模块包含以下函数:加法、减法、乘法和除法,所有这些函数都使用整数字符串。还包括转换函数,用于将其他进制还原为十进制,以及从现有十进制输入生成新进制。其他支持函数,如 RealMod(),也包含在内。
  • 没有提供到工作表的输出代码。由于 Excel 有截断数字的习惯,即使是字符串,想要使用工作表的用户也应该在显示字符串前连接一个撇号来防止这种情况发生。撇号不会显示。目前尚不清楚此方法会如何影响数字的后续使用。
  • 除法后会生成一个余数。它可以作为 sLastRemainder 找到,并且是公开的。
  • 在 MS Access 中安装代码的用户应将 Option Compare Text 更改为 Option Compare DataBase。前者适用于 MS Excel。

VBA 字符串数学模块

[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text 'Database for Access
'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module (Big Integer Library) for VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
' Minor edits made with comments and other.

Public Type PartialDivideInfo
    Quotient As Integer
    Subtrahend As String
    Remainder As String
End Type

Public sLastRemainder As String
Private Const Alphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

Private Sub TestMultAndDiv()
    'Run this to test multiplication and division with integer strings
    'Open immediate window in View or with ctrl-g to see results
    Dim sP1 As String, sP2 As String, sRes1 As String, sRes2 As String
    sP1 = "6864797660130609714981900799081393217269" & _
          "4353001433054093944634591855431833976560" & _
          "5212255964066145455497729631139148085803" & _
          "7121987999716643812574028291115057151"         '157 digits and prime
    sP2 = "162259276829213363391578010288127"             '33 digits and also prime

    'multiply these two as integer strings
    sRes1 = Multiply(sP1, sP2)
    Debug.Print sP1
    Debug.Print "Length of 1st number : " & Len(sP1)
    Debug.Print sP2
    Debug.Print "Length of 2nd number : " & Len(sP2)
    Debug.Print "Product : " & sRes1
    Debug.Print "Length of product : " & Len(sRes1)
    Debug.Print " "

    'then divide the product by sP1 obtains sP2 again
    sRes2 = Divide(sRes1, sP1)
    Debug.Print sRes1
    Debug.Print "Length of 1st number : " & Len(sRes1)
    Debug.Print sP1
    Debug.Print "Length of 2nd number : " & Len(sP1)
    Debug.Print "Integer Quotient : " & sRes2
    Debug.Print "Length of quotient : " & Len(sRes2)
    Debug.Print "Remainder after integer division : " & sLastRemainder
    Debug.Print " "

    'Clear immediate window with ctrl-g, then ctrl-a, then delete
    'If sending long integer strings to the worksheet, prefix with apostrophe before output
    'or it will be truncated by Excel.  Needs consideration also on pickup from sheet.
    'Alternatively use a textbox in a userform for error free display.  Ctrl-C to copy out.

End Sub

Private Function Compare(ByVal sA As String, ByVal sB As String) As Integer
    'Parameters are string integers of any length, for example "-345...", "973..."
    'Returns an integer that represents one of three states
    'sA > sB returns 1, sA < sB returns -1, and sA = sB returns 0
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits
    Dim bAN As Boolean, bBN As Boolean, bRN As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer, iA As Integer, iB As Integer
    'handle any early exits on basis of signs
    bAN = (Left(sA, 1) = "-")
    bBN = (Left(sB, 1) = "-")
    If bAN Then sA = Mid(sA, 2)
    If bBN Then sB = Mid(sB, 2)
    If bAN And bBN Then
        bRN = True
    ElseIf bBN Then
        Compare = 1
        Exit Function
    ElseIf bAN Then
        Compare = -1
        Exit Function
        bRN = False
    End If
    'remove any leading zeros
    Do While Len(sA) > 1 And Left(sA, 1) = "0"
        sA = Mid(sA, 2) 'starting at pos 2
    Do While Len(sB) > 1 And Left(sB, 1) = "0"
        sB = Mid(sB, 2) 'starting at pos 2
    'then decide size first on basis of length
    If Len(sA) < Len(sB) Then
        Compare = -1
    ElseIf Len(sA) > Len(sB) Then
        Compare = 1
    Else 'unless they are the same length
        Compare = 0
        'then check each digit by digit
        For i = 1 To Len(sA)
            iA = CInt(Mid(sA, i, 1))
            iB = CInt(Mid(sB, i, 1))
            If iA < iB Then
                Compare = -1
                Exit For
            ElseIf iA > iB Then
                Compare = 1
                Exit For
            Else 'defaults zero
            End If
        Next i
    End If
    'decide about any negative signs
    If bRN Then
        Compare = -Compare
    End If

End Function

Public Function Add(ByVal sA As String, ByVal sB As String) As String
    'Parameters are string integers of any length, for example "-345...", "973..."
    'Returns sum of sA and sB as string integer in Add()
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits
    Dim bAN As Boolean, bBN As Boolean, bRN As Boolean
    Dim iA As Integer, iB As Integer, iCarry As Integer
    'test for empty parameters
    If Len(sA) = 0 Or Len(sB) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Empty parameter in Add()"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'handle some negative values with Subtract()
    bAN = (Left(sA, 1) = "-")
    bBN = (Left(sB, 1) = "-")
    If bAN Then sA = Mid(sA, 2)
    If bBN Then sB = Mid(sB, 2)
    If bAN And bBN Then 'both negative
        bRN = True      'set output reminder
    ElseIf bBN Then     'use subtraction
        Add = Subtract(sA, sB)
        Exit Function
    ElseIf bAN Then     'use subtraction
        Add = Subtract(sB, sA)
        Exit Function
        bRN = False
    End If
    'add column by column
    iA = Len(sA)
    iB = Len(sB)
    iCarry = 0
    Add = ""
    Do While iA > 0 And iB > 0
        iCarry = iCarry + CInt(Mid(sA, iA, 1)) + CInt(Mid(sB, iB, 1))
        Add = CStr(iCarry Mod 10) + Add
        iCarry = iCarry \ 10
        iA = iA - 1
        iB = iB - 1
    'Assuming param sA is longer
    Do While iA > 0
        iCarry = iCarry + CInt(Mid(sA, iA, 1))
        Add = CStr(iCarry Mod 10) + Add
        iCarry = iCarry \ 10
        iA = iA - 1
    'Assuming param sB is longer
    Do While iB > 0
        iCarry = iCarry + CInt(Mid(sB, iB, 1))
        Add = CStr(iCarry Mod 10) + Add
        iCarry = iCarry \ 10
        iB = iB - 1
    Add = CStr(iCarry) + Add
    'remove any leading zeros
    Do While Len(Add) > 1 And Left(Add, 1) = "0"
        Add = Mid(Add, 2)
    'decide about any negative signs
    If Add <> "0" And bRN Then
        Add = "-" + Add
    End If

End Function

Private Function RealMod(ByVal iA As Integer, ByVal iB As Integer) As Integer
    'Returns iA mod iB in RealMod() as an integer. Good for small values.
    'Normally Mod takes on the sign of iA but here
    'negative values are increased by iB until result is positive.
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits.
    If iB = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Divide by zero in RealMod()"
        Exit Function
    End If
    If iA Mod iB = 0 Then
        RealMod = 0
    ElseIf iA < 0 Then
        RealMod = iB + iA Mod iB 'increase till pos
        RealMod = iA Mod iB
    End If

End Function

Private Function RealDiv(ByVal iA As Integer, ByVal iB As Integer) As Integer
    'Returns integer division iA divided by iB in RealDiv().Good for small values.
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits.
    If iB = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Divide by zero in RealDiv()"
        Exit Function
    End If
    If iA Mod iB = 0 Then
        RealDiv = iA \ iB
    ElseIf iA < 0 Then
        RealDiv = iA \ iB - 1 'round down
        RealDiv = iA \ iB
    End If

End Function

Public Function Subtract(ByVal sA As String, ByVal sB As String) As String
    'Parameters are string integers of any length, for example "-345...", "973..."
    'Returns sA minus sB as string integer in Subtract()
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits
    Dim bAN As Boolean, bBN As Boolean, bRN As Boolean
    Dim iA As Integer, iB As Integer, iComp As Integer
    'test for empty parameters
    If Len(sA) = 0 Or Len(sB) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Empty parameter in Subtract()"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'handle some negative values with Add()
    bAN = (Left(sA, 1) = "-")
    bBN = (Left(sB, 1) = "-")
    If bAN Then sA = Mid(sA, 2)
    If bBN Then sB = Mid(sB, 2)
    If bAN And bBN Then
        bRN = True
    ElseIf bBN Then
        Subtract = Add(sA, sB)
        Exit Function
    ElseIf bAN Then
        Subtract = "-" + Add(sA, sB)
        Exit Function
        bRN = False
    End If
    'get biggest value into variable sA
    iComp = Compare(sA, sB)
    If iComp = 0 Then     'parameters equal in size
        Subtract = "0"
        Exit Function
    ElseIf iComp < 0 Then 'sA < sB
        Subtract = sA     'so swop sA and sB
        sA = sB           'to ensure sA >= sB
        sB = Subtract
        bRN = Not bRN     'and reverse output sign
    End If
    iA = Len(sA)          'recheck lengths
    iB = Len(sB)
    iComp = 0
    Subtract = ""
    'subtract column by column
    Do While iA > 0 And iB > 0
        iComp = iComp + CInt(Mid(sA, iA, 1)) - CInt(Mid(sB, iB, 1))
        Subtract = CStr(RealMod(iComp, 10)) + Subtract
        iComp = RealDiv(iComp, 10)
        iA = iA - 1
        iB = iB - 1
    'then assuming param sA is longer
    Do While iA > 0
        iComp = iComp + CInt(Mid(sA, iA, 1))
        Subtract = CStr(RealMod(iComp, 10)) + Subtract
        iComp = RealDiv(iComp, 10)
        iA = iA - 1
    'remove any leading zeros from result
    Do While Len(Subtract) > 1 And Left(Subtract, 1) = "0"
        Subtract = Mid(Subtract, 2)
    'decide about any negative signs
    If Subtract <> "0" And bRN Then
        Subtract = "-" + Subtract
    End If

End Function

Public Function Multiply(ByVal sA As String, ByVal sB As String) As String
    'Parameters are string integers of any length, for example "-345...", "973..."
    'Returns sA times sB as string integer in Multiply()
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits
    Dim bAN As Boolean, bBN As Boolean, bRN As Boolean
    Dim m() As Long, iCarry As Long
    Dim iAL As Integer, iBL As Integer, iA As Integer, iB As Integer
    'test for empty parameters
    If Len(sA) = 0 Or Len(sB) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Empty parameter in Multiply()"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'handle any negative signs
    bAN = (Left(sA, 1) = "-")
    bBN = (Left(sB, 1) = "-")
    If bAN Then sA = Mid(sA, 2)
    If bBN Then sB = Mid(sB, 2)
    bRN = (bAN <> bBN)
    iAL = Len(sA)
    iBL = Len(sB)
    'perform long multiplication without carry in notional columns
    ReDim m(1 To (iAL + iBL - 1)) 'expected length of product
    For iA = 1 To iAL
        For iB = 1 To iBL
            m(iA + iB - 1) = m(iA + iB - 1) + CLng(Mid(sA, iAL - iA + 1, 1)) * CLng(Mid(sB, iBL - iB + 1, 1))
        Next iB
    Next iA
    iCarry = 0
    Multiply = ""
    'add up column results with carry
    For iA = 1 To iAL + iBL - 1
        iCarry = iCarry + m(iA)
        Multiply = CStr(iCarry Mod 10) + Multiply
        iCarry = iCarry \ 10
    Next iA
    Multiply = CStr(iCarry) + Multiply
    'remove any leading zeros
    Do While Len(Multiply) > 1 And Left(Multiply, 1) = "0"
        Multiply = Mid(Multiply, 2)
    'decide about any negative signs
    If Multiply <> "0" And bRN Then
        Multiply = "-" + Multiply
    End If

End Function

Public Function PartialDivide(ByVal sA As String, ByVal sB As String) As PartialDivideInfo
    'Called only by Divide() to assist in fitting trials for long division
    'All of Quotient, Subtrahend, and Remainder are returned as elements of type PartialDivideInfo
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits
    For PartialDivide.Quotient = 9 To 1 Step -1                                'propose a divisor to fit
        PartialDivide.Subtrahend = Multiply(sB, CStr(PartialDivide.Quotient))  'test by multiplying it out
        If Compare(PartialDivide.Subtrahend, sA) <= 0 Then                     'best fit found
            PartialDivide.Remainder = Subtract(sA, PartialDivide.Subtrahend)   'get remainder
            Exit Function                                                      'exit with best fit details
        End If
    Next PartialDivide.Quotient
    'no fit found, divisor too big
    PartialDivide.Quotient = 0
    PartialDivide.Subtrahend = "0"
    PartialDivide.Remainder = sA

End Function

Public Function Divide(ByVal sA As String, ByVal sB As String) As String
    'Parameters are string integers of any length, for example "-345...", "973..."
    'Returns sA divided by sB as string integer in Divide()
    'The remainder is available as sLastRemainder at Module level
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits
    Dim bAN  As Boolean, bBN As Boolean, bRN As Boolean
    Dim iC As Integer
    Dim s As String
    Dim d As PartialDivideInfo
    'test for empty parameters
    If Len(sA) = 0 Or Len(sB) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Empty parameter in Divide()"
        Exit Function
    End If
    bAN = (Left(sA, 1) = "-") 'true for neg
    bBN = (Left(sB, 1) = "-")
    If bAN Then sA = Mid(sA, 2) 'take two charas if neg
    If bBN Then sB = Mid(sB, 2)
    bRN = (bAN <> bBN)
    If Compare(sB, "0") = 0 Then
        Err.Raise 11
        Exit Function
    ElseIf Compare(sA, "0") = 0 Then
        Divide = "0"
        sLastRemainder = "0"
        Exit Function
    End If
    iC = Compare(sA, sB)
    If iC < 0 Then
        Divide = "0"
        sLastRemainder = sA
        Exit Function
    ElseIf iC = 0 Then
        If bRN Then
            Divide = "-1"
            Divide = "1"
        End If
        sLastRemainder = "0"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Divide = ""
    s = ""
    'Long division method
    For iC = 1 To Len(sA)
        'take increasing number of digits
        s = s + Mid(sA, iC, 1)
        d = PartialDivide(s, sB) 'find best fit
        Divide = Divide + CStr(d.Quotient)
        s = d.Remainder
    Next iC
    'remove any leading zeros
    Do While Len(Divide) > 1 And Left(Divide, 1) = "0"
        Divide = Mid(Divide, 2)
    'decide about the signs
    If Divide <> "0" And bRN Then
        Divide = "-" + Divide
    End If
    sLastRemainder = s 'string integer remainder

End Function

Public Function LastModulus() As String
    LastModulus = sLastRemainder
End Function

Public Function Modulus(ByVal sA As String, ByVal sB As String) As String
    Divide sA, sB
    Modulus = sLastRemainder
End Function

Public Function BigIntFromString(ByVal sIn As String, ByVal iBaseIn As Integer) As String
    'Returns base10 integer string from sIn of different base (iBaseIn).
    'Example for sIn = "1A" and iBaseIn = 16, returns the base10 result 26.
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella's String Math Module with added edits
    Dim bRN As Boolean
    Dim sBS As String
    Dim iP As Integer, iV As Integer
    'test for empty parameters
    If Len(sIn) = 0 Or iBaseIn = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Bad parameter in BigIntFromString()"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'handle negative signs
    If Left(sIn, 1) = "-" Then
        bRN = True
        sIn = Mid(sIn, 2)
        bRN = False
    End If
    sBS = CStr(iBaseIn)
    BigIntFromString = "0"
    For iP = 1 To Len(sIn)
        'use constant list position and base for conversion
        iV = InStr(Alphabet, UCase(Mid(sIn, iP, 1)))
        If iV > 0 Then 'accumulate
            BigIntFromString = Multiply(BigIntFromString, sBS)
            BigIntFromString = Add(BigIntFromString, CStr(iV - 1))
        End If
    Next iP
    'decide on any negative signs
    If bRN Then
        BigIntFromString = "-" + BigIntFromString
    End If

End Function

Public Function BigIntToString(ByVal sIn As String, ByVal iBaseOut As Integer) As String
    'Returns integer string of specified iBaseOut (iBaseOut) from base10 (sIn) integer string.
    'Example for sIn = "26" and iBaseOut = 16, returns the output "1A".
    'Credit to Rebecca Gabriella'sIn String Math Module with added edits
    Dim bRN As Boolean
    Dim sB As String
    Dim iV As Integer
    'test for empty parameters
    If Len(sIn) = 0 Or iBaseOut = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Bad parameter in BigIntToString()"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'handle negative signs
    If Left(sIn, 1) = "-" Then
        bRN = True
        sIn = Mid(sIn, 2)
        bRN = False
    End If
    sB = CStr(iBaseOut)
    BigIntToString = ""
    Do While Compare(sIn, "0") > 0
        sIn = Divide(sIn, sB)
        iV = CInt(LastModulus())
        'locates appropriate alphabet character
        BigIntToString = Mid(Alphabet, iV + 1, 1) + BigIntToString
    'decide on any negative signs
    If BigIntToString = "" Then
        BigIntToString = "0"
    ElseIf BigIntToString <> "0" And bRN Then
        BigIntToString = "-" + BigIntToString
    End If

End Function


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  • Factorial() 使用主模块的 Multiply() 和其他整数数学函数。它当然相当慢,但在其他方面没有任何实际限制。代码已任意限制为计算高达 1000! 的值,但用户可以根据需要进行调整。DoEvents 在这里很重要,因为它允许在进行不当尝试时中断运行。此处不处理倒数阶乘和负阶乘。
  • IntStrByExp() 将整数字符串提升到指数。同样,此过程尚不能处理负指数,但可以对要提升的数字使用负值。
Sub testFactorial()
   'Run this to test factorial
   Dim sIn As Integer, sOut As String
   sIn = "400"
   sOut = Factorial(sIn)
   'output Immediate Window
   Debug.Print sIn & "!" & vbCrLf & _
               sOut & vbCrLf & _
               Len(sOut) & " digits" & vbCrLf
   'output message box - short output
   'MsgBox sIn & "!" & vbcrlf & _
           sOut & vbCrLf & _
           Len(sOut) &  " digits" & vbCrLf

End Sub

Function Factorial(ByVal sA As String) As String
    'Returns integer string factorial for integer string parameter sA
    '2000! in 30 secs (5736 digits); 1000! in six seconds (2568 digits)
    '400! in one second (869 digits);100! pdq (158 digits).
    'Arbitrarily set max sA = "1000"
    Dim iC As Integer
    'avoid excessively long runs
    If CInt(sA) >= 1000 Then
        MsgBox "Run time too long - closing."
        Factorial = "Error - Run time too long"
        Exit Function
    End If
    iC = CInt(sA)
    Factorial = "1"
    'run factorial loop
    Do Until iC <= 0
        DoEvents 'permits break key use
        Factorial = Multiply(Factorial, iC)
        iC = iC - 1

End Function

Sub testIntStrByExp()
   'Run this to test IntStrByExp
   Dim sIn As String, sOut As String, iExp As Integer, bA As Boolean
   Dim nL As Integer
   sIn = "-123456789123456789"
   iExp = 7
   sOut = IntStrByExp(sIn, iExp)
   nL = Len(sOut)
   If Left(sOut, 1) = "-" Then
   nL = nL - 1
   End If
   'output Immediate Window
   Debug.Print sIn & "^" & iExp & " equals" & vbCrLf & _
               sOut & vbCrLf & _
               nL & " digits out" & vbCrLf
   'output message box - short output
   MsgBox sIn & "^" & iExp & " equals" & vbCrLf & _
               sOut & vbCrLf & _
               nL & " digits out" & vbCrLf

End Sub

Function IntStrByExp(ByVal sA As String, ByVal iExp As Integer) As String
    'Returns integer string raised to exponent iExp as integer string
    'Assumes posiive exponent, and pos or neg string integer
    Dim bA As Boolean, bR As Boolean
    'check parameter
    If iExp < 0 Then
        MsgBox "Cannot handle negative powers yet"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'handle any negative signs
    bA = (Left(sA, 1) = "-")
    If bA Then sA = Mid(sA, 2) Else sA = Mid(sA, 1)
    If bA And RealMod(iExp, 2) <> 0 Then bR = True
    'run multiplication loop
    IntStrByExp = "1"
    Do Until iExp <= 0
        DoEvents 'permits break key use
        IntStrByExp = Multiply(IntStrByExp, sA)
        iExp = iExp - 1

    'remove any leading zeros
    Do While Len(IntStrByExp) > 1 And Left(IntStrByExp, 1) = "0"
        IntStrByExp = Mid(IntStrByExp, 2)
    'decide on any signs
    If IntStrByExp <> "0" And bR Then
       IntStrByExp = "-" & IntStrByExp
    End If

End Function


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