Visual Basic for Applications/多键冒泡排序
- 这段相当长的 VBA 代码清单允许对一个数组进行三键冒泡排序。它有时被称为交叉排序。
- 如果还不清楚这意味着什么,假设有许多要排序的姓名;每个姓名包含两个名字和一个姓氏。姓名记录占据一行,其各个部分位于单独的列中。第一个键可能对姓氏列进行排序,但是可能有很多记录叫Smith。然后,第二个键对姓氏相同的记录的第一个名字进行排序。可能仍然有很多John Smith的姓名记录是相同的。第三个键对那些姓氏和第一个名字组合相同的记录的第二个名字列进行排序。
- 在 Excel 工作表中,高级排序功能中也可以找到类似的功能。不熟悉这种排序类型的用户可以尝试一下,以更好地理解这个过程。
- 此处的函数具有升序或降序排序、行排序或列排序选项,以及将排序后的工作返回到另一个数组或原始数组中的选项。最多可以指定三个键,但是如果有些键未使用,例如,因为只需要两个交叉排序,则假定 Key1 和 Key2 将在 Key3 之前使用。无论如何,不合理的设置会导致消息框提示。
Function SortArr2D3Keys(vA As Variant, _
Optional Key1 As Long = -1, _
Optional Key2 As Long = -1, _
Optional Key3 As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal bIsAscending As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bIsRowSort As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByRef vR As Variant) As Boolean
' Procedure : SortArr2D3Keys
' Purpose : Bubblesorts a 2D array using 3 keys, up or down, on any column or row.
' For example, sorting using up to three columns;
' Eg; first sorts surnames, then sorts among same surnames for first names,
' then among similar surnames with same first names for middle names.
' Options include in-place, with the source changed, or
' if supplied, returned in vR, with the source array intact.
' Optional parameters default to: ROW SORT, ASCENDING.
' Trailing key options that are not needed should be set to same as previous.
Dim condition1 As Boolean, vW As Variant, Temp
Dim i As Long, j As Long, y As Long, t As Variant
Dim loR As Long, hiR As Long, loC As Long, hiC As Long
Dim r As Long, c As Long, bWasMissing As Boolean
Dim sCombo As String, reply
Dim b1Used As Boolean, b2Used As Boolean, b3Used As Boolean
'find bounds of vA data input array
loR = LBound(vA, 1): hiR = UBound(vA, 1)
loC = LBound(vA, 2): hiC = UBound(vA, 2)
'find whether optional vR was initially missing
bWasMissing = IsMissing(vR)
If Not bWasMissing Then Set vR = Nothing
If Key1 <> -1 Then
b1Used = True
'check key within bounds
If bIsRowSort And (Key1 < loC Or Key1 > hiC) Then
MsgBox "Sort key1 out of bounds"
Exit Function
End If
If Not bIsRowSort And (Key1 < loR Or Key1 > hiR) Then
MsgBox "Sort key1 out of bounds"
Exit Function
End If
End If
If Key2 <> -1 Then
b2Used = True
'check key within bounds
If bIsRowSort And (Key2 < loC Or Key2 > hiC) Then
MsgBox "Sort key2 out of bounds"
Exit Function
End If
If Not bIsRowSort And (Key2 < loR Or Key2 > hiR) Then
MsgBox "Sort key2 out of bounds"
Exit Function
End If
End If
If Key3 <> -1 Then
b3Used = True
'check key within bounds
If bIsRowSort And (Key3 < loC Or Key3 > hiC) Then
MsgBox "Sort key3 out of bounds"
Exit Function
End If
If Not bIsRowSort And (Key3 < loR Or Key3 > hiR) Then
MsgBox "Sort key3 out of bounds"
Exit Function
End If
End If
sCombo = CStr(Abs(b1Used)) & CStr(Abs(b2Used)) & CStr(Abs(b3Used))
'MsgBox sCombo
Select Case sCombo
Case "000"
'no keys selected
If bIsRowSort Then
reply = MsgBox("No keys selected." & vbCrLf & _
"Use lower bound column for a single key?", vbCritical + vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Please confirm your selection...")
Select Case reply
Case vbYes
Key1 = loC
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
reply = MsgBox("No keys selected." & vbCrLf & _
"Use lower bound row for a single key?", vbCritical + vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Please confirm your selection...")
Select Case reply
Case vbYes
Key1 = loR
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
End If
Case "100", "110", "111"
'proceed normally
Case Else
MsgBox "Only three combinations of sort keys are possible" & vbCrLf & _
"Key1 alone, Key1 with Key2, or Key1 with Key2 and Key3."
Exit Function
End Select
'use a working array for sorting
vW = vA
'steer input options
If bIsRowSort Then GoTo ROWSORT Else GoTo COLSORT
'row sort using 3 intersort keys
'Sort rows of array using first column index, Key1
For i = loR To hiR - 1
For j = i + 1 To hiR
'set < for descending, and > for ascending
If bIsAscending Then
condition1 = vW(i, Key1) > vW(j, Key1)
condition1 = vW(i, Key1) < vW(j, Key1)
End If
If condition1 Then
For c = loC To hiC
Temp = vW(i, c)
vW(i, c) = vW(j, c)
vW(j, c) = Temp
End If
If b2Used Then
'Sort rows of array using second column index, Key2
For i = loR To hiR - 1
For j = i + 1 To hiR
'if-condition avoids independence of second sort
'note that a third stage would have THREE terms
If vW(i, Key1) = vW(j, Key1) Then
'set < for descending, and > for ascending
If bIsAscending Then
condition1 = vW(i, Key2) > vW(j, Key2)
condition1 = vW(i, Key2) < vW(j, Key2)
End If
If condition1 Then
For c = loC To hiC
Temp = vW(i, c)
vW(i, c) = vW(j, c)
vW(j, c) = Temp
End If
End If
End If
If b3Used Then
'Sort rows of array using third column index, Key3
For i = loR To hiR - 1
For j = i + 1 To hiR
'if-condition avoids independence of second sort
'note that a third stage would have THREE terms
If vW(i, Key1) = vW(j, Key1) And vW(i, Key2) = vW(j, Key2) Then
'set < for descending, and > for ascending
If bIsAscending Then
condition1 = vW(i, Key3) > vW(j, Key3)
condition1 = vW(i, Key3) < vW(j, Key3)
End If
If condition1 Then
For c = loC To hiC
Temp = vW(i, c)
vW(i, c) = vW(j, c)
vW(j, c) = Temp
End If
End If
End If
'column sort using 3 intersort keys
'Sort columns of array using first row index, Key1
For i = loC To hiC - 1
For j = i + 1 To hiC
'set < for descending, and > for ascending
If bIsAscending Then
condition1 = vW(Key1, i) > vW(Key1, j)
condition1 = vW(Key1, i) < vW(Key1, j)
End If
If condition1 Then
For c = loR To hiR
Temp = vW(c, i)
vW(c, i) = vW(c, j)
vW(c, j) = Temp
End If
If b2Used Then
'Sort columns of array using second row index, Key2
For i = loC To hiC - 1
For j = i + 1 To hiC
'if-condition avoids independence of second sort
'note that a third stage would have THREE terms
If vW(Key1, i) = vW(Key1, j) Then
'set < for descending, and > for ascending
If bIsAscending Then
condition1 = vW(Key2, i) > vW(Key2, j)
condition1 = vW(Key2, i) < vW(Key2, j)
End If
If condition1 Then
For c = loR To hiR
Temp = vW(c, i)
vW(c, i) = vW(c, j)
vW(c, j) = Temp
End If
End If
End If
If b3Used Then
'Sort columns of array using third row index, Key2
For i = loC To hiC - 1
For j = i + 1 To hiC
'if-condition avoids independence of second sort
'note that a third stage would have THREE terms
If vW(Key1, i) = vW(Key1, j) And vW(Key2, i) = vW(Key2, j) Then
'set < for descending, and > for ascending
If bIsAscending Then
condition1 = vW(Key3, i) > vW(Key3, j)
condition1 = vW(Key3, i) < vW(Key3, j)
End If
If condition1 Then
For c = loR To hiR
Temp = vW(c, i)
vW(c, i) = vW(c, j)
vW(c, j) = Temp
End If
End If
End If
'decide whether to return in vA or vR
If Not bWasMissing Then
'vR was the intended return array
'so return vR leaving vA intact
vR = vW
'vR is not intended
'so reload vA with vR
vA = vW
End If
'set return function value
SortArr2D3Keys = True
End Function