Visual Basic for Applications/使用 Like 运算符进行验证
此 VBA 示例可以在任何常用的 Microsoft Office 应用程序中运行。本页上的示例使用 Like 运算符来比较字符串。第一个示例演示了如何检查字符串是否符合英国国民保险号码 (NINO) 的正确格式,NINO 是一个类似于美国社会安全号码 (SSN) 的号码。格式规则清晰,因此这是一个很好的示例。与本集中其他检查输入时非法字符的示例不同,此方法仅在用户完成输入后执行。
- 代码需要一个名为 Userform1 的用户窗体、两个文本框,TextBox1 和 TextBox2,以及一个名为 CommandButton1 的命令按钮。将 UserForm1 属性 ShowModal 设置为 false 以便于学习。将下面的代码复制到三个相应的模块中,并将工作簿保存为 xlsm 文件后缀。
- 打开工作簿时,将显示用户窗体。在 TextBox1 中输入数字格式,完成后按 Tab 键移至下一个文本框。如果数字格式正确,则插入点会移动,否则会停留在错误的文本中等待更正。将 BeforeUpdate() 的 Cancel 参数设置为 true 可以阻止移动。
- 请注意,除非自上次插入点进入框以来文本发生了更改,否则 Before_Update() 事件根本不会运行。因此,强调一下,离开框后,如果用户再次在框中点击而没有进行更改,则在移至下一个框时事件不会运行。如果这带来了问题,请考虑使用 Exit 事件进行测试。
- 另请参阅 输入框,了解其他许多与验证相关的过程。
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
' Runs when workbook opens
Load UserForm1
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
'Runs on exit from the textbox provided that changes to text were made.
'Setting Cancel to True keeps the insertion point in the text
'instead of tabbing on.
If IsNINO(TextBox1.Value) Then
'all ok
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Sub testIsNINO()
'run this to test the IsNINO procedure
Dim sIn As String
'set nino here to test
sIn = "QQ123456A"
MsgBox IsNINO(sIn)
End Sub
Function IsNINO(sIn As String) As Boolean
' Checks format of UK National Insurance Number (NINO)
' Converts to upper case for comparison
'NOTES: Ref:National Insurance Numbers (NINOs): Format and Security:
'A NINO is made up of two letters, six numbers and a final letter, which is always A, B, C, or D.
'D, F, I, Q, U, and V are not used as first or second letter of prefix.
'Letter O is not used as the second letter of prefix.
'Prefix combinations BG, GB, KN, NK, NT, TN and ZZ are not to be used.
'Suffix characters can be only A,B, C,or D. (Elsewhere in examples space has been included here.)
Dim bTemp As Boolean
Const s1 As String = "[ABCEGHJKLMNOPRSTWXYZ]" 'alphabet less D, F, I, Q, U, and V; pattern for the first letter
Const s2 As String = "[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTWXYZ]" 'alphabet less D, F, I, O , Q, U, and V; pattern for the second letter
Const s3 As String = "######" 'includes only six integers; pattern for the six integers
Const s4 As String = "[ABCD]" 'includes only A, B, C, or D; pattern for the end letter
' Four parts of number to check are each in square brackets
' Right hand side of like operation concatenates
' all four pattern strings as one. Notice that the alpha patterns here make
' use of long format notation where every character permitted has been included.
' Instead, the alpha patterns could have been expressed as ranges; eg; "[ABCD]" is same as "[A-D]"
bTemp = UCase(sIn) Like s1 & s2 & s3 & s4
If bTemp Then
' Check for illegal pairs
Select Case Left$(UCase(sIn), 2)
Case "BG", "GB", "KN", "NK", "NT", "TN", "ZZ"
IsNINO = False
MsgBox "Illegal prefix pair detected."
Exit Function
Case Else
IsNINO = True
Exit Function
End Select
MsgBox "Illegal characters detected."
IsNINO = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function