应用程序/冒泡排序在一个键上的 Visual Basic
- 此过程用于对二维数组进行排序。这可能是最常见的需求。这些选项允许对列或行进行排序,选择排序索引,以及选择升序或降序排序。同样,可以选择将排序后的工作结果返回到另一个数组中,同时保持输入数组不变,或者如果没有提供新数组,则将排序后的结果返回到原始数组中。
- 冒泡排序的速度适用于大多数 VBA 项目,虽然更快的排序算法被用于要求更高的应用程序。虽然在 Excel 中不可用,但使用 MS Word 的用户可以考虑调用 WordBasic 的 SortArray 函数。在 Excel 中,WorksheetFunctions 可能需要研究一下它们在排序方面的用途。
Function SortArr2D1Key(ByRef vA As Variant, _
Optional ByVal bIsAscending As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bIsRowSort As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal SortIndex As Long = -1, _
Optional ByRef vRet As Variant) As Boolean
' Procedure : SortArr2D1Key
' Purpose : Bubblesorts a 2D array on 1 key, up or down, on any column or row.
' Options include in-place, with the source changed, or
' returned in vRet, with the source array intact.
' Optional parameters default to: ROW SORT in place, ASCENDING,
' using COLUMN ONE as the key.
Dim condition1 As Boolean, vR As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, y As Long, t As Variant
Dim loR As Long, hiR As Long, loC As Long, hiC As Long
Dim r As Long, c As Long, bWasMissing As Boolean
'find bounds of vA data input array
loR = LBound(vA, 1): hiR = UBound(vA, 1)
loC = LBound(vA, 2): hiC = UBound(vA, 2)
'find whether optional vR was initially missing
bWasMissing = IsMissing(vRet)
'If Not bWasMissing Then Set vRet = Nothing
'check input range of SortIndex
If bIsRowSort And (SortIndex < loC Or SortIndex > hiC) Then
MsgBox "SortIndex out of bounds in Sort2DArr; closing now"
Exit Function
End If
If Not bIsRowSort And (SortIndex < loR Or SortIndex > hiR) Then
MsgBox "SortIndex out of bounds in Sort2DArr; closing now"
Exit Function
End If
'pass to a work variable
vR = vA
'steer input options
If bIsRowSort Then GoTo ROWSORT Else GoTo COLSORT
For i = loR To hiR - 1
For j = loR To hiR - 1
If bIsAscending Then
condition1 = vR(j, SortIndex) > vR(j + 1, SortIndex)
condition1 = vR(j, SortIndex) < vR(j + 1, SortIndex)
End If
If condition1 Then
For y = loC To hiC
t = vR(j, y)
vR(j, y) = vR(j + 1, y)
vR(j + 1, y) = t
Next y
End If
For i = loC To hiC - 1
For j = loC To hiC - 1
If bIsAscending Then
condition1 = vR(SortIndex, j) > vR(SortIndex, j + 1)
condition1 = vR(SortIndex, j) < vR(SortIndex, j + 1)
End If
If condition1 Then
For y = loR To hiR
t = vR(y, j)
vR(y, j) = vR(y, j + 1)
vR(y, j + 1) = t
Next y
End If
'decide whether to return in vA or vRet
If Not bWasMissing Then
'vRet was the intended return array
'so return vRet leaving vA intact
vRet = vR
'vRet is not intended return array
'so reload vA with vR
vA = vR
End If
'set return function value
SortArr2D1Key = True
End Function