
应用程序 VBA/文件和文件夹实用程序

  • 第一组实用程序集中在基本FileSystemObject集合上;也就是说,用于查找文件或文件夹是否存在、大小以及是否具有特定属性的集合。还提供了基本的路径解析过程。所有这些过程都需要在 VBA 编辑器中引用Microsoft Scripting Runtime
  • 没有发现普遍有用的代码来测试打开的文件。虽然存在许多过程,但它们在某种程度上都失败了,通常无法识别打开的文本或图像文件,或者标记为只读的 Office 文件。问题的根源是,Windows 中的许多此类文件在用户打开时不会锁定,因此尝试通过尝试获得唯一访问权限来检测打开状态的过程无法做到这一点。任何拥有通用解决方案的读者都可以随时发表评论。

VBA 说明

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例如:(参见下面的 HasAttribute 过程。)假设从 GetAttr 获得的属性包等于 37
并且我们只测试“系统”属性(“S”)与 vbSystem = 4。现在,对于数字,
AND 运算符对每列执行按位 AND 运算,因此给出

01001012 = 3710 = vbArchive + vbSystem + vbReadOnly
00001002 = 410 = vbSystem
00001002 = 410,布尔变量解释为 True,因为它不为零



ParsePath 过程中给出了文件路径解析的示例。该示例使用Split函数将所有反斜杠分隔的项放入数组中,然后重新组合它们以创建路径。类似的方法,以点进行拆分,用于创建文件名和后缀。

VBA 代码模块

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Option Explicit

Function FileFound(sPath As String) As Boolean
    'returns true if parameter path file found
    Dim fs As FileSystemObject
    'set ref to fso
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'test for file
    FileFound = fs.FileExists(sPath)
    Set fs = Nothing
End Function

Function FolderFound(sPath As String) As Boolean
    'returns true if parameter path folder found
    Dim fs As FileSystemObject
    'set ref to fso
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'test for folder
    FolderFound = fs.FolderExists(sPath)
    Set fs = Nothing
End Function

Function GetFileSize(sPath As String, nSize As Long) As Boolean
    'returns file size in bytes for parameter path file
    Dim fs As FileSystemObject, f As File
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fs.FileExists(sPath) Then
        Set f = fs.GetFile(sPath)
        nSize = f.Size
        GetFileSize = True
    End If

    Set fs = Nothing: Set f = Nothing

End Function

Function GetFolderSize(sPath As String, nSize As Long) As Boolean
    'returns total content size in bytes for parameter path folder
    Dim fs As FileSystemObject, f As Folder
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fs.FolderExists(sPath) Then
        Set f = fs.GetFolder(sPath)
        nSize = f.Size
        GetFolderSize = True
    End If
    Set fs = Nothing: Set f = Nothing

End Function

Function HasAttribute(sPath As String, sA As String) As Boolean
    'returns true if parameter path file or folder INCLUDES test parameter
    'eg: if sA= "H" then returns true if file attributes INCLUDE "hidden"
    'Untested attributes might also exist
    'sA values
    '"R"; read only, "H"; hidden, "S"; system, "A"; archive
    '"D"; directory, "X"; alias, "N"; normal
    Dim bF As Boolean, nA As Integer
    Dim bFile As Boolean, bFldr As Boolean
    Dim fs As FileSystemObject, f As File, fd As Folder
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'check path parameter
    bFile = fs.FileExists(sPath)
    bFldr = fs.FolderExists(sPath)
    If bFile Or bFldr Then
        'get its attribute bundle
        nA = GetAttr(sPath)
        'neither found so exit
        MsgBox "Bad path parameter"
        GoTo Wayout
    End If
    'early exit for no attributes
    If nA = 0 And sA = "N" Then                   '0
        HasAttribute = True
        Exit Function
    End If
    'test for attribute in sA
    'logical AND on number variable bit columns
    If (nA And vbReadOnly) And sA = "R" Then      '1
        bF = True
    ElseIf (nA And vbHidden) And sA = "H" Then    '2
        bF = True
    ElseIf (nA And vbSystem) And sA = "S" Then    '4
        bF = True
    ElseIf (nA And vbDirectory) And sA = "D" Then '16
        bF = True
    ElseIf (nA And vbArchive) And sA = "A" Then   '32
        bF = True
    ElseIf (nA And vbAlias) And sA = "X" Then     '64
        bF = True
    End If
    HasAttribute = bF

    Set fs = Nothing: Set f = Nothing: Set fd = Nothing

End Function

Function ParsePath(sPath As String, Optional sP As String, _
                   Optional sF As String, Optional sS As String) As Boolean
    'sPath has full file path
    'returns path of file with end backslash (sP),
    'file name less suffix (sF), and suffix less dot(sS)
    Dim vP As Variant, vS As Variant, n As Long
    Dim bF As Boolean, fs As FileSystemObject
    'set ref to fso
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'test that file exists
    bF = fs.FileExists(sPath)

    If Not bF Then
        'MsgBox "File not found"
        GoTo Wayout
    End If
    'make array from path elements split on backslash
    vP = Split(sPath, "\")
    'make array from file name elements split on dot
    vS = Split(vP(UBound(vP)), ".")

    'rebuild path with backslashes
    For n = LBound(vP) To UBound(vP) - 1
        sP = sP & vP(n) & "\"
    Next n
    sF = vS(LBound(vS))
    sS = vS(UBound(vS))

    ParsePath = True

    Set fs = Nothing

End Function
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