Visual Basic for Applications/朗读字符串和文本
此页面包含 Excel VBA 代码,用于朗读字符串的内容,即保存在字符串变量中的文本。 它可以适应在 MS Office 中的其它地方使用。
将整个代码清单放入一个标准模块中,并将文件保存为带有 xlsm 后缀的文件。运行各种子例程以查看代码的工作原理。
Sub BasicExcelSpeech()
'Speaks the supplied string text in a default Excel voice
'Default voice is changed via Windows Control Panel
'Named Parameters of Speak():
'Text: the text to read (Required)
'SpeakAsync:=0, waits until done, or with 1, code runs during play (Optional)
'SpeakXML:=0 , normal setting, or with 1, to ignore xml tags (Optional)
'Purge:=0 , normal play, or with 1, clears the present play (Optional)
Application.Speech.Speak Text:="Hello", SpeakAsync:=0, SpeakXML:=0, Purge:=0
End Sub
Sub testSpeakEachDigit()
SpeakEachDigit "0123456789"
End Sub
Function SpeakEachDigit(sIn As String) As Boolean
'non API method
'uses excel's speak function to read a string, chara by chara
'one character at a time
Dim n As Long, m As Long, sS As String
Application.EnableSound = True
For n = 1 To Len(sIn)
sS = Mid(sIn, n, 1) 'take one character
Application.Speech.Speak sS, 0, 0, 0
Next n
SpeakEachDigit = True
End Function
Sub testSetupSpeechVoice()
'Run this to test SetupSpeechVoice()
Dim sTxt As String, nVoc As Integer, nSpd As Integer, nVol As Integer
sTxt = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1234567890 times."
nVoc = 1 'chosen voice 0 or 1
nSpd = 0 'speed of reading -10 to +10
nVol = 100 'volume level 0 to 100
SetupSpeechVoice sTxt, nVoc, nSpd, nVol
End Sub
Function SetupSpeechVoice(sText As String, Optional ByVal nVoices As Integer, _
Optional ByVal nRate As Integer, _
Optional ByVal nLoudness As Integer) As Boolean
'Selects voice using an index, rate of speech -10 to +10,
'and volume 0-100 for Speech.Speak()
'Needs a VBA editor reference to Microsoft Speech Object Library
Dim voc As SpeechLib.SpVoice
Set voc = New SpVoice
'avoid wrong choice of voice
If nVoices > voc.GetVoices.Count - 1 Or nVoices < 0 Then
MsgBox "Voice integer is out of range"
Exit Function
End If
With voc
Set .Voice = .GetVoices.Item(nVoices)
.Rate = nRate
.Volume = nLoudness
.Speak sText
End With
SetupSpeechVoice = True
End Function
Sub ListAvailableVoices()
'run this to know the id of the available voices
'Needs a VBA editor reference to Microsoft Speech Object Library
Dim n As Integer, sAccum As String
Dim voc As SpeechLib.SpVoice
Set voc = New SpVoice
For n = 0 To voc.GetVoices.Count - 1
Set voc.Voice = voc.GetVoices.Item(n)
sAccum = sAccum & " " & n & " - " & voc.Voice.GetDescription & vbCrLf
voc.Speak "My voice index number is " & CStr(n)
Next n
MsgBox sAccum
End Sub